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Everything posted by Farley

  1. I have tried cutting the thumbs off all motor bike gloves and punching holes in , in line with the mic element. With a normal 3mm thick muff under neath. Didn't work I then took a foam rubber pot scourer and shaped it on a belt sander and drilled a hole down the centre and placed this over the leather boot. Didn't work I then bought wind muffs that musicians use that are made for mike assemblies much larger than what we need. Didn't work I tried 2 wind muffs over the whole caboodel and finally started to get some where. I took it all apart and blocked the forward facing hole in the leather boot with tape and reassembled the whole lot and it .... you guessed it, didn't work it was worse I have tied Sennheiser S1 Digital a Sennheiser S1 passive and no luck. So as a trike pilot I am happy to share my tale of woe and if any body can help I am also looking for a solution
  2. I have done exactly that and very happy with the results. My only problem is electrical noise clicking over the radio from the relays. I was to lazy to fit capacitors on the relay contacts to catch the arc made by the d.c. when the contacts opened. I should have also fitted diodes to the relay coils to stop any back emf when the coil de-energized. Picture shows my game joy stick I got from a pawn shop for a few $
  3. drilling guide
  4. lower angular insertion.
  5. Hi Here is a circuit diagram I found ?
  6. more dash
  7. Dash rebuild
  8. Wing upgrades
  9. The road so far !...................... sorry Winchester's I could not resist that LOL I could not get the new strut connectors to fit in the old existing struts the new ones are 27mm OD and the old ones 25.8mm I could buy new struts and more strut ends or modify the existing ones. Modifying would save all the extra work of cutting and drilling struts and the expense What do you think ?
  10. how do I upload pics ?
  11. I am busy with the upgrade would u like some photos ? [email protected]
  12. Farley

    The Great Trek

    Cant spell ,,, I left my self open to those
  13. Farley

    The Great Trek

    Good one guys ! I left my self open those....lol
  14. Farley

    The Great Trek

    Hi before I re-assemble please give me some ideas to improve or up-grade ??
  15. Farley

    The Great Trek

    That pic of the kid is the Boss. She a shorty. F*&k it I could not believe a woman can have the mutters for so long... LOL
  16. Farley

    The Great Trek

    Hi Kyle,,,,,,,,,,,,,, East London............ its South East Coast of South Africa
  17. Farley

    The Great Trek

    Johannesburg to East London and back again 2000km 30 Hours
  18. Hi all. Compliments of the season to you. Re the rising oil level..... In my motor biking days I always looked at the gearbox level before riding. The small round glass window on the clutch cover had a top and bottom line marked. If the oil level rose from center to upper line I knew that the needle and seat in the carb was leaking and petrol was flowing down the carb rubbers past the rings in to the sump. Bikes to day have a vacuum petrol tap so you cannot rotate the tap to the off position. I also fill up with petrol before the pre-flight, my thinking is by the time I get to the fuel check which is usually the last thing I check, I'm guessing that any water by then would have had time to settle to the drain.
  19. Farley


    Thank you Sir.
  20. Dear Kyle. I have recently purchased a Savannah from a fellow in East London. S Africa. Its needs some TLC and a new paint job. Other wise its in good condition and will entertain me while I fix it up to my standards. I imagine it was built at the Savannah Factory in East London, when I go dismantle the plane to trailer it back to Johannesburg where I live I will need a manual of sorts to see how to dismantle the wings. Please could you email the manual that you gave to David ? Best regards and thanks in Advance 2002 Savannah 612 UL 100 hp Raptor trike 582 blue top
  21. Hi every body. I purchased my first fixed wing this week, a 2002 Savannah with 100hp Rotax 612.
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