This thread makes me think of people who don't wear seat belts in cars "because I'm such a good driver, I don't need no stinking seat belt" - it's why there are seat belt laws, and it's why there are EPIRB rules.
I think it's largely a very poor expression of macho pride, "a real man could get himself out of this situation, and laugh about it after downing a few at the end of the day" - well here's the thing, macho pride means diddly squat when you are trapped in an aircraft with broken bones and god knows what else, what a "real man" does is to use all the tools available an be prepared for that eventuality.
There is no "shame" in pulling out that PLB antenna in an emergency situation, the only shame is when you don't do it and cause not only the potential loss of your life, but maybe even put other people in danger when they have to conduct a search for you.
Real men, they are the ones with the EPIRB, it's the fakes who don't.