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Everything posted by onetrack

  1. 83% of our refined petrol and diesel comes from overseas. South Korea is our biggest supplier of refined fuels. I seem to recall Singapore is our biggest refined petrol supplier, and South Korea is our biggest refined diesel supplier. https://www.statista.com/statistics/674596/australia-petroleum-import-volume-by-country-of-origin/#:~:text=In 2024%2C South Korea was,12 thousand megaliters in imports.
  2. As Turboplanner correctly states, fuel and refining standards are vastly different between the U.S. and Australia. As a general guide, Australia tends to follow European fuel standards more than anything. The Americans use "octane rating" for their bowser fuels. Their bowser "octane ratings" are 87, 89, and 93 octane. But U.S. "octane ratings" are calculated by averaging the RON (Research Octane Number) test result, and the MON (Motor Octane Number) test result. Some U.S. refiners even use another test called the AKI (Anti-Knock Index), and average the AKI and MON to get their octane rating. Australian petrol comes in 91, 95 and 98 "octane". These grades are measured by using the RON test, ONLY - the same as the Europeans. Australian fuel standards are dictated by the Australian "Fuel Quality Standards Act 2000" legislation - which standards are regularly updated to reflect improved fuels, and lowered levels of toxic compounds. The accent in recent years has been on reducing the levels of aromatics in petrol, as well as lead reduction (since 1986). The aromatics combined are referred to as BTEX - benzene, toluene, ethyl-benzene and xylene. These compounds are all regarded as toxic and carcinogenic. Benzene in particular is nasty stuff, it contaminates groundwater all too easily. Benzene always has been a natural major constituent of petrol/gasoline, but the Australian legislation is intent on making sure refiners keep the BTEX levels down to around 25%-28%. Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (MTBE) was added to petrol/gasoline for decades as an oxygenation compound, designed to ensure complete combustion of the fuel. It was started to be removed from fuels in the 1990's, and the U.S. legislated for its eventual removal from 2005, but it is still being used as an additive in some U.S. gasolines at modest percentages. In Australia, the level of MTBE in our petrol is only allowed to be a maximum of 1%. U.S. Gasoline explained - https://www.eia.gov/energyexplained/gasoline/octane-in-depth.php Regulating Australian fuel quality - https://www.dcceew.gov.au/climate-change/emissions-reduction/regulating-fuel-quality#:~:text=for compliance purposes.-,Petrol,mg/kg sulfur to 2025.
  3. "Mogas" is a slang term description devised by Americans to describe their petrol fuels, which are correctly termed "Motor Gasoline" in the U.S. The slang word has seeped into some areas of Australian culture. The word "Mogas" as shown in RossK's photo is the trade name of an Australian fuel distributor, who operates in several Australian States. Mogas Regional :: Suppliers of Bulk Diesel, Unleaded, Premium Fuels and Lubrications MOGASREGIONAL.COM.AU Total fuel supply chain provider. Supply, transport and storage for petroleum products, aviation fuel and lubricants, plus fuel farm and ...
  4. Well, a bloke wished Franco Happy Birthday on Farcebook, on 31st Dec last - and Frank replied, so he's still around! Drifter Aircraft Appreciation Society | Happy birthday to this... WWW.FACEBOOK.COM Happy birthday to this amazing Drifter pilot Franco Arri
  5. This Welsh bloke has found some great spots for military aircraft spotting, as they zoom through the valleys below him. Some good footage here, even though it's Winter there. Mach Loop - Wikipedia EN.WIKIPEDIA.ORG
  6. Sacrilege!! He cut up a MERLIN engine, to make a V-twin for a drag bike!? He should be hung, drawn and quartered, and his remains fed to the wolves!! 😬
  7. What did you think about the $328 fee for activating the landing lights!! Gee, have they got to crank up a 250Kva Cat genset to operate the lights??
