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Everything posted by onetrack

  1. .....into that Belt and Road s*** any more, so please don't ever mention it again, in my presence. However, I do look forward to a new and productive relationship with the CCP, unfettered by petty Victorian politics, and to that end, I have decided that Turbine Corporation will be the Australian intermediary between my new position and the........
  2. Carburettor O-rings are not natural rubber, as Nev correctly states. They're a synthetic rubber copolymer made from acrylonitrile (ACN) and butadiene, known as Nitrile rubber, NBR, or Buna-N. Carburettor O-rings can also be made from Viton, which is more durable than Nitrile rubber in high temperature conditions. Nitrile rubber has a maximum operating temperature of 120°C, Viton can cope with up to 210°C. However ... even though O-rings aren't rubber, they degrade from long-term compression (they flatten out), they degrade from UV light and weather exposure, and they degrade over time with regular exposure to high temperatures. In addition, both Nitrile and Viton can be degraded by acids and chemicals that are not normally found in fuels - but which acids and nitrile-detrimental chemicals can form from interactions between hydrocarbons, moisture and metals, over time. Essentially, an investment in a complete carburettor kit after several years of engine use is a wise investment, especially for an aircraft engine. As I understand it, Dannys engine is a used engine with high hours, and it may or may not have records of when a carburettor kit was last installed. A rough-running engine when airborne, is definitely white-knuckle stuff.
  3. .....with hoots and jeers and a few pieces of rotten fruit being thrown at Matthews. Matthews retreated to the adjoining room to clean himself and to decide what penalties and further restrictions needed to be applied, to what were obviously a bunch of hooligans and law-breakers. Matthews returned promptly as the noise settled down, and he announced, "As it is obvious all you aviators are hooligans and untrustworthy, I as Minister, am going to introduce tougher rules and regulations and penalties for non-compliance in the PNGUF, which as it is rapidly becoming apparent, the group represents nothing more than rabble in the aviation community, and this needs to be......
  4. Replace the diaphragms, even if they look O.K. - they're the major rubberised wearing items in a carby.
  5. ..... it became obvious that neighbouring tribes were stealing his Yams. Few people understand the importance of Yams in the PNG culture, and the fact that they are regarded as the equivalent of gold in their society. Bruho wanted revenge on the Yam-stealers, and nothing is worse than a bout of PNG revenge - it leads to payback after payback, until the combatants forget what started the stoush. To this end, Bruho came to see Turbo, who ran Armaments and Weapons Inc from a small office in Milne Bay. Turbos company here specialised in helping the natives sort out their grievances by arming them according to their requirements - and of course, according to how much they could pay. One Cowrie shell could be swapped for a decent machete, but two pigs got you a...........
  6. The shape looks a little too much like the Bugatti 100P aircraft that was an aeronautical flop, and which ended in tragedy for the bloke who built the replica.
  7. The management of the handling of dangerous goods is carried out by people who have the knowledge, training and understanding of the potential danger sources, when dangerous goods are being transported. Yes, we encounter hundreds of "dangerous goods" in our travels every day, we even move around constantly in various means of transport, with "dangerous goods" going with us every day. The fact that dozens of people don't die every day when "dangerous goods" explode or burst into flame, is because of the sheer amount of effort that goes into ensuring dangerous conditions don't develop around dangerous goods. The U.N. classification of dangerous goods is a global system, refined to the nth degree and recognised and followed in every developed country. We regularly see the results of mishandling of dangerous goods in 3rd world countries.
  8. Carby cleaners are a very effective and approved method of carburettor and jet cleaning, far safer than poking around with tools. Carburettors develop deposits as the chemicals in the fuel react with metals and moisture, as the residual fuel evaporates.
  9. Danny, the Skyecho wasn't stolen, just misplaced. Read the entire page above.
  10. Don't forget that unions and elbows in fuel lines provide increased flow restriction. 90° drilled elbows are notorious for flow disruptions, swirls and cavitation.
  11. I understand adult incontinence pads are quite comfortable, and extremely absorbent - not that I've had to use them, yet, of course. Maybe one day, someone will design an amazingly comfortable, integrated bucket seat and commode!
  12. .....tattoo on your.......
  13. .......get your own tobacco from your native trees, and roll your own! These coffin sticks cost a fortune today, this isn't WW2 where a packet of fags was included in every ration pack!" At that, there was a hubbub amongst the tribesmen as they debated whether to go and try and find some local tobacco leaf, kill OT right there, and take his smokes, or just pretend to be friends again so they could pinch his smokes out of his backpack when he was distracted Meantimes, OT was searching for something to get one over them. A cunning plan formed in his mind. He cried out and pointed to the distant sky, "HIMFELLA BALUS BRINGIM POLIS!" (pidgin avref) The natives spun around as one, gazing at the sky, most dropping their weapons in alarm. OT took the opportunity to make his escape, so he ran and zig-zagged and dropped and rolled, just like he used to do in 'Nam when the VC got a sighting on him. He stopped after about 2 kms to draw breath. There was only jungle silence, and this was.........
