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Everything posted by onetrack

  1. Skippy, the title and the question is abundantly clear enough - even to us Left Coasters. I think you should apologise to Murrayg for your narky questioning, it wasn't called for.
  2. I'm sorry DJP, for trying to pose as a bed expert. I won't do it again, I promise.
  3. ........service all the ladies, then service the aircraft, then service bulls prawn trawler, which had seen little servicing ever since bull became Captain of it. Meantimes, it appears there has been substantial misrepresentation over the years, as regards Cappys famous ancestor, Capt James Cook. It seems that James Cook made many claims to fame, none of which can be fully verified. The Tahitian Vahines and their free love can be verified, but the rest of the stories seem rather embellished. Even James Cooks famous death has been substantially altered. Few people know that the Tahitian men got angry with Capt Cook over a substantial unpaid bill for grass hut accommodation, and when they saw him preparing to depart without paying his accommodation bill, they became enraged, and tried to stop him, and the rest is history. As a result, Cappy (who is a noted large accommodation provider in Wagga, having seen how much money the Tahitians made from renting simple grass huts), is very careful to ensure that all accommodation payments for any rooms in his vast accommodation empire, are paid for up-front, with no chance of any layabout sailors (such as Capt bull) getting away with free accommodation. However, there was one time, when.................... (and here Dear NES readers, we have the definitive book on the real story behind Capt James Cook's exploits, where it has been revealed what a terrible scoundrel he actually was!.....)
  4. Meantimes, Channel 7 has dug up a couple of the most highly qualified "aviation experts" (with one broadcasting from his bedroom, showing an unmade bed in the background!), and they have expertly identified the aircraft as a Cirrus, without even visiting the scene!! It's some amazing skills that these people display! VicPol still have not yet released the pilots name. Man dead in light plane crash in Victoria 7NEWS.COM.AU The man died at the site of the crash.
  5. Have the Irish gang, cheap asphalt paving merchants, been around again?? A bloke I know with a truck yard, got taken to the cleaners by them, when they "repaved" his yard. Of course, it was cheap cash job, so he got what he deserved. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tarmac_scam
  6. Red, the ATSB only investigate VH-registered aircraft crashes in Australia (as well as other major transportation crashes, such as rail) - and even then, they operate on a limited budget, and only investigate at their discretion, on the basis that an investigation is only warranted if something new is to be learned from any particular crash. Recreational Aviation Australia is classed by CASA as an Approved Self-administering Aviation Organisation", and as such, investigates most serious RA-registered crashes, in conjunction with other Govt authorities such as the Police and the Coroner. As always, investigations are tempered by the availability of qualified investigating personnel, and whether anything is to be learned from each particular serious crash. As is well known, all the basic reasons for crashing haven't changed in over 120 years, pilots just keep making the same mistakes. https://raaus.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Strategic-Plan-2023-2025.pdf
  7. Flightrite, a search reveals no-one by the name of Mark Freedtone of Penfield. Did you mean to type Freestone or Freedstone? Have the Police released the pilots name? It's bad form to name deceased pilots in crashes, before the Police have publicly released the pilots name officially. Meantimes, the ATSB has stated that they're not investigating, as the aircraft was RA-registered. There can't be too many Bristells on the RA register?
  8. 750 A/H batteries?? Surely you mean 750 CCA, not A/H? Even the biggest truck batteries are only 200 A/H.
  9. My claim to fame is I own a Holden WB one-tonne trayback, that was originally a Melbourne Airport runway vehicle! It's painted in a non-standard Holden colour, which I believe was a specific CAA shade of yellow.
  10. This is possibly a useful item of information to anyone planning to fly a Bristell. Bristell Pilot performed Aerobatics before Crash: ATSB - Australian Flying WWW.AUSTRALIANFLYING.COM.AU An ATSB investigation report into the crash of a Bristell found that the pilot had performed manoeuvres classified as aerobatics in the moments before the crash.
  11. Perth is getting a 3rd runway, too. It appears Perth Airport is on the way to becoming the Red Rats second biggest gateway after Sydney. Perth's 3rd runway will be in use by 2028, 3 years before Melbournes 3rd runway is finished. A little pain before big gain at Perth Airport THEWEST.COM.AU EMMA KELLY on a bright future
  12. It was a Bristell NG5 and it appears the ballistic parachute was deployed too late, to be of any use. /graphics/ICAOtype/NG5.gif Accident BRM Aero Bristell NG5 , Friday 13 September 2024 ASN.FLIGHTSAFETY.ORG A light aircraft crashed in Redesdale, Victoria. The pilot died and the aircraft was destroyed by a post crash fire.