  8. Moneybox, it's quite likely the Cue Shire Council will set an annual lease fee for the hangar site, plus you'll be charged annual rates as a "land owner" in the Shire. Then, to erect a hangar, you'll be up for application fees, building permit fees, building services levy, and building licence administration fee. They get you coming and going. Below is the Council fees list, but the annual rates charges are not listed. There's a minimum annual rates charge for any property, usually $500-$600 on average. Then they'll want to know what other facilities you're going to install, and how they'll be serviced or operated. I see where Cue Airport is also an ASIC-card controlled airport. That's another unnecessary hassle. https://www.cue.wa.gov.au/documents/39/2023-2024-fees-and-charges EDIT - I just found the Cue airport information, as below. They also charge a fee of $9.70 per passenger, outgoing and incoming. Airport » Shire of Cue WWW.CUE.WA.GOV.AU
  9. When I was gold mining in the Kalgoorlie region in the early 1970's, I was in the Kalgoorlie State Battery one day, when a prospector wheeled in a wheelbarrow full of specimen stone, mostly quartz. There was highly visible gold in every piece of stone you looked at. The stone was too rich to put through the stamps and over the table in the battery, so they just put it through the big Berdan pan, until it was well ground. I recall that he recovered something like 280 ozs of gold, from just that one wheelbarrow full! I got 600 ozs of gold out my small open pit mine at Higginsville, but it took 8 years of Norseman State Battery crushing, and the hauling of 13,000 tonnes of ore 60 kms to Norseman for treatment, to get it! The ore haulage was mostly done with a '68 Perkins-powered, tandem-drive "Butterbox" International ACCO, DF-1840 tipper! - an ex-council truck! The East-West truckies used to curse me, holding them up on the hills, while the old 120HP Perkins ground her way over them loaded, in 2nd or 3rd gear!! The Norseman State Battery manager, "Dick" Della (a top bloke) used to tell me stories of when he worked at the Lake Darlot State Battery as a young bloke - and there were 3 mines in the area that brought in their ore to be crushed, and Dick told me you could see visible gold in every shovelful he picked up. Those 3 mines regularly produced multiple ounces of gold, to the ton of ore. In those early days, there was no hopper at the stamper, the ore was dropped onto a big flat plate alongside the stamps, and the employees picked up the ore with shovels, and shovelled it straight into the stamper boxes! A Kalgoorlie woman, Moya Sharp, has an excellent website (link below) covering the early Goldfields towns and families histories. Darlot - ghost town - Outback Family History WWW.OUTBACKFAMILYHISTORYBLOG.COM Mr L A Wells, a member of the ‘Elder Exploring Expedition of 1891’ discovered Lake Darlot on the 6th March 1892. The Lake was named after Leonard Hawthorn Darlot, pastoralist, one of the three sons of H...
  10. The article came from a post on "X" by a user named FL360aero. They have a large Aviation news website at www.fl360aero.com.
  11. It's not a conspiracy, the company Wealth Creation, obviously hasn't been paid for a debt owing and due - so, they've used a standard corporate technique by applying for the winding up of the company that owes them money, just to try and determine their true financial position. Many a time, the winding-up application is dropped when the creditor is paid. Koala Airlines faces winding-up application – Australian Aviation AUSTRALIANAVIATION.COM.AU Wealth Creation Pty Ltd has lodged the application against Koala, which gained some press last year as a potential new competitor in domestic aviation following the collapse of Bonza. A hearing in the Supreme...
  12. Always use Google search when you're trying to find something, Google's search algorithms are world-leading, 1000% better than any website search engine. You just type "recreational flying: failure terms", and the thread will come up within a few hits in the search results. If you can recall the key words such as "status of a thing" in your original post title, it will come up faster in the search results. https://www.recreationalflying.com/forums/topic/39545-help-with-terms-used-to-describe-the-status-of-a-thing/
  13. I've worked in bitter cold and worked in Darwin heat, and I know what I prefer - give me the heat any day. But the humidity during the "buildup" in October can definitely send you "troppo". However the "big biteys" hiding in the water everywhere in the NT is a bit off-putting. Funny, they didn't bother too many people during WW2, plenty of photos of soldiers swimming in the NT during the War - might have been because they learnt quickly that getting anywhere near those humans saw plenty of .303 bullets coming their way. Used to be a regular sport for a long long time, going out "spotlighting" for crocs with a few .303's. Wasn't anywhere near the numbers, or the number of attacks, back then. We've let them run riot, they have no predators apart from humans.
  14. I guess Dan could be rated as premium instructor, as regards avoiding crashing, because he's crashed so many aircraft himself! Maybe he should start educating aviation people about the foolhardiness of threatening to run over police with a DC-3? And I wonder if he's found the money to pay that US$1M defamation judgement? I think there's much better aviation instructors around, than Dan Gryder.
  15. ........smeared with allegations of match-fixing involving the Wallabies. However, Turbo as always, deflected all the allegations and claims, and came out of the affair squeaky-clean (as always), claiming it was unfair to expect him to know about all the dubious associations and underworld friendships of many hundreds of employees way below his level of interaction, and he would certainly have never approved of the.........
  16. Another ABC News article below contains a video of the crashed Drifter being lifted out of Fogg Dam by a helicopter and a photo of the wreckage, upright on a tilt-tray truck. The photo of the wreckage doesn't give fine detail, but it appears the prop is largely undamaged, leading one to infer that the engine wasn't delivering power when it impacted the dam. Tributes for pilot Mark Christie killed in ultralight plane crash near Darwin - ABC News WWW.ABC.NET.AU A 63-year-old pilot who died in an ultralight plane crash near Darwin has been remembered as "a great father" with a love of adventure and learning.
  17. A couple who survived the crash have thanked rescuers, emergency services and the ATSB investigators - and have made a point of saying they almost certainly owe their escape from the sinking aircraft to the detailed instructions provide by the deceased pilot, on how to operate the emergency exit door. I would have to opine, their escape from the sinking wreckage was also due to the fact that they took the trouble to listen to the instructions carefully. Perth couple who survived Rottnest Island plane crash give thanks to rescuers, medical personnel - ABC News WWW.ABC.NET.AU The Perth couple who survived a plane crash off Rottnest Island last week, which killed two tourists as well as the pilot, thank rescuers and medical personnel.