  14. Sounds to me like the CRM in the McCarthy fleet needs to be looked at and revised.
  15. It's a Volkswagen. It'll be on its back faster than a C172 with a student pilot.
  16. ......the Taliban Anti-Flying School, whose followers were tasked with blowing up every pilot and aircraft they came across. "If Allah had authorised Man to fly, he would have given him wings!!", thundered Imam Raghedi Mujib Abdul Yusif, at Friday morning Prayers. "Pray that Allah directs you to every wayward pilot, and the aircraft of the enemies of Allah, so you can destroy them!" The news of this religious directive soon reached Cappys and Turbos ears, which alarmed them somewhat, as "pilot" and "wayward" were descriptions used for them on regular occasions. "Never fear!", stated Cappy with a great deal of bravado. "It'll take more than the one average bomb-chucker to stop us from..........
  17. A mate in California owned a Citabria. He told me this tale and I couldn't stop laughing. He said he took off from Wasco with his 19 yr old son on board, and headed inland to the Mid-West. Of course, he had to climb to serious altitude to clear the Southern Rocky Mts. He told me he got to 12,000 feet, and his 19 yr old son comes out with - "Oooh, Dad, I gotta go! - with a number 2! I shouldn't have had that big greasy hamburger just before we left!" And Dad berates him with, "It's taken me 20 minutes and a heap of fuel to get to 12,000 feet!! - and you want me to put down now for a number 2, just because you didn't go before we left!?" "I'm not putting down for that! You can go in a plastic bag!". So Dad hands him a plastic shopping bag, and Son dutifully lays cable in the bag (I can't even imagine how you'd do that cleanly in the back seat of a Citabria, but apparently he managed it). Mate regaled me with, "STINK!! Gahd almighty, I nearly puked with the STINK!! It clung to everything!! So then they managed to get the bag out of a window - whereby it promptly tangled around the tailplane!! Mate told me, "Gahd, I had to do some of the fanciest ahr-o-batics like you never seen, just to try and shake that damn bag off!!" "Ah thought the son was gonna puke then, after them fancy ahr-o-batics! That would've been as bad as the number 2!! "I told my son, he ain't never coming with me again, unless he's gone at least twice, before we take off!!"
  18. Who's got that piechart that shows the tiny slice displaying the amount of time you use an item? - and the huge slice of the chart, that displays the amount of time you spend looking for that item?
  19. Bex threw a wobbly a while back, and swore he wasn't coming back. Something about the level of Chinese dislike, and "fake news" around anything Chinese on this forum, that really got up his nose. Personally, I don't miss him. He's pretty good on the BS and big ideas, but nothing ever comes of them. He was going to produce this completely new XPB ultralight of his own fantastic design, for less then $30K, but that promise evaporated like a politicians promise. Maybe he was always just a Chinese spy, looking for aviation secrets!
  20. ......he thought he was going to be a famous writer, but he failed dismally at that, and now he's been relegated to a fantasy story teller on the NES, and I can assure you his fantasies have only got bigger and better since he left school! Those fantasies, according to what he's written previously on the NES, centre around his imaginary ability to charm ladies into swooning over him, after he's only spoken a couple of sentences - but the reality is, he's still a fantasiser, still living in the world of the imaginary hero he thinks he is, and what's worse, he.........
  21. Apple Airtags can be used to track high-value portable items that are likely to be stolen. They're not 100% effective, but they will give you clues when they're in range of any other Apple device that has Bluetooth turned on.
  22. .....such an embellisher of the truth, it was impossible to take anything he said - or wrote - with any type of reliability. "He was that bad in school", said Alot, "that we had a Monday morning story-telling ritual, which was formerly called the "Morning News", and we had to rename it, "Tall Stories" - because Cappy never ceased to produce Monday morning tales that would make Bill Wannan look like Amateur Hour!" "In fact, he turned up one Monday morning and told us this outright fantasy tale, how he'd taken on.........
  23. No peeing mishap story, but a poo mishap story from a mate in California that is hilarious.
  24. .....mouth - and the taste of Cappy's manky finger so shocked and repelled the Tiger, he spat Turbo out, and ran away. Of course, Cappy took all the glory of saving Turbo from the Tiger, but under his breath, during the Press hubbub, Cappy was heard to mutter, "I'd like to know who that bastard was that shoved me towards the Tiger! - because when I put my hand out to save myself from sprawling on the ground, my hand accidentally went straight into that Tigers mouth!!" However, no-one heard Cappy muttering amongst the Press noise, and the hundred rapid-fire TV journalist questions. "Sahib! Did you feel real fear, when you got so close to.........
  25. .....first year, when every box they sold was marked "cargo" - but after the first year, and after 15 million boxes marked "cargo" were found to contain lots of empty space (like most Amazon boxes), the punters lost interest, and decided that aircraft and airports (long overdue avref) were the next area where it was more likely that..........
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