At the end of the day your either a business owner / business man, or your a worker.
I don't know how many times I have been involved in debates about this exact topic.
It will go on for every and a day.
Problem has been stated yes the problem stems back to greedy business men that have no morals and are willing to risk the safety of there men / women working for them to make a quick buck.
The question I pose to alot anti union people. Consider yourself working class, going to work every day and doing a good job, only just managing to get by and support yourself / family.
End of the week your sitting there having a few beers after work with your work mates and the boss calls you aside. The dreaded DCM.
The next Friday one of your work mates calls you up and tells you how hopeless the new guy is. Hang on a minute there is a new guy?????? Is that fair???? Not for a minute. Your at home trying to find work to get your family through and the businessmen are rubbing there hands together knowing there have just saved a few bucks. Probably increasing there profit margin by another 10 percent if that.
The unsung story about unions is the safety that they have brought or tried to bring into industry. Nearly all safety improvements in industry has not been brought on by the man it has been brought around by the unions.
Business usually isn't interested in improving the safety of there workers. Some genuinly are. In the industry I work in almost all safety improvements have been brought around by the unions. Yes with other parties like the governments and the business themselves, but from experience the business is usually opposed to the safety improvements.The question WHY??? The answer is simple It will cost money to implement those changes or it will slow the workers down thus lower production.
I am lucky or unlucky to have been worked within business that have embrassed unions and somet that have avoided them. Is it fair that you should be made go in to work at all hours of the night without extra pay just to improve the business's output. The attitude of those businesses usually is if you don't do it we will find someone who will.
The other side part of the equation I have deliberately kept to a minimum is money. Of course the unions have had alot to do with the amount of money we "ALL" get paid now and I say ALL on purpose because if the workers that go out on strike succeed in a pay rise even the non union workers get the cash.
One thing that does anoy me whether it be money or safety that the unions and union members have been fighting for. As soon as the change comes in the people that haven't been fighting immediately think they should be entitled to it as well. Even when they were against the unions fighting for it in the first place.
But there is always 2 sides of a these arguments. The businessman / Owner and the worker. I consider myself lucky to be able to see the two sides and understand the two sides of the story. Being a worker now in an industry that is heavily unionised. I am glad for the input the unions have had yes some items have not always been a high priority to me but in all I would rather have union support than not.
I am also considering starting a contracting business as well so yes I can completly understand the business man oportunity.
Sorry everynow and then a topic comes up I just have to jam my 10cents worth in so there it is.