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Everything posted by onetrack

  1. Birds fly into my office window on a regular basis, and hit it with a BANG!, that frightens the crap out of anyone in the office. I think it's mostly doves. They fly off, little the worse for wear. They're bloody tough creatures, birds.
  2. I wouldn't be so sure it was the impossible turn. The news items state the C177RG went straight into trees off the end of the runway. The 70 yr old pilot was a skilled and passionate aviator and had owned a number of warbirds, including a P-51 and a Sea Fury. The terrain around Lake Placid airport looks rather uninviting for an emergency landing. https://www.adirondackdailyenterprise.com/news/local-news/2023/10/two-killed-in-lake-placid-airplane-crash-identified/
  3. ...., a sound that made CT sit bolt upright. He would know that sound anywhere. It was the sound of a worn-out Bluehead Rotax starter, and he knew straight away from that horrible sound, that the starter was poleing out - which sound was music to his ears. Ever since he'd started (no pun intended) his major electrical repair shop at DG International Airport (specialising in ripping off aviators for minor electrical repairs (regularly repeating the company advertising line, that went, "we can't be too safe in the skies, can we?"), CT gloated whenever he heard an electrical fault of any kind. There was no getting away from his money-grubbing grasp, there wasn't an electrical repairer with 100kms of DG International that had the skills, the parts, the servicing ability, that CT had. He'd started in the electrical business at age 5, tearing cranky Morris Minor starters apart, then telling the owners the starter was buggered (of course it was, once CT had got to it), and they were up for a new one. And of course, CT always just happened to have a new Morry Minor starter on hand. Then came the fateful day when one particular Morry Minor owner turned nasty at the news that a new Morry Minor starter was $450 from CT's shop, and this sent the Morry Minor owner into a rage, whereby CT suddenly realised that.........
  4. Hmmmm ... I believe there's people called Trade Measurement Inspectors, who randomly call on businesses that use measuring equipment in their operations, to ensure their measuring equipment is functioning properly and giving accurate readings. However, you may be right, the TMI's probably don't call on businesses often enough to do those checks. The general trend today seems to be they only act on complaints. I know the scrap metal dealers scales are often highly suspect.
  5. If you were mates with a school science teacher, you could've just zipped around to their science room and borrowed their triple beam balance scales. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triple_beam_balance Or ... visit a pawnbroker and ask to use their gold scales. https://www.goldfeverprospecting.com/scales.html#:~:text=Gold Scale - most accurate 2%2F1000th of a gram!&text=Gold Nugget Scale 0.01 grams HIGH Accuracy!
  6. I dunno - that looks like some dodgy, el-cheapo, Chinese-made, set of scales! I'd be pretty wary of using them!
  7. ....start to provide a Voice to the marginalised Papua-New-Guineans, who now made up a sizeable proportion of the Australian population. "But those people claiming PNG ancestry are only box-tickers!", exclaimed Turbo. "They don't have any more PNG ancestry than I do!" "That's not correct", said Marky Mark, who had now assumed the position of Chief of the WA-PNG tribes, and who wore the Chiefs headdress with Bird of Paradise, parakeet and lorikeet feathers, to prove it. "It's every persons right to decide what culture they choose to be part of, and the only thing we need today, is to ensure that they've ticked the box, so that they can..........
  8. ......simply a huge Pinko, through and through! We can understand you not wanting to be seen as totally Red, but it's obvious that bright Pink suits you much better, and no-one could ever accuse you of being a........
  9. Because you couldn't show it in public, it would be attacked, sprayed, crushed, and destroyed, the instant any human eye sighted it!! And besides, it would provoke instant revulsion!
  10. .....into that Belt and Road s*** any more, so please don't ever mention it again, in my presence. However, I do look forward to a new and productive relationship with the CCP, unfettered by petty Victorian politics, and to that end, I have decided that Turbine Corporation will be the Australian intermediary between my new position and the........
  11. Carburettor O-rings are not natural rubber, as Nev correctly states. They're a synthetic rubber copolymer made from acrylonitrile (ACN) and butadiene, known as Nitrile rubber, NBR, or Buna-N. Carburettor O-rings can also be made from Viton, which is more durable than Nitrile rubber in high temperature conditions. Nitrile rubber has a maximum operating temperature of 120°C, Viton can cope with up to 210°C. However ... even though O-rings aren't rubber, they degrade from long-term compression (they flatten out), they degrade from UV light and weather exposure, and they degrade over time with regular exposure to high temperatures. In addition, both Nitrile and Viton can be degraded by acids and chemicals that are not normally found in fuels - but which acids and nitrile-detrimental chemicals can form from interactions between hydrocarbons, moisture and metals, over time. Essentially, an investment in a complete carburettor kit after several years of engine use is a wise investment, especially for an aircraft engine. As I understand it, Dannys engine is a used engine with high hours, and it may or may not have records of when a carburettor kit was last installed. A rough-running engine when airborne, is definitely white-knuckle stuff.
