If I implied he was simple, I apologise. Planedriver, I apologise. I only mean that your reasoning is simple. It's how the deniers work their magic. Watch the witch burning scene in Monty Python and the search for the holy grail. its the same sort of mentality. Just because shouty talking heads demonise institutions like NOAA, doesn't make all the science and research on the subject wrong. You have a typo or two towards the end so I'm not sure what you are implying with volcanoes, but humans produce magnitudes more greenhouse gases than volcanoes do. Again, this is something that is beyond dispute. To argue otherwise, well you might as well argue that the earth is flat. I can't stop you believing it...
The only way to refute science, is with better science.
I know this all pales in comparison to the infinite wisdom of that master scientist and engineer- Alan Jones, but still worth considering 😄
Anyway, I seem to have successfully derailed this thread. My work here is done!