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About Jeffmac

  • Birthday 07/08/1947


  • Location
    4 Charles Street, Riverton 5412
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Member (1/3)

  1. Commenced flying lessons at 20, got married and raised kids - no cash for aviation, kids all married, switched to RAAus and pilot certificate at 55, built a couple of aircraft and still enjoying them at 71. I suspect this may be a typical chain of events among us recreational aviators!
  2. Looking good. Congratulations!
  3. G'day Riley. Congratulations on your new aircraft. Co-incidentally my home built Celebrity 19-8739 first flew about a week ago. A build time of about 3 years. As far as I know our aircraft and Derek Dwyer's are the only 3 of type in OZ. I would love to have your and Derek's power plant - mine has a Subaru EA81. The Celebrity performs beautifully and is a joy to fly. I will download a photo or two on the web site as soon as I can find somebody cleverer than I at the keyboard! Enjoy your creation! Cheers.
  4. RIP Dougie. Thanks for some great times. You will be missed by all of us.
  5. I can understand the concern when inbound to a busy fly-in. Most keep calls to the minimum required and as concise as possible. We have a number of powered parachutes operating at our airfield without radio and have for years practiced standard circuits and "see and avoid" At Narromine and Temorah fly-ins the volunteer RAAF ground "advisor" did a brilliant job, but it is still a worry knowing you have a dozen other aircraft in circuit and can only eyeball 3 or 4. I guess this is what we train for - in my experience the standard of airmanship at these events is pretty good. I would hesitate to fly in to a busy venue without radio.
  6. I have had a pretty good run with the EA81 engines. Mine have AMAX redrives, I have fitted modified intake manifolds and Weber twin throat downdraught carbs. Carb de-ice is essential. Use polychain belts with the redrive - rubber will fail by stripping the teeth off the belt after 200 hrs in my experience. A better redrive is the Foxcon. My engines have a camshaft to suit around 4000 rpm. cruise and the powerhead has proved quite bullet proof. The engine in the Karatoo has done 600 hrs. and I expect in excess of 2000 before overhaul. John Birrell, a fellow South Australian and RF member is the guru on EA81 engines and a valuable source of proven information. Hope this helps. Cheers.
  7. Hello all. New to this site and not very adept at the electronic media so apologies for any mistakes made. I fly an EA 81 powered Karatoo from Truro Flats in South Australia and in the process of construction of a Fisher Celebrity biplane also to be Subaru powered. The Celebrity is covered and in the early stages of completion. I have noticed several familiar names on this website and look forward to sharing experiences. Cheers, Jeff Mackereth
  8. [uSER=2870]@Guernsey[/uSER] Interesting photo. I reckon this was the original test bed and the fore runner of the Supapup line built by a bloke called John Cottle. The business was sold later to a similarly named John Cotton. I used to own this aircraft, reg. 10-0802, for many years and flew hundreds of enjoyable hours. It was 447 equipped, I think it originally had a Cayuna fitted. Traded it in on a Karatoo about 10 years ago. Thanks for the memories. Cheers, Jeffmac
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