  13. ........prime candidate to go right to the top of the CASA bureaucracy - because no-one does bureaucracy like the Indians do. Sanjay settled into his new position with an order that no forms would be submitted electronically any more, it was too risky. All forms were to be submitted in quadruplicate, and copies kept of each copy. Furthermore, Turbine Office & Printing Supplies was nominated as the only supplier of all CASA paperwork from henceforth on, and any form that did not have the imprint of a TOPS agency would be rejected. In addition, Turbine Storage and Shelving was to supply a substantial amount of storage equipment, and Turbine Archival Services would be providing the necessary properties and archiving for storing all the filled-in forms. It was just like being back in India, Sanjay reflected with pleasure, as he noted the large increase in CASA employees, all diligently filling in forms and storing them. Then came the day when Sanjay found the............
  14. .....to Turbo's great consternation the "round part" was not the throttle, it was the trim wheel, and the aircraft started to go into a terrifying dive, which made Turbo blanch, go white-knuckled, and reach for the.......
  15. .....Mr Whippy icecream with Flake. Now, everyone knows that Cappy has the attention span of a gnat, even in the heat of battle, when his compatriots are relying on Cappy to hold the high ground with his M60 - just the sound of "Greensleeves", and the sight of a Mr Whippy van will make Cappy abandon his position and his M60, to go get a Mr Whippy with Flake. It was during the Dervish attack in the Battle of Omdurman, that Cappy first showed this tendency towards a lack of focus on the job at hand, and when the Mr Whippy van rolled up, right as the Dervishes advanced, Cappy true to form, ...........
  16. The problem with 2 strokes pollution is simply numbers. When you get billions of them as in India and China, the pollution levels are staggering. We're used to lots of wide open spaces, low population numbers, low numbers of two strokes, and plenty of dissipation of exhaust fumes.
  17. Is he really trying to skim the treetops constantly, or is it because that thing is struggling to gain altitude? A few times there, I was sure he was into the trees. He's game, picking nothing but tiger country to fly over, for what is essentially a totally unproven aircraft?
  18. I've seen a NOS Simonini engine for sale here locally, if someone is interested. Not sure why it was purchased, and never used.
  19. .......full metal jacket on the old blind gentleman, and ripped his cane off him, and broke it into pieces, all the while screaming, "Don't you ever call me.........
  20. No fire ants in Victoria AFAIK, and I wasn't carrying honey or honey products, or fruit. Rust? Yeah, I had plenty of rusty components! LOL Never heard of rust being a quarantine problem for W.A., we've had rust in wheat here since the earliest part of the 20th century. Skeleton weed is still a concern.
  21. You'll be right. I went through the border in mid-May with 4.5 tonnes of earthmover parts covered in Victorian dirt and crap, and the young bloke on duty was pretty cheery, and simply blew the load down with a leaf blower, and let me through! And the truck was unregistered, too! LOL However, he did need my movement permit number for his records. Weed seeds are what they're mostly concerned about, and if you've come from any area where known problems exist.
  22. .....who was above all this crass, class-crawling behaviour - our indomitable Capt bull. bull knew, as a prawn trawler Captain, he was above all this kind of stuff - and besides, he preferred to sit alone all the time, anyway, just to keep himself apart from the Turbine and Cappy and sales rep rabble. Naturally, having a very strong, clinging odour of prawns about him on a constant basis, only ensured that bull always sat alone, anyway. That was, until the day a senior............
  23. So.... these often exorbitantly expensive heat transfer compounds are revealed in the TDS's, to contain nothing more than silicone oil, and zinc oxide as an inorganic, largely inert filler. Both are relatively cheap - silicone oil is noted for its heat transfer properties, and zinc oxide is used widely in a large range of products, with sunscreen being a major user. Silicone oil has been used in viscous fan clutch hubs for donkeys years, it's not exactly worth stealing, like catalytic converters are. So why the massive charges for this heat transfer compound as soon as it's labelled for aviation use? It sounds like the classic sideshow spielers have got into the heat transfer compound market. Skippys on the mark - no point in being ripped off simply because Rotax recommend a certain brand of the product.
  24. ....Made in China!!!", he exclaimed. "Well, I'll be f******!!" exclaimed OT. "I didn't see those little stickers on them, when I bought them from TurboCrayBoats, Inc! There'll be some repercussions come out of this shady deal, for sure!!" - and OT reached for..........
  25. Ian, I'm quite happy for you to amalgamate the two sites. I'm sure you'll be able to set it up so that Social Australia is identified as a social forum, and a separate area to RF. There's always going to be some "pollution" of content, no matter what you're running - threads going off-topic are common on most forums, anyway. Moderation keeps them on topic. I'm surprised that there's a higher percentage of spammers and scammers on Social Australia. Is there something you do on RF, that keeps spammers and scammers to a low level? I've reported scammers in the RF classifieds numerous times, so they must still get in. I don't think anyone has ever succeeded in keeping spammers and scammers out of forums, one just minimises them with intense moderation. I quite enjoy the S.A. forum and I was hoping my annual $50 contribution went a good way towards covering the cost of operating it. Please don't ever transfer anything to FB, it's the home of scammers and the owner's morality and ethics is suspect, too. Plus their format is utter crap, it's all centred around "likes", and much puerile content.
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