  12. .....with hoots and jeers and a few pieces of rotten fruit being thrown at Matthews. Matthews retreated to the adjoining room to clean himself and to decide what penalties and further restrictions needed to be applied, to what were obviously a bunch of hooligans and law-breakers. Matthews returned promptly as the noise settled down, and he announced, "As it is obvious all you aviators are hooligans and untrustworthy, I as Minister, am going to introduce tougher rules and regulations and penalties for non-compliance in the PNGUF, which as it is rapidly becoming apparent, the group represents nothing more than rabble in the aviation community, and this needs to be......
  13. Replace the diaphragms, even if they look O.K. - they're the major rubberised wearing items in a carby.
  14. ..... it became obvious that neighbouring tribes were stealing his Yams. Few people understand the importance of Yams in the PNG culture, and the fact that they are regarded as the equivalent of gold in their society. Bruho wanted revenge on the Yam-stealers, and nothing is worse than a bout of PNG revenge - it leads to payback after payback, until the combatants forget what started the stoush. To this end, Bruho came to see Turbo, who ran Armaments and Weapons Inc from a small office in Milne Bay. Turbos company here specialised in helping the natives sort out their grievances by arming them according to their requirements - and of course, according to how much they could pay. One Cowrie shell could be swapped for a decent machete, but two pigs got you a...........
  15. The shape looks a little too much like the Bugatti 100P aircraft that was an aeronautical flop, and which ended in tragedy for the bloke who built the replica.
  16. The management of the handling of dangerous goods is carried out by people who have the knowledge, training and understanding of the potential danger sources, when dangerous goods are being transported. Yes, we encounter hundreds of "dangerous goods" in our travels every day, we even move around constantly in various means of transport, with "dangerous goods" going with us every day. The fact that dozens of people don't die every day when "dangerous goods" explode or burst into flame, is because of the sheer amount of effort that goes into ensuring dangerous conditions don't develop around dangerous goods. The U.N. classification of dangerous goods is a global system, refined to the nth degree and recognised and followed in every developed country. We regularly see the results of mishandling of dangerous goods in 3rd world countries.
  17. Carby cleaners are a very effective and approved method of carburettor and jet cleaning, far safer than poking around with tools. Carburettors develop deposits as the chemicals in the fuel react with metals and moisture, as the residual fuel evaporates.
  18. Danny, the Skyecho wasn't stolen, just misplaced. Read the entire page above.
  19. Don't forget that unions and elbows in fuel lines provide increased flow restriction. 90° drilled elbows are notorious for flow disruptions, swirls and cavitation.
  20. I understand adult incontinence pads are quite comfortable, and extremely absorbent - not that I've had to use them, yet, of course. Maybe one day, someone will design an amazingly comfortable, integrated bucket seat and commode!
  21. .....tattoo on your.......
  22. .......get your own tobacco from your native trees, and roll your own! These coffin sticks cost a fortune today, this isn't WW2 where a packet of fags was included in every ration pack!" At that, there was a hubbub amongst the tribesmen as they debated whether to go and try and find some local tobacco leaf, kill OT right there, and take his smokes, or just pretend to be friends again so they could pinch his smokes out of his backpack when he was distracted Meantimes, OT was searching for something to get one over them. A cunning plan formed in his mind. He cried out and pointed to the distant sky, "HIMFELLA BALUS BRINGIM POLIS!" (pidgin avref) The natives spun around as one, gazing at the sky, most dropping their weapons in alarm. OT took the opportunity to make his escape, so he ran and zig-zagged and dropped and rolled, just like he used to do in 'Nam when the VC got a sighting on him. He stopped after about 2 kms to draw breath. There was only jungle silence, and this was.........
  23. Sounds to me like the CRM in the McCarthy fleet needs to be looked at and revised.
  24. It's a Volkswagen. It'll be on its back faster than a C172 with a student pilot.
  25. ......the Taliban Anti-Flying School, whose followers were tasked with blowing up every pilot and aircraft they came across. "If Allah had authorised Man to fly, he would have given him wings!!", thundered Imam Raghedi Mujib Abdul Yusif, at Friday morning Prayers. "Pray that Allah directs you to every wayward pilot, and the aircraft of the enemies of Allah, so you can destroy them!" The news of this religious directive soon reached Cappys and Turbos ears, which alarmed them somewhat, as "pilot" and "wayward" were descriptions used for them on regular occasions. "Never fear!", stated Cappy with a great deal of bravado. "It'll take more than the one average bomb-chucker to stop us from..........
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