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Everything posted by danny_galaga

  1. No, the dickhead presenting this 'story' was doing the advertising. People will say anything to sell wallets 😂
  2. Saw a new VH rego the other day for the first time actually. Something like VH-82O
  3. Meh lost interest in a minute when he started advertising wallets. Hypocrite talking about cash grabs...
  4. I agree, which is why I'm wondering what the point of an auto off is. If you have trouble with your USB port, you'll have to unplug it, and then 15 minutes later it shuts down. Or can you disable that? I'm not going to bother running mine on a charger, but a better aerial sounds useful
  5. Is there any circumstances where the auto power off will shut it down mid flight? That wouldn't be handy...
  6. Um, don't they say to mount it forward with clear view? Mounting it in the back is not the same thing.
  7. I must admit my Google-fu was weak with this one. Gauge hookup is a no brainer, I've already wired it as per diagram on the housing.
  8. Actually just realised Skyreach should know, since they build factory planes as well as kits. Will email them now 🙂
  9. Might have a look at the Tecnam my engine came out of. See if I can figure it out from there...
  10. Funny the things you learn along the way! Thanks for keeping us up to date. Now I just need to find out what the pin-out is on this plug
  11. I don't see how a fully sealed oil pressure sensor is going to be effected by outside air pressure...
  12. I don't understand why it would do that, but will bear it in mind if I do get fluctuations 🙂
  13. Next question of course is what is the pin-out of this sensor?
  14. Cool, will order that now 🙂
  15. Is this what the plug looks like? Of course these guys are out of stock. What the hells wrong with just using spade terminals, dammit... https://jaydeeautocables.com.au/products/honeywell-pressure-sensor-connector-kit-hps3-k
  16. Well for now all I want is a connector for it. At the moment, that wh part number doesnt get me any closer to handing over my readies. Although after searching around I found out the sensor is from Honeywell so maybe I can pursue it that way. Perhaps through Digi-Key
  17. That is the gauge I have, and the plane this came out of has the same gauge. I'm puzzled why there seem to be three pins. Is one for pressure and one for a light?
  18. Just verifying that this sender unit on the oil pump being 3 pins is temp AND pressure. If not, what is it? And what is this type of plug called so I can buy one?
  19. Welcome to the party that never ends 🍻
  20. I definitely have a good think about what I read out loud to myself when it comes to the park brake and fuel switch status on the Tecnam. Bloody dyslexics worst nightmare 😄
  21. Clearly though if the airplane is flying, the battery was fine to start with. If it simply failed in flight, I agree with Spacesailor, the alternator will carry on as before. Unless the battery became a dead short
  22. I'll have to start writing one for my plane soon I guess. It will even have 'turn on skyecho2' on the list. Naturally it will include a parkbrake check 😀 Plane failed to take off due to parking brake not being fully released, safety report finds - ABC News https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-05-17/tas-plane-failed-to-take-off-due-to-parking-brake-still-being-on/102358096
  23. A lot of the motorcycle wreckers I've been to have the most important stuff indoors. Different sort of scene to car wreckers.
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