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Everything posted by danny_galaga

  1. Inside the plane, on the firewall. Rotate your screen 90Β° anti - clockwise for correct view πŸ€ͺ
  2. Not so much relaxed, but not inclined to go further with it. You have done some research on it, you may need to go to the ACCC or similar.
  3. What I'm thinking might happen is over a few weeks, which is how long since last time, a fair bit of fuel syphons away from the gascolator, since the fuel pick ups are from the top. Running the boost pump for a few seconds will pull fuel into it. Next weekend I'll do a drain straight away and see what I get. Then try the boost pump.
  4. Hmmm, I'm wandering if it does need the boost pump? Next I'm.there I'll run it for a second and see if that makes a difference. And reading up on them it seems it shouldn't matter if you used the boost pump because all the water and crap will have dropped into gascolator as it passes through. I'll report back πŸ™‚
  5. Yes, pretty I hooked it up the same way. But who knows, it was years ago now πŸ˜„ The engine is running fine. This is all leading me to the conclusion there is something wrong with the gascolator. I wouldn't be surprised, just another kick in the head with this 'friday job' kit...
  6. I'm just going to stick with the shell aero. I don't think that costs any more than the good quality motorcycle oils that would also work. You know me, I don't want to pay more than I have to, especially the roTAX but with oil I'm leaving that for others to experiment with...
  7. As per previous update. I ended up putting a mechanical isolator in the instrument panel πŸ™‚
  8. It's all new. Has only run an hour or so. Single fuel tank. I hope I don't need to have the electric fuel pump going. That would mean I need to pump water into the carbies before I find out it's water πŸ˜„
  9. Let's just say that if the volume of liquid that dribbles out of my gascolator when I try to drain it was the same volume that accidentally dribbled into my undies after going to the toilet, I needn't be embarrassed...
  10. If I could edit it more than 15 minutes afterwards I would so you could find my joke funny πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
  11. I thought that little window was just for reaching in and turning on the ignition so you can jiggle the stall warning switch πŸ˜„
  12. It's much like a regular car door on the piper. If it popped open, air pressure is going to keep it relatively closed. I don't know why you would have a forward opening door on an aircraft. On cars they call them suicide doors for a reason πŸ˜„
  13. Yes, we were taught that in training -get the passenger to unlatch the door and hold it ajar. I can't remember if it was easy for the pilot to reach on his own. I used to think it quite chivalrous to have the door on the passenger side - women and children first! Captain last πŸ˜„
  14. I remember them well. The characters were 1930s American gangsters πŸ™‚
  15. Haven't read this all the way through but just thought I'd point out some low wing planes have doors, not bubble canopies. One I know well is the Piper PA28 Warrior, and all its cousins and brothers .
  16. "And goils ain't goils" ☺️
  17. Oh, I see. As far as I know, the reg/rec that I bought, which is made for the Rotax 912 has better specs than the original part. That is to say, it is designed as an improvement on the original. Better cooling, better electronics, simpler wiring etc. for instance, it doesn't have that strange C wire. When the engine isn't running, the regulator isn't on. It's not slowly discharging the battery....
  18. Anything with the word DUCATI written on it is the downgrade πŸ˜€
  19. I agree with the last two posts. The recommended oil isn't that expensive in the scheme of things. On insurance, since it seems no one seems to investigate anything in ra Aus aircraft, if your Rotax use is in such a plane, it seems you could run it with cooking oil and no one would care... (Note: do NOT use cooking oil in your engine)
  20. Yeah, we transported my half finished plane on a car trailer. And wings and cowls etc in a rental 3.5 tonne truck. Went ok, but really hadn't thought about insurance or anything.
  21. Mum and dad and a trusty land Rover
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