Brett Northey appears to be extremely clever with his efforts to screw lots of money out of investors for his exotic eVTOL ideas. However, I don't see much information by way of ongoing research into his design on his Ace website - and possibly more importantly, I don't see any "qualified" experts, from the fields of aviation, physics, electronics, materials, etc., offering their opinions, advice, or design input on his website, as regards the viability or advancement of his eVTOL plans.
Northey is effectively the exotic car salesman with the slick pitch - and no cars to sell. He's effectively saying, "give me a heap of your money, and I'll try and see if I can build an exotic car for you, that matches my vision."
He is also CEO of a company called "Blue Energy", which is purportedly a company involved in Blockchain in a big way. The problem is, Northey has picked a company which is identical to several other fully-operational companies, whereas Brett Northey's Blue Energy blockchain company appears to have little other value and substance besides promotion of his Blockchain monetary ideas.
A lot of Australians are pretty blunt with their opinions on these type of people. They're generally described in a neat Australian double word term, that involves artistry, and BS.