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Everything posted by onetrack

  1. They rotate because any movement of a gas or liquid not restrained, is subject to the Coriolis effect. However, the Coriolis effect is minimal when gas or liquid speeds are slow, or the travel distance is short. It doesn't long though, for heated rising air to start to spin. Ever seen a willy-willy/cock-eyed bob/mini-tornado, crank up? They will start to spin only 15 to 20 metres above hot ground. https://education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/coriolis-effect/ Interesting fact: A friend who was an artilleryman during the Vietnam War told me how they had to calculate the Coriolis effect on the target point of 105mm artillery shells that were fired at long distance targets. Even more interesting was the fact that these calculations were done manually, longhand. No hand-held calculators back then.
  2. ..........the Cinglish language build instructions. It was at this stage that suddenly everyone realised it would have been much better to get the build instructions booklet properly translated into English, rather than relying on Cinglish, which was even more obtuse and mangled than Chinglish. As a result of the Cinglish instructions booklet, there was a rather large pile of surplus parts littered around the floor. In addition, when the flaps lever was pulled, the brakes came on; when the control column was pushed forward, the.........
  3. I watched a pelican soaring over the house this morning in thermals at about 500 feet (a quite unusual sight, I might add, I've never seen one here before, I'm quite a few kms from open water) - and he was going CW.
  4. He was either one lucky pilot, or a very skilled pilot, to be able to get her down in one piece, and get out before it burnt. That one won't ever fly again. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13026787/Dundowran-beach-fraser-coast-aircraft-incident.html
  5. C'mon, he's spent $11M of his own money - not from "contributors" to a "search fund", that's "guaranteed to find the wreckage"! - so cut him some slack, I think this bloke deserves a hearing.
  6. The silicone-based sealants are notorious for forming globs on the outside of the seal surface, that break off and block oilways. A mate had a Cat engine in his truck grab a piston in the bore. The repair crowd replaced the piston and liner, and 3 weeks later, it grabbed again. Second time, he gave it to another repairer, who found a glob of RTV blocking the piston-cooling oil jet. He cleaned the engine out properly, replaced the piston and liner again, and it gave no more trouble.
  7. There's still a lot of WW2 aircraft unaccounted for. The wing sweep doesn't look right, but maybe that's because the wings fractured at their roots as it hit the water. Maybe we need to get this bloke to find MH370, with his kind of tenacity.
  8. It must be powered by a Junkers-Jumo 209 - that's why it's signwritten, "Wiesel".
  9. Loctite 518 doesn't form globs, any excess protruding from the joined surfaces dissolves on contact with oil, and Loctite 518 retains a level of flexibility when set. Henkel describe Loctite 518 as "semi-flexible".
  10. Loctite 518 is actually a superior product to Loctite 574 in the case of sealing crankcase halves. You can compare the two products - including the TDS's - on the Henkel-Loctite site. https://www.henkel-adhesives.com/au/en/product/gasketing-sealants/loctite_5180.html https://www.henkel-adhesives.com/cn/en/product/gasketing-sealants/loctite_5740.html
  11. Two very large commercial airliners, one flying at 700kmh and the other travelling at 870kmh only took out around 3000 people on 11th Sept 2001, despite being loaded with 36,800 litres and 34,500 litres of Jet A-1 respectively - so I fail to understand how you could take out 5000 people with a single RA-Aus aircraft loaded with perhaps 100 litres of petrol at the very most, and unable to probably even reach 300 kmh, without the wings tearing off. It would be virtually impossible to take down any building with an RA-Aus aircraft. I fully understand the need for an ASIC card for commercial airline operational areas, but the ASIC card is over-reach for probably 80% of the aviation areas of the country. It's interesting to stop and think about the fact that all the terrorism attacks in aircraft around the world were carried out by people who had pilot training, piloting skills, and qualifications - not exactly your classic "raghead" terrorist.
  12. ..........sniffing Albo's feet once too often and in inappropriate locations and at inappropriate times. The next thing, she was being accused of sniffing ar..........
  13. ........and he said, "What exactly again, are we looking for here?" The minders decided they'd better occupy the media with some distraction to take the heat off Ambo, who was still struggling with getting a grip on the spade, so one of the minders said, "Did you see where the PM has just signed off on that new................
  14. .........maybe even confuse Zelensky for Putin, as Joe just did. But then there was the questioning over the Ukrainian-Australian military deals, and just how much Ambo knew about the.............
  15. .......food halls that infested his local suburbs. "The stuff they dish up is terrible", he exclaimed. "Their food is toxic, and it must be regarded as an underhand method of warfare against us! Why, only last night I had a feed of Chinese Hot Pot, and next morning, I couldn't get off the.........
  16. As the original poster and question asker is based in FLORIDA, I'd have to opine that FAA rules apply to his aircraft.
  17. ......even the rabbits and wombats weren't immune from the depredations of the CASA forces, as the forces multiplied with additional funding from the sale of rabbit and wombat furry toys and good luck tokens, at the duty free stores of DG International Airport, resulting in.....
  18. Teenagers brains are still only half developed, as evidenced by their often stupid behaviour. They have fast reflexes, but are extraordinarily impulsive. In addition, they lack experience and maturity which better enables rapid assessment of impending danger. It's speculation, pure and simple, but the crash could have been caused by the teenager dropping his phone onto the floor of the aircraft and making a grab for it, or an extended attempt to recover it, and losing control right at a critical moment, when 100% attention was required for flying the aircraft.
  19. A former farmer client of mine turned 103 last December, and he's still sprightly.
  20. More media BS and headline-grabbing. No "flipping" involved, the aircraft crash landed on the water and lost a float, and all the pax were offloaded onto watercraft with no injuries.
  21. .......suddenly, a very, very agitated wombat re-appeared, and this time it was making straight for the main doors of Darraweit Guim International Airport, causing a great deal of consternation for the owner, CT9000 - who in the finest local DG response to a threat, pulled out his trusty .22 bolt action Brno, aimed at the wombat (who was struggling to see properly due to the milk covering its face), fired, missed, and instead, hit........
  22. .......POH are looking much alike - wrinkled, ragged-looking, seems to be always face-down, and it gives nothing away". Loxie replied, "that's right, I've been............
  23. ........trying to read the POH at the same time as he was trying to remove the Wagga Wagga Draft bottle from the elevator - but every time he moved the........
  24. A VW powered motorbike?? I guess he holds up traffic for kilometres, too?
  25. GM long ago ceased building quality and reliability into their products, and I for one, wouldn't fly behind anything with a GM power unit up front.
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