see video:
Hello everyone,
I recently purchased a Drifter with 200 original hours on the motor. Owner didn't do complete much heavy maintenance but changed oil, plugs, filter, ect.
Last month I installed a new rotax oil filter, new fuel filter custom fuel lines. Oil Changed, coolant changed, and "choke" cable system replaced. Minimum throttle idle speed is too low. I need to purge the air from the oil lines I recently became aware of.
Parts were ordered from the aircraft manufacturer. The fuel lines were made from experienced aviation tubing manufacturer who is very familiar with rotax engines.
Pertaining to the video....The first signal I'm showing in the video is 2000rpm. The second signal I'm showing is the mixture control. I Decrease "choke" or enricher lever and have power loss. First time today I heard a power oscillation at 3000 rpm.
Motor doesn't sound aweful, but isn't quite right. I want this engine to purr like a kitten. I think it can.
Comments, analysis, tips, suggestions are welcome. THAT'S WHY I POSTING THIS. Maybe it can help someone else in the future.
Fire away