Hi Eightyknots,
Start time depends on finishing the house as we are living in my aircraft factory at the moment, but I would like to think it will be similar to your start time. I'm chomping at the bit to get going, but I want to make sure I do it properly the first time so I will ask as many questions as possible before them. I would be good to be building at the same time to keep check on the construction processes.
Thanks for the feedback regards the twin sticks and flaps, sounds like good advice. I am still sorting through your post to find the details of the twin stick mod. I am a bit spoilt with having elec flaps after flying the Sky Arrow for the last 6 months, but the simplicity of the manual flaps with your modified selector makes sense, I just wast sure it was doable with the twin sticks. Then Sky Arrow Imhave been flying is the one featured in the March Sport Pilot. The Condor tyres are a definite to give me the off airport capability. I'm a bit envious of your farm, having your own strip is the ultimate. I can't find the space on my 10 acres. The farmer next door owns 900 acres and I keep eyeing of suitable areas for a strip. I am also just around the corner from Greenfields Airstrip ( Boreen Point) a private strip, I am yet to investigate being able to fly out of there eventually.