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Everything posted by danny_galaga

  1. Simple, it costs them $1230000 to make.
  2. Well, if he is trained by them it sort of is. You have to keep up with the times. Young people becoming engineers have grown up with smart phones etc. so that has to be part of the training. Train them to make the first step to switch off your phone and put it in your locker. Or whatever the problem is- why isn't he following the protocols? What is it in the training that isn't sticking? Are they lowering standards for recruiting? And etc.
  3. I'm normally wary of saying what's happening to so and so, they are turning to shit. It's the logical fallacy of selected instance. But what's happening to Boeing? They're turning to shit 😄 Probably what I can more accurately say is- what's happening to maintenance standards, they're turning to shit.
  4. Southwest Airlines Boeing 737-800 engine cover falls off plane, strikes wing during take-off on flight from Denver - ABC News https://amp.abc.net.au/article/103680234#amp_tf=From %1%24s&aoh=17125608534479&csi=0&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com
  5. OBJECTION! (Am I doing it right? ) 😄
  6. I hear Cirrus make fuel efficient planes.
  7. Cirrus is the safest aircraft on the market.
  8. If you can't get rid of it, put it all in a box with a 'free' sign on it and put it out on the nature strip in front of your house. After two days when it's still there, swap the sign for one that says '$50 for the lot'. It should disappear in a few hours...
  9. That business model works with games consoles because you make your money selling software. Suspect it doesn't work so well in this scenario 😄
  10. I agree with a lot of what you say there. To the question " are planes with parachutes really safer?" One would have to say yes, at least in the case of Cirrus. Will I fit a chute to my plane? No.
  11. Is that the plane some famous baseball player crashed?
  12. See my magazine photo above. Ballistic in 1983. That guy has big balls cutting the rigging to prove his chutes work 😲. He's standing, err hanging by his product 😄
  13. From my August 1983 National Geographic, the issue that fired my imagination about ultralights when I was a teenager
  14. That's really interesting garfly. I had actually imagined that the force needed was a deliberate safety feature, instead it turns out it's mostly because you are tensioning the firing pin mechanism. In the video he says that Cirrus now train owners on using it, which is good. I imagine they also get to pull on mock up one so they know what sort of strength is required.
  15. I think when they say the expectation is the airframe is destroyed, they mean exactly that. EXPECT it to be destroyed. The saying is HOPE for the best, EXPECT the worst So if your airframe survives the crash, then YAY! But destroyed or not, YOU will survive.
  16. It's all in the video guys! Pretty illuminating stats. But I will say that it seems the chutes have been of some use as low as 300 ft 😲
  17. I like Paul's stuff on AVWEB. Watch the whole thing before commenting 🙂
  18. Does it really matter? It's not really the crux of the story...
  19. I am from the NT originally and can attest to fire cracker night lunacy..I used to be one of the looneys in my younger days 😄. Tides are very large in the top end. May just be you happened to be sailing at highish tides so never observed it. Regards corrosion. Not something to argue about for this story. If you can fly it out within hours, it can go straight to the airport (maybe 15-20 minutes flying from Casuarina) and looked at there. Much easier than trying to truck it out.
  20. Yes, but still prudent to reduce fuel on board, no?
  21. In so far as a compass is almost a decoration nowadays, I believe you still need one by law? Id want one anyway, since if all else fails at least you know within say 5° where you are headed. What are some minimal set ups you guys are using? Has anyone just cable tied an orienteering compass to the top of their instrument panel 🧭 😄 Most interested in pedestal type mount situations. I have a panel mount, but decided against using it. It is for sale by the way 🙂
  22. For a lot of us, a good plane and then with the money left over, a crappy car 😀
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