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Everything posted by onetrack

  1. .....anything larger than a control-line model aircraft. It was during one of these GOM (Grump Old Men) grumble sessions, that Capt Cook, who was listening in as an invitee, suggested they all go........
  2. Skippy has posted the wrong link - here is the correct one, you won't need your De Lorean. But I did see there IS going be a De Lorean on display, at one of the airshows. Just an ordinary De Lorean, though. Fly'n For Fun | April 12, 2024 - April 14, 2024 WWW.FLYNFORFUN.AERO Join us on April 12
  3. Four upcoming airshow dates have now been posted in the Events calendar - Warbirds over Scone 23/24th March 2024 Nhill Airshow, 13th April 2024 West Sale ANZAC Weekend Airshow, 27/28th April 2024 Central Coast Airshow at Warnervale, 25/26th May 2024.
  4. until
    This is a ticketed event and tickets are available ONLINE only. There will be NO ticket sales at the gate. There is NO PARKING at the AIRPORT, and NO PARKING on Sparks Rd. Shuttle buses will operate from a nearby public parking area. Central Coast Airshow - Returning in 2024 CENTRALCOASTAIRSHOW.COM.AU The skies over the Central Coast Airport at Warnervale will roar into life with the unforgettable sights and sounds of an action-packed airshow!
  5. The Sale ANZAC Weekend Airshow is a ticketed event, and tickets are available online or at the gate. TICKET NUMBERS ARE LIMITED. This is a "No Dogs, No Alcohol, and No Smoking" event. Event Info SALEAIRSHOW.COM.AU
  6. This is a ticketed one day event, and tickets can be purchased online or at the gate. Nhill Aviation Heritage Centre WWW.NHILLAVIATIONHERITAGECENTRE.COM.AU Located at the aerodrome, this ‘not-to-be-missed' tourist attraction is home to a partly restored Avro Anson aeroplane and a fully restored and operating Tiger Moth aeroplane. The NAHC is a tribute to the 10,000...
  7. until
    This is a full weekend ticketed event, and tickets must be purchased online via the website, prior to attending. There will be no ticket sales onsite. Warbirds Over Scone WWW.WARBIRDSOVERSCONE.COM.AU
  8. It seems a lot of forum users are unaware of the EVENTS calendar. I've posted local air events on there when I knew they were forthcoming, but we run very light on events on the Left Coast, it seems all the air events are on the East Coast. Also, as COVID killed off a lot of public events, it seems that forum users just forgot about the events calendar, as very little was happening throughout the pandemic period.
  9. On the LEFT HAND SIDE MENU, there is an EVENTS Calendar - and ANYONE can ADD any forthcoming EVENT to it, that may be of interest to forum readers. Maybe Ian needs to make the EVENTS part of the LHS menu, more prominent on the website? In flashing text, perhaps??
  10. Leaning out for a selfie shot, and slipped? All too common today.
  11. There's a Lea Kestrel on Gumtree that's on offer for $3000. The problem is, it has incurred some storm damage, it's unregistered, and it's in Sarina, Qld. The storm damage doesn't appear to be major. ultralight aircraft | Miscellaneous Goods | Gumtree Australia Free Local Classifieds WWW.GUMTREE.COM.AU Find ultralight aircraft ads in our Miscellaneous Goods category. Buy and sell almost anything on Gumtree classifieds.
  12. .......megaphone, turned it up to full volume and yelled, "CAPTAIN COOK, PROMPTLY ADDRESS YOUR APPROACH SPEED!" At the sound of the words, "approach speed", the captains aviation training kicked in, over and above his marine training, and he grabbed the throttle levers and pulled them back to idle, thus disappointing not only the assembled, waiting, phone camera holding hordes - but it also raised huge disappointment in the TMD rep embedded in the crowd (because all media reps have to be embedded to blend in), and he could see millions slipping away, as bulls trawler rapidly slowed. However, bull wasn't done yet, and he.........
  13. There's very little that mankind has imagined that hasn't come true in some form. Maybe not in our lifetimes, but some near future period will almost certainly utilise personalised air transport. As with many things, no-one can predict what inventions will appear in the future, to bring about wholesale changes to society. If the early "future projectionists" could've foreseen the invention of the transistor and electronics miniaturisation, they would've been much more accurate with their projections. As it was, a number of them did foresee important inventions.
