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Everything posted by rage83

  1. I got heart thing as well, had to see a heat specialist in initial medical, still didn't take longer than a month
  2. I must be one of the lucky ones, from medicals to PPL and different endoresments i have never had to wait longer than a month to recieve.
  3. readback according to AIP includes runway. therefore rwy 06L Clear for takeoff. granted when there is only one active runway on frequency there shouldnt be an issue however it is a double check. Truth be told its poor form not to include it.
  4. the 150 hrs would be an integrated CPL course
  5. Seems like aviation is suffering from similar problems as other industries. Over regulation comes from one thing. People not admitting liability, be it from fear or from arrogance. If people stick there hand up and say i screwed up or i was being a dick. Yeah the idiot might lose his job but the industry would be better for it. Thats something that i have seen from personal experience and reading the comments here it appears like it is true in aviation.
  6. Only has to be on 3000 upon entering
  7. I just flew direct from yday at 4500. I just called inbound when I was between mt gelobera and mt Isabel. I just called up stating 25 miles south. That gave me a bit of a buffer if they wanted to get me to hold octa but wasnt an issue
  8. There is no required approach points at rocky so u can go direct if it suits I did coming in from the south. It is easier to fix your position over a vfr point though
  9. Which way u coming in from
  10. yeah I gave em a call a couple of days before. They were easy to deal with I planned to stay out of class c. Ended up low enough I went straight into CTR. Got lucky was a straight in approach as well so didn't have to think too much.
  11. if engine temp isnt coming down then you have a problem its that simple find the nearest suitable spot to land.
  12. Flying a plane at a speed into the yellow arc will NOT stress the airframe. Flying above Turbulent air Penetration Speed in turbulent conditiions will stress the airframe. Aircraft often descend at speeds within the yellow arc in the right conditions. Your instructor is right lowering the nose increasing airflow may assist in cooling. However i would be reducing power as well and increasing airspeed obviously height permitting. If my temperature is getting close to or above the upper temp limit i would attempt to cool in then look at cutting flight short landing at nearest suitable. Just remember unless its turbulent you can fly a plane right up to Vne without damage.
  13. Its not about blind faith. Do they let you jump in an aircraft on your own without training? My reasoning is based on myself liking to have been showed how to do something correctly, then being tested. Yes it increases risk however that is why i prefer to do it when i have someone else in an aircraft for the first time. I would rather know that i can handle it and how to handle it than just having someone say aw yeah by the way if the engine stops short final just land it. Most people i know and fly with would prefer me to have been trained in a particular event as apposed to purely winging it when it happens. Cutting mags is probably overkill but it drives home the reason why you need to be able to fly a plane well without an engine. When you are in a situation when the engine stops for real you want to know you can get it the first time because there is no engine so you cant say oh well you butchered that so lets go around and try agin. As for aborting landings yes there are times when you need to abort but that is where the threat and error management of the instructor will need to come into play to decide if it is appropriate. I'm pretty confident there is going to be no instructor on the planet that is going to switch mags off if there are birds or other aircraft on the runway.
  14. if your short final and the mags or mixture is cut what is your option? LAND THE PLANE at short final you should be able to make the field with or without an engine. if you are to have a real engine issue be it mag or otherewise its not going to wait untill you have sufficent height. Engine failures happen at any and all times during flight. Thats why you are trained to deal with it. I kind of disagree with the posts here about being less than impressed. I would rather have it happen when i have an instructor on board the first time to at least be a back up in the event i can't bring it down safely. At what point in the takeoff roll do you practice an engine failure after takeoff? Engine failures at altitude are easy because you have time but that doesen't test you when it counts. The only way to test some one is in a real situation and if an engine fails just after lift off and you cant recover it because you havent been shown it then your in trouble. If the engine fails short final and you havent done it before your in trouble. The reason you have to spend more time and money to learn to fly a plane is because it is a complex process. Emergency procedures are part of that process and emergencies can happen at any time. I for one would prefer to have experienced it under simulated conditions with an experienced instructor beside me then having family or friends sitting beside me and not being full over the best way to get the aircraft down safely.
  15. Just remember it takes a moment to switch fuel pump on or off. So switch off check for rough running no good if it is switch back on. I was always taught not to take my hand off switch untill i have confirmed fuel flow stable. Not all aircraft require fuel pump to be used on take off or landing the 172R and S ( with the injected engine ) are examples of this. Fuel pump is only used to prime the engine and obviously in the event of mech pump failure. but not for take off or landing.
  16. Yeah i have seen that and am pretty sure the Class C is not going to a problem but i also noticed in ERSA that there is a Rocky Approach. Is that they Class C or is it also the Class D CTA?
  17. so rocky approach gonna be the class c? I just rung the tower and forgot to ask that
  18. Ok this one is for the ATC gurus, possibly the controllers that are on here. Ok flying from Townsville to Rockhampton this Thursday, actually flying further but thats first stop for fuel. Rocky is Class D but also has Class C steps on top of the Class D. Is the Class C Rocky Approach still or is it Brissy Center. Do I still contact Rocky App for clearance or does the class C have to be BN Cen for clearance then RK App. Or is it easier just to fly a bit lower and stay out of it. More thinking of outbound, which will obviously be RK GND for clearance not APP, after refuelling. Wanting to pop up to 6500 if i can outbound but there is a class C ontop of the Class D which im pretty sure if i just climbed out i would stick my nose into. Regards, Rob
  19. One thing I didnt spot on my skim through here was that CTA and CTR are diferent animals. If you can stay below the CTA (which is not always possible) this minimises the work load with who you talk to. ie on approach to gold cost if you are above 1500ft, on a approach from archerfield you will enter the class c CTA, will need to contact brissy center for code, brisbane approach for clearance usually abeam dreamworld then they will hand you off to tower once you are in the ctr. however if you wish to fly at less than 1500ft into the gold coast you will negate the need to contact brisbane approach. You still need to contact brisbane center for code but you will contact tower directly for clearance. This is why the note was there for the VFR routes for transitting the CTR. And as otheres have stated there is no real easy hard and fast way in and out of different aerodromes, each have there little quirks, some have approach points they want you to fly VFR inboud to and some don't. I have been told a couple of times and done it myself now, if you are unsure of procedures or clarity in ERSA give the tower guys a call at local aerodrome, whether class c, d or military , they are usually pretty casual to talk to and would prefer you call up and get the procedures right. The other thing is when flying inbound to a new aerodrome, let them know you are unfamiliar with area they wont give you points like shopping centers to track to they will vector you as much as possible.
  20. well he couldnt run his buisness to keep it profitable so he will fit in fine with government. Probably fit in fine next to Clive - His business gives him 20Mil or something stupid for a political donation and now he puts his refinery into recieverhip and now it doesnt look like bills are going to be paid or redundancies paid. Not sure how Dick Smith is going with paying bills at moment but sounds like a good political move to me.
  21. Just to add fuel to a fire that is already burning here. During my time out west i had a farmer tell me he would rather watch the cattle die than sell off cattle down to a level that the land could support at the time. His logic was simple and he was straight up about it. If he had less cattle the government would not support him. Now I don't mind people getting support off the government however when they are blatantly ripping the system off purley because it was easier than actually managing his property.
  22. I stand corrected. Can you explain the difference between procedural class c and class d then ?
  23. which is why the class C has a lower level of 4500, because Class C is radar.
  24. I think you will find the reason behind the differing definitions is purly because of radar services. I will have a look when i get home. I cant see the point in a procedural class C when that is exactly what Class D is.
  25. Thats because Tamworth is a Class D airport.
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