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Everything posted by onetrack

  1. That's the best video I've watched in ages, and I watched it right through! Bob Deford is just an amazing bloke! I reckon there's probably another good video about the mechanic bloke who helped him build the Spitfire!
  2. Maybe the legal grounds for a manslaughter charge simply weren't strong enough? - purely because it was an experimental aircraft, and the warning plate advising such, is there for all to see? But the bottom line is - he still has to face 6 serious aviation charges - and he has to live with the fact, he killed his mate. Not something I'd like to live with.
  3. The big difference with manufacturing in China is whether it's a Western company that has installed Western-trained managers and Western-developed QC programmes to oversee the quality of the end result - or an all-Chinese company that has no Western input and which relies on local people that may be seriously lacking in management skills and QC skills. I've read where approximately 200,000 Chinese, who were all educated in Western institutions and who have acquired Western standards of management skills, engineering skills, and QC skills, are the primary people driving the industrial expansion of China in the last 30 years. The problem is the majority of them are employed by Western companies to manage and operate their factories in China. Naturally, there are also Japanese and Taiwanese companies who have developed a name and processes for quality products, and these people also operate within China. Attention to detail is a hallmark of those manufacturers who produce quality products, and the Chinese themselves have not had a reputation for attention to detail, up until recently. And then there's the problem that the Chinese fail to understand "branding" and corporate "image", as Western, Japanese and Taiwanese companies do. The common large Western/Japanese/Taiwanese company names you can immediately think of, spend vast amounts of money and effort, and also legal expenditure, in ensuring that their "name" and "brand" are recognised for their high standards and support of their products. They back it up with good customer relationships, good supplies of parts and adequate and competent technical information. However, Chinese manufacturers are agglomerated into multiple factories and brand names, which leaves customers confused, and who get lost trying to find corporate brand support. It's not helped by the language barrier, and a severe shortage of good English translators within China.
  4. ......one sat bolt upright in the rear of the Jeep, which frightened Cappy so much (and it's reported that as a Khyber Veteran, he's not easily frightened), that he jerked the steering wheel so much, the Jeep did a neat 180° turn, and all the bodies - including the one sitting up - fell out. Cappy stopped (eventually, despite those dreadful Jeep drum brakes) and backed up. He knew this going to make for warm beer very quickly, so he..........
  5. I've used Penrite P26 Foaming Intake Cleaner on a 3.0L diesel PK Ford Ranger, that was suffering from excessive EGR buildup, and showing an EGR fault code. It worked a treat, and the code went off. The engine seems to run better since. Penrite make a petrol version and diesel version, and they recommend you change the oil after using the product.
  6. I bought a Creworks 15L ultrasonic parts cleaner off eBay for under $250, and use a proprietary Ultrasonic Parts Cleaning solution from a local chemical supplier. It all works good, it cleaned up 6 grotty pistons very nicely. The Ultrasonic Parts Cleaner has an inbuilt heater and it goes to 80°C. Despite the UPC solution having a pH of 13, it didn't adversely affect the aluminium. It's watered down to a 1%-5% solution, in use. ULTRASONIC PARTS CLEANING SOLUTION - All Chemical ALLCHEMICAL.COM.AU Buy high-quality ultrasonic parts cleaning solution in australia for various applications. Trusted supplier offering reliable products nationwide.
  7. Water appears in fuel tanks via condensation from the air component of the tanks. As the air cools, the moisture content settles as water in the tanks. So, keep your tanks full as much as possible to reduce condensation.
  8. The article I read, the Ukrainians flew a Foxbat into a Russian Navy ship, causing a modest amount of destruction. Ukraine Hits Russian Navy's Caspian Flotilla With Long-Range Drone Strike MARITIME-EXECUTIVE.COM Ukrainian forces have attacked a Russian naval base in the Caspian Sea for the first time, according to local authorities in the Russian province of...
  9. Just wait until the classic Chinese "quality fade" cuts in. That's when the corrupt operators in the company start short-circuiting the factory supply processes and specifications. Add to that, manuals in Chinglish and a general lack of important spares when they're desperately needed. And don't even mention the resale value. It'll be a cold day in Hell before I trust my life to a cut-price Chinese engine that is essentially an illegal copy of a European product.
  10. .........expose himself, so the NES readers can judge the size of his..........
  11. Old Chinese proverb says, "Man fly with blurry face have big black cloud hanging over his head".
  12. ....told Cappy to go change his underwear to the regulation CCCP red, because it was embarrassing to see a man of his reputed stature in his underwear, let alone Panda-symbol underwear. Cappy looked crestfallen. He'd hoped the Panda symbolism would mean he was........
  13. .....innuendo that this Capt Cook, who was very fond of relating long and involved personal stories about daring and dangerous military exploits, in long-forgotten conflicts, was nothing more than a...........
  14. .....mixing coffee, bagels, aerobatics and upsets, is a dangerous mixture, and a terrible practice, and one that only leads to major losses of.......
  15. I bow to Ian's superior knowledge re cavitation, that is news to me. However, I have seen similar valve head corrosion previously, and always blamed it on a cavitation process - but as he says, and as many other sources advise me, cavitation is only possible in a liquid state - so the only other potential reason has to be corrosion caused by some form of acid attack. Sulphur certainly is high on the suspect list, but I was under the impression sulphur level in fuels had dropped substantially in recent years. Another area to consider is, if the engine was operated with a small internal coolant leak (via the head gasket), that is also a potential source of chemicals that could create valve head corrosion.
  16. .......showed the whites of their eyes the instant the expanding reamer came out on display, whenever they were playing up, and refusing to perform. When Turbo showed great interest in how this simple expanding reamer display could get the animals to behave immediately, he inquired of the trainer, if it would work on..........
  17. It's just a new and improved maintenance technique for working on brakes, and changing tyres and wheels.
  18. An interesting feature of MAC's is the number of MAC's where a student has been under instruction. Having a CFI on board is no guarantee of increased safety, and an AOPA report states that having a CFI on board and instructing, actually increases the risk of an aircraft crash. In nearly every case, the CFI's attention is on the student, the controls and the instruments, and he/she's not looking out for other aircraft - and often, the student isn't either, as he's focussed on learning new skills. The AOPA report states that MACs (in the U.S.) accounted for 16 percent of dual and 20 percent of solo fatal instructional accidents. I find it interesting that the last two MAC's here have both involved mature, high-hour pilots with with outstanding levels of experience.
  19. News article below.... Sydney plane crash: Off-duty Qantas captain Gary Criddle and man Khadiervali Gagguturu named as two of three killed in light plane collision WWW.9NEWS.COM.AU Grandfather Gary Criddle, 72, known by his friends and family as 'Gaz', was one of two men aboard the Cessn...
  20. onetrack

