One thing I didnt spot on my skim through here was that CTA and CTR are diferent animals. If you can stay below the CTA (which is not always possible) this minimises the work load with who you talk to.
ie on approach to gold cost if you are above 1500ft, on a approach from archerfield you will enter the class c CTA, will need to contact brissy center for code, brisbane approach for clearance usually abeam dreamworld then they will hand you off to tower once you are in the ctr.
however if you wish to fly at less than 1500ft into the gold coast you will negate the need to contact brisbane approach. You still need to contact brisbane center for code but you will contact tower directly for clearance. This is why the note was there for the VFR routes for transitting the CTR.
And as otheres have stated there is no real easy hard and fast way in and out of different aerodromes, each have there little quirks, some have approach points they want you to fly VFR inboud to and some don't.
I have been told a couple of times and done it myself now, if you are unsure of procedures or clarity in ERSA give the tower guys a call at local aerodrome, whether class c, d or military , they are usually pretty casual to talk to and would prefer you call up and get the procedures right. The other thing is when flying inbound to a new aerodrome, let them know you are unfamiliar with area they wont give you points like shopping centers to track to they will vector you as much as possible.