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Everything posted by danny_galaga

  1. Sure, but normally (and I assumed legally) it will say 'paid advertisement ' at the top or bottom of the page
  2. There is also an article about a flying estate. You know, where you have your house backed onto an airfield.both those articles smelt of paid advertising, but normally a reputable magazine would say that. Sure enough, the website for the estate is down. I wonder if the magazine mostly gets paid advertising from people about to go broke 🤔
  3. Agreed. While I'm coming on board with the ZD engines viability, I am very happy with my nearly time expired flying school engine. Always the same workshop, at the same airfield. And I already have maybe 20 hours experience with this engine from when it was in the plane I hired. Price difference is huge, and I am confident I have a reliable engine.
  4. Christ almighty, Android+ 15 minute edit window = post completely opposite of what I meant 😄 Should say: Yes, because then i can tell my mates 'let me tell you about this guy...'
  5. Yes, because then u can tell my mates 'let me tell you about this guy...'
  6. I can't tell if you're being serious or not...
  7. Goddam, this is gonna get the chemtrail nutters going. Beautiful, no? https://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap240423.html?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR301oZbYkQulRE2i8FUHQ8yws6P72CyeCmVrfSHdMaVqJQPjnd9hQdD_NQ_aem_AfPYSAOmLxNASaD8o_3C6o08cfZU6ES9r_M_R6FJ1MvRkHfIY9wGyZk3TstFBU1LgKO1Kds8T6YbXi6bZ6JbP7bj
  8. Faux pas
  9. I've only seen one of those once, in the Savage Cub I did my tail wheel endorsement in.
  10. Why is it back to front? I can see both in front of me. As well, for the right hand seat, I figure it's more important to have ASI closer to them than ALT. Most importantly though, The chemtrails switch is easily accessible for pilot or co pilot 🙂
  11. Yep. Been saving a LOT of money 😄 But my plane is nearly ready for test flying, so I do need to find a way to get back in shape so to speak. The flying school I was hiring from are on a bit of a hiatus.
  12. What's the capital of Bulgaria?
  13. I've actually stopped flying for a while because of this problem. I wasn't flying regularly. Each time I actually felt I was becoming every so slightly less proficient. Really need to fly at least once a fortnight, just to maintain what you have have I reckon. I was often flying less often than that.
  14. Pmccarthy, next time you talk to someone like that, ask why 'they' would go to all that trouble when all 'they' have to do is go to a dam at night and kick a couple of drums of their mind control chemicals in. Ive posted my panel here before but it's so in context with the thread imma post it again 😁
  15. Oh, I have a cover for it. Although I've been slack while working on it and only covering the fuselage, mainly to keep the windscreen clean. And yes, if I couldn't hanger it, I probably wouldn't even own a plane, except maybe an all metal vh rego
  16. Well, I've taken so long building my plane that the company has stopped making them 😲 so my list (minus the engine parts) will become even more relevant for me over time. They are restructuring, and will still be supplying parts. One thing I'm toying with is to get a spare set of sails. People say 'just get a sailmaker to copy them'. Problem is, they are pretty complicated sails, and I've heard some horror stories. Of course it's a HUGE expense holding onto a spare set, and they take up room in my already chockers garage.
  17. I note that the latest issue of Australian Sport Pilot has an article entitled "Flying the Icon A5" 😄
  18. Maybe they are investigating because it's a novel accident for Australia?
  19. How fast is a Sea Fury?
  20. Lekker ☺️
  21. Would not not a great idea IMO. A small electric scooter would be better. But they also bring quite a weight penalty. I've looked into it for myself. The only way is to fly solo, and so the extra equipment doesn't weigh more than your passenger would. A thumb/taxi/fellow aviator is probably going to be your best bet, which I think you've already realised
  22. Actually, UAVs need to be as reliable as a regular aircraft. We often think of suicide drones. But most of those are quite small. Don't think of the shahad or whatever, think of craft like the Reaper. If course a Reaper is quite a large machine with a turboprop capable of carrying missiles, but a lot of UAVs are just for surveillance. Stay aloft for say 6-10 hours. Sending Intel, guiding strikes etc. Then back to base, refuel and off again. They would rack up thousands of hours pretty quickly. It's made me think these ZD engines are going to be quite reliable. I mean, if you sell dud products to the People's Army...
  23. Just watched the other video where the American importer is interviewed. Interesting to note ZD first market for their 912 was the UAV market, my thoughts on Ukraine have a precedent 😄
  24. So as long as Freizitpilot only flies a floatplane, he should be golden...
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