  14. ....decided he'd also like to go head-to-head with the Turbine conglomerate in numerous other fields - especially after sighting the documents that outlined the massive profits in Cat farms, joint ventures with CT9000 in rabbit destruction, and the extensive property development and land holdings in the Spratlys. But the thing that really raised Charlies interest was the Turbine Aviation profits. It appeared aviators were constantly ripe for scalping. Just mention a new aircraft accessory and add a couple of zeros to the regular non-aviation price, and the punters were sucked in, like it was a pea and thimble bet table at the local fair. Accordingly, Charlie looked at how aircraft accessories could added to the Corn Flakes factory lines. This would take a little ingenuity, but he was sure it could be done. Via a mutual friend he found a bloke in Tasmania who had factory modification skills - and aviation skills as well. He was the prefect fit for the job. Charlie called this bloke, and found out that..........
  15. Would suicide be a possibility? Seems strange that witnesses stated they saw the aircraft going nose-down at high power, and the investigators have determined it hit the ground at an angle of 60°. Nothing stacks up - "no evidence of an in-flight break-up or other pre-impact airframe or control defects", and the engine was deemed to be producing power at impact. State of mind of the pilot must be part of this investigation. All the other information points to adequate pilot skills - "The instructor reported that, during these flights, the student pilot demonstrated exceptional aircraft handling proficiency, and the instructor assessed them as competent and ready for their first solo". Not just "adequate" aircraft handling proficiency - but "exceptional" proficiency. How many can claim to be classed at "exceptional" skill levels, with low hours?
  16. My little Chinese Rossi 200A inverter welder has Toshiba MOSFETS in it. I've never seen such an advancement, nor such an increase in reliability, as this little beast. It weighs 7kgs against the 35kgs of my previous CIG Handyman welder, and it welds like a welder 3 times its size! It's never stopped in the 5 or 6 years I've owned it, and I've run 4.0mm electrodes with it for an extended period. Those MOSFETS have revolutionised the electronics industry.
  17. ........were the giveaway. They kicked whenever something fast flitted past them, thus making people suddenly realise they were cat drumsticks, not chicken drumsticks. If there was any doubt, the double joint was the final indicator of............
  18. Generally, No. I believe written statements from deceased persons can be presented in a court of law, but the statements are subject to exhaustive examination, and only those statements of facts that can be proven, are allowed to be admitted. Statements deemed to be hearsay are excluded. U.S. law may be somewhat different. Some of the claims made by John Barnett about Boeing management failures have already been investigated, and found to be true. Laxity in procedures seems to rule at Boeing.
  19. There's 9 items in the auction in total, and the auction doesn't end until 2nd April 2024. The item descriptions are poor, but I've come to expect that with Slatterys. /slattery-logo-dark.jpg Slattery Auctions & Valuations WWW.SLATTERYAUCTIONS.COM.AU A firm of professional auctioneers and valuers who provide a wide variety of general & specialised auction sales for trucks, machinery, cars & more. Browse now.
  20. Basic spade connectors are an automotive invention, and you won't find them in certified aircraft. There's always the chance an unexpected and inadvertent component movement could separate a spade connection. The Japanese auto manufacturers have always led the way with simple superior wiring harness connectors that are sealed with o-rings. Well designed harness connections are always sealed against moisture, dust, chemicals, salt and other detrimental products, and are secured via screwed or other locking arrangements to prevent accidental disconnection. I'd have to opine some heat-shrink on a spade-type connector would provide the simplest and cheapest design for uncertified/experimental light aircraft.
  21. I don't know how you'd put down on Hogan Island? What's not major rock outcrops, is thousands of large tussocks of grass! Looks like it'd be a nightmare to land on, to me!
  22. I googled "bbj" and got "Boeing Business Jets", straight up. Maybe Google knows what you're actually looking for, every time, from all your previous searches?
  23. Well, SOUTH of Hogan Island, is IN Bass Strait! Did the Savannah go into the water? If so, there should've been news of a maritime rescue!
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