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Everything posted by danny_galaga

  1. I agree if I'm getting a fuel pump for a Boeing 737 jet engine, then maybe I should follow provenance. If however, I need the left carby throttle arm for a Rotax 912, then a simple visual inspection should suffice 😉
  2. Yes, that's the FB i was talking about.
  3. There is a page on FB for such things but it looks a bit hit and miss. Is anyone aware of somewhere to be bits and pieces?
  4. Love these old training films. This one is on engine failures and knowing your aircraft 🙂
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  5. Meh. Stopped at the local Repco and they had run out of ALL their cable 🙄 Just ordered some online from some company with a ropey payment system. Hopefully I didn't just lose my money 😄
  6. Oh my god, such an epic struggle to get a few cables made. My auto electrician would have been fine, but the size cable I want to use they don't carry. They would have to order ten metres minimum. How about the motorcycle shop down the road? Good point. There s a row of them. First one I asked, he really wasn't listening. What bike is it for? I tried again to tell him I need cables made. But what bike is it for? Geez, ok it's for a BMW f650. Sorry we only do British bikes. DAFUQ? I said 'what I'm asking is can you make up some cables for me'. No sorry. Second shop had some stuff kick around but he didn't know what any of it meant. He had no idea what I was saying. He didn't know what the sizing meant. I said imagine it's for a Harley Davidson. I don't know what that means... I got him to show me the cable he had. Looked a bit small. Passed a boat shop and thought that should be right up their alley.they were nearly as vague as the second bike shop. I didn't tell any off these guys it's for an ultralight as I get mixed results. I might as well have been asking for a window winder for a space shuttle. In Swahili. In all cases they are greeting the customer ready to say no, instead of being ready to help. This is why I buyso much stuff online nowadays, I can't be arsed explaining myself to disinterested people. Of all ages in today's case I might add. It's not just a youth thing. So I'm about to order some 3 b & s cable online and then I'll take it to my sparky .
  7. Not to sound heartless, but why would you need to insure a baby? Is it for injury/disease hospital costs etc?
  8. https://www.legacygr.com/2017/06/06/from-art-form-to-science-the-beginnings-of-modern-insurance/ Started off as only widows of clergy, but still a good start
  9. Pretty sure life INSURANCE came first. Quite a noble act, a Scottish priest who was tired of seeing newly widowed women kicked to the curb when their husbands died suddenly...
  10. Yes. It's a bug bear of mine when people complain about selling to foreign investors. Australia is rich per capita, but we only have so much money to go around. If a farm or factory is in trouble, should we just compel them to go bankrupt and just abandon the site? It's silly thinking.
  11. I did end up screwing up my application. They advised I should get it reset to amend or summink so I could change my entries. Did that and now a few weeks later I've been approved.
  12. Is the one with three insulators for voice activated 'TALK' button maybe?
  13. I don't doubt it, but I reckon he embellished the story with the ol 'the oil companies tried to shut me down' routine. For one, you can run steam engines with petroleum products. But also, why put all the trouble into inventing something just to sit on it and not make any money from it? If you aren't going to do anything with it anyway, sell it to the big mean old oil companies. You weren't going to do anything with it, they aren't either. But now you are richer 😎
  14. https://gml.noaa.gov/ccgg/about/co2_measurements.html#:~:text=We have confidence that the,representative of very large areas. I guess you know better than all those researchers *shrugs*
  15. If I implied he was simple, I apologise. Planedriver, I apologise. I only mean that your reasoning is simple. It's how the deniers work their magic. Watch the witch burning scene in Monty Python and the search for the holy grail. its the same sort of mentality. Just because shouty talking heads demonise institutions like NOAA, doesn't make all the science and research on the subject wrong. You have a typo or two towards the end so I'm not sure what you are implying with volcanoes, but humans produce magnitudes more greenhouse gases than volcanoes do. Again, this is something that is beyond dispute. To argue otherwise, well you might as well argue that the earth is flat. I can't stop you believing it... The only way to refute science, is with better science. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-is-worldwide-sea-level-rise-driven-by-melting-arctic-ice/ https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/new-data-reveal-stunning-acceleration-of-sea-level-rise/ https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/article/sea-level-rise-1 https://www.nature.com/articles/s41558-021-01127-1 https://royalsociety.org/topics-policy/projects/climate-change-evidence-causes/question-14/ https://climate.nasa.gov/vital-signs/sea-level/ I know this all pales in comparison to the infinite wisdom of that master scientist and engineer- Alan Jones, but still worth considering 😄 Anyway, I seem to have successfully derailed this thread. My work here is done!
  16. From all this it sounds like Super is fine. That's all I have anyway. Well, two of them since I still haven't rolled one. Dunno what would happen if I get injured outside of work though...
  17. You know the sea level isn't the same everywhere at the same time, right? What the concern is is about the net level rise. It's beyond dispute, except by what The Economist politely term 'mischievous' sources. I would trust anything Scientific American says over shouty talking heads like Alan Jones "The latest study, led by Dangendorf, analyzed 66 TIDE GAUGE records up and down the East and Gulf coasts, alongside satellite observations and model simulations for a closer examination. The researchers separated out the extra influence of sinking land, a notable issue in some parts of Texas and Louisiana. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/southeastern-u-s-seas-are-rising-at-triple-the-global-average/
  18. Because he is making an utterly simple and trite argument about climate change (although no doubt will pretend otherwise). But if it's not obvious, I'll explain - how can just two photos, one of which we have no tide information, trump 100+ years of data, which in digital form would probably be in terrabytes of storage? All those really simple arguments echo Homer Simpsons level of reasoning (say it in a Homer Simpson voice) "Sure, of course atoms COULD consist of a cloud of electrons around a nucleus of protons and neutrons, but if so wouldn't we look fuzzier? "
  19. You aren't that simple, surely...
  20. Tell me about it. The UK branch even has a climate change desk!
  21. Yep..no one invests in airlines now. I certainly don't. I don't know what can be done about it. I just know I don't want my money tied up in them while they figure it out...
  22. On a serious note, quite often the best CEO for the job is not necessarily experienced in the Nitty gritty of that company. That's what the people under them are for. Their best attribute is to make the hard decisions, find new directions or acquisitions. Sometimes making workers redundant. If they can do all that for Qantas, it wouldn't matter if they'd never set foot inside a plane, let alone fly one. Richard Branson was a good example. He started a record label, video games label, airline. He didn't have experience in those things. He surrounded himself with people who did.
  23. https://warbirdsnews.com/aviation-museum-news/operation-m-c-72-recreating-a-world-speed-record-holding-seaplane.html
  24. https://www.dividenddates.com.au/hvn-dividend-history/ You guys are like dogs seeing squirrels, seriously! Pretend I didn't say Gerry Harvey. Who is a CEO you admire? Pretend that person once said: If you think you are worth more, buy shares in the company you represent.
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