    Fairchild C-82 Packet

    Fairchild C-123 Provider. Worst aircraft I've ever ridden in. Crude interior, and barebones as they come. Originally built as an assault glider during WW2 by the Chase Aircraft Co. The only good part about them (to me) was listening to those lovely Pratt & Whitney R-2800 Double Wasps cranking up and roaring away. Good Morning, Vietnam | Internet Movie Plane Database Wiki | Fandom IMPDB.FANDOM.COM Movie (1987) Starring: Robin Williams (Airman Second Class Adrian Cronauer) Forest Whitaker (Private First Class Edward Montesquieu "Eddie" Garlick) Tung Thanh Tran (Phan Duc To (Phan Đức Tô), aka...
  21. All on board both aircraft are deceased. 3 fatalities, all males. No indication yet of aircraft type, but appear to be GA aircraft? Three dead after two light planes collide over Belimbla Park in Sydney's south-west - ABC News WWW.ABC.NET.AU The light aircraft collide midair before crashing into bushland at Belimbla Park in Sydney's south-west.
  22. .....pulled OT up and said, "Where's ya waybill?", in that normal social greeting method used by all SI's, and CASA operatives when asking to see logbooks. But OT was well ahead of the SI in his planning. "The dog ate it", he replied nonchalantly, knowing full well it was a great old excuse, regularly used by Turbo and Cappy when they went to school, and were asked to produce their homework. It was the exact same excuse they used when CASA operatives asked to see their logbooks. "Yair, right", snarled the SI. "Pull the other one, that's got bells on it", as he reached for his...........
  23. I've never heard of "lead fusion" on valve faces, and I can find no technical references, or online discussions about it. The generally accepted principle is that the lead compounds in avgas (primarily TEL or Tetra Ethyl Lead) change under the heat and chemical reactions going on during combustion, to form Lead Oxide deposits on combustion chamber and valve surfaces. I have never seen pure lead deposits in a combustion chamber, because combustion process temperatures are normally high enough to vaporise metallic lead, and because there are a wide range of chemical interactions going on in the combustion process, metallic lead will rapidly form other lead compounds, which are often erroneously referred to as "lead deposits". They are lead compounds, and other chemical compounds, deposits; not metallic lead. Ethylene Dibromide is added to Avgas to scavenge undesirable deposits of Lead Oxide, and when Ethylene Dibromide reacts with Lead Oxide, it forms Lead Bromide, which produces the light brown/ash-coloured deposits we see in exhaust system components. It's a little hard to tell from the photo what the irregularities are on the flat part of the valve face. Are they removable deposits, or are they deposit build-ups or disruptions of the valve face metal? The recessed section of the valve face shows distinct metallic erosion and pitting, which is normally caused by contaminants in the fuel combustion process, such as water. An engine ingesting very moist intake air, takes in a lot of water in vapour form, and erosion and pitting on combustion chamber components is created when the water is heated into steam, and the tiny steam bubbles then implode, eroding the metal. It's essentially cavitation taking place during combustion. The water and steam in the combustion chamber also cleans off any protective deposits on combustion chamber components, thus exposing the raw metal surface to chemical and cavitation attack. Acids are also formed during the combustion process and these also adversely affect the metal surfaces exposed to them. Below is a link to a Shell company article, discussing lead fouling in aviation engines. I believe it's a worthy read to add to ones knowledge bank. Lead Fouling | Preventing Lead Fouling in Aircraft | Shell Global WWW.SHELL.COM This article discusses lead fouling, what causes it and the most efficient way to prevent it in aviation engines. Read the full details here.
  24. ....stand behind the goat, which brought a cacophony of jeers and cheers from the crowd around the sale ring (crowds at sale rings are merciless, as anyone with even a small amount of livestock selling experience should know. The jeers and cheers were interrupted by the stock auctioneer, who said...........
  25. And their stall speed is pretty high, too! He's one lucky pilot to be able to escape the cabin before the fire took hold.
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