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  1. new on d-motor website; dealer in australia
  2. formation flight with the black shape, pictures not 100%; a bit bumpy a this speed
  3. I saw this afternoon the 6 cilinder ready for Friedrichshavn, looks good, can't waiting to see the performance:cheezy grin:
  4. as promised some pictures
  5. D-Motor will probably showing his first 6 cilinder on Friedrichshavn aero next week
  6. hi, first black shape arrived on Monday, in June the second should arrive. Very impressive for an ultralight, was coming direct for the factory in flight (approx 1600km ; in 2 legs)., pilots were owner and black shapes testpilot. Try to add some pictures after the week-end.
  7. phvdw

    the foxbat

    Hi, we have 2 A22 (Foxbats ) in our club, A22 80pk rotax and A22L 100pk, A22L has less wingspan, 80pk cruise 80-85 kts, 100pk 95-100 kts cruise grtz, philip
  8. standard is the rotax 100, for a more price (sic ) you can get the new "100 iS"
  9. Australian intrest? http://www.blackshapeaircraft.com/anthony-albanese-australian-minister-of-infrastructures-and-transportation-visits-blackshape
  10. overhaul is normally sheduled every 300 hours, I will sent mine next month, sometimes it takes 1 to 2 weeks before they respond a mail, but till now every time I get a response.
  11. millenium is gone, started new as "black shape", new company in south italian; price stays the same
  12. phvdw

    manifold pressure

    how to connect on manifold pressure sensor on jab 3300, to have an indication on a dynon
  13. new boxer motor; lightweight Kapelstraat 198 8540 Deerlijk - Flash Intro
  14. To jetjr, for jabiru engines GT propellers is proposing a electrical constant speed propeller, till today no experience with this propeller
  15. I've fitted this type of prop correct name is "idrovario" by alisport(italian); possible in 2 blades high speed or 3; 4 blades. some remarks; if used with rotax only with 912uls 3; who has hollow shaft and gearbox adapted to mount a CSU, we've choosen for the jihostroj. Works very good on our aircraft. Take of short, good climbing caracteristics approx 1100ft/m at 450kg and reasonnable cruise speed (127kts).
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