  18. The aircrafts registration was 55-1903. Photo courtesy of Ken Hodge on Flickr. Accident Austflight Drifter SB582 55-1903, Sunday 12 January 2025 ASN.FLIGHTSAFETY.ORG An Austflight Driter SB582 crashed into the waters near Fogg Dam, south east of Darwin. <br />The pilot perished and the passenger was injured and the ultralight was written off.
  19. Struts, tailplane, and fuselage all appear to be largely intact. Frontal damage appears to indicate a nose-dive straight into shallow water in the dam. The woman is lucky to have escaped unhurt. Photo is courtesy of the NT News.
  20. I reckon he's been "pushing the envelope" for possibly 20 years or more, and it caught up with him. That country is full of wildlife, especially big birds that can fly high. Hitting something like a magpie goose at the levels he's flying at in his videos, and you'd be history. The Fogg Dam birdlife is enormous. It's lucky they've got a surviving passenger who can probably tell the Police what actually happened. Experience the Wild - Where to Watch Birds, Fogg Dam WWW.EXPERIENCETHEWILD.COM.AU
  21. .....the Minister for aviation rolled up. "Which fella bilong him all dis balus?" he asked. The crowd scattered, they knew that it would only be minutes before pigs were being demanded, and a huge number of cowry shells would soon be requested for new aviation registrations, and the Chinese were yet to roll..........
  22. The pilot of the aircraft has been officially identified as Mark Christie, and the aircraft involved was a strut-braced Drifter Big Foot. Mark Christie had a Blog outlining his passions of photography and flying, and he also had a YouTube channel, and a Facebook page. He was Secretary of the Top End Flying Club and RA-Aus delegate for the northern Territory. https://www.youtube.com/@DoubleChook Pilot killed in ultralight plane crash at Fogg Dam, south-east of Darwin, identified - ABC News WWW.ABC.NET.AU A 63-year-old man who died in an ultralight plane crash south-east of Darwin on Sunday has been identified. About the Pilotographer – Pilotographer PILOTOGRAPHER.COM.AU My name is Mark Christie. I am the owner and pilot of a recreational aircraft called a Drifter. I first flew in a Drifter in 1984 and was immediately hooked on both the flying freedom and the visua… Pilotographer Flying Photos & Videos WWW.FACEBOOK.COM My name's Mark Christie and I fly a drifter ultralight aircraft out of MKT Airfield near Darwin, the capital of Australia's Northern Territory. I've been flying, filming and taking photographs of...
  23. .....for them to easily be able to reach the neighbouring village, the LikLiks, to wage war on them. The LeckLiks and the LikLiks had waged war on each other incessantly for centuries, but it normally took three days of trekking through mountainous country to reach their camps and to start shooting at them. Now, it would be much easier to drop in on top of the LikLiks from the sky, and to not only get the jump on them, but to frighten them into running away, thinking the LeckLiks were some kind of Sky Gods (well, naturally, they would be, because once they were in a Turbine Flying Car, they'd be a pilot, anyway! - so, therefore, real Sky Gods!) come to...........
  24. .....it was only when someone saw Turbo refuelling the Corvette at a bowser in a service station, that they twigged and looked for somewhere to send in a report. But Turbo was so crafty, no Govt Dept had yet been set up to deal with EV fraud, and as a result, Turbo continued to cream in massive profits, both with the Corvette, and with the Turbine Flying Car. In a stroke of further genius, Turbo had arranged a redesign of the TFC cabin (to keep the punters on their toes) to copy the appearance of a Corvette. The deposits soared as soon as the paparazzi sighted the "camouflaged" new TFC in an open field. Naturally, the factory camo was designed to be poor and to allow "sightings" of the new design to be widely circulated. However, the problems associated with the design and manufacture of the lightweight extension cord continued to nag on Turbine Industries engineers. Besides, there was also the size of the extension cord reel to be incorporated into the design. It was becoming imperative that a workable solution be found, or the punters would wise up and start asking for their deposits back. Then Turbo had a brainstorming session with the engineers. "If they can charge small electronic items wirelessly, why not a flying car?", he asked. "Well, said one engineer, "We could look into that system, but at present, I think the cord presents less issues than a wireless system of charging, and besides.........................
  25. Just a little more news below, neither the pilot nor the aircraft type and rego has yet been publically identified. There's an article in the NT News, but it's behind a paywall. NT Police have advised they will hold a media conference in regard to the crash this afternoon (Monday 13/01/2025). The News.com.au site has a single photo showing wreckage of a microlight inverted in what appears to be shallow water or swampy vegetation, it's reported the aircraft crashed around 50M from the wall of Fogg Dam. Not a good spot to crash, or to have to search, Fogg Dam is a major croc habitat! Man dies in light plane crash in crocodile-infested waters in Fogg Dam, Darwin | Daily Mail Online WWW.DAILYMAIL.CO.UK A pilot has died after a light plane crashed into crocodile-infested waters in the Northern Territory. https://www.news.com.au/travel/travel-updates/incidents/pilot-dead-after-plane-crashed-into-crocinfested-dam-in-nt/news-story/f09131104e97ed7d068fdd2716d923dd
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