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Everything posted by danny_galaga

  1. Yep, already wired the supplied pot remotely with a view to measuring and replacing with a fixed value. Great minds eh 😃 Cooling will be fine. It's why I bought a kit. I looked at how to work out what sized heat sink I would need and the maths didn't look fun 😄 Note that there are more caps than needed. The kit covers a few bases, including an LCD voltage meter. I left out what I KNEW I didn't need, and left in what I wasn't sure about. The fan was powered by a lm7812 to give it a constant 12v . Since I'm only feeding it 12v I just left it out and bridged it. Fan wails like a banshee though, I'm sure it doesn't need to be THAT fast! So might put in a 1-5 ohm resistor to take the edge off it...
  2. Just put together the little kit, leaving out the bits I didn't think I needed (rectifier, voltage display etc) . Worked. Tried to put a load on it by connecting a USB powered desk lamp. Weird performance but I put it down to the fact I was getting a 12v supply from a 240v switch mode supply. Then I did something and I think I killed it. Are lm338 easy to kill?
  3. I guess what I'm driving at is that it would probably be the same process for a fake 912 from China. In which case I would feel safer behind a well documented used real 912.
  4. Could be taking samples for testing?
  5. Is it possible to fit an 'on condition' engine on a 24 rego plane?
  6. And one more thing. I think on a phone nowadays 64gb is the bare minimum, since the OS is over 20gb just on its own. What sizes are you guys at, on tablets a year or so old or less? Bearing in mind I won't be using it for anything else... And was that about gdl90 again? Is that something any modern tablet can use, or has, or whatever?
  7. Ok, so built in GPS, but not necessarily phone. I guess it won't use the skyecho2 GPS in the same way?
  8. Just to be clear on the tablets - they need a SIM to navigate, right?
  9. As good a reason as any to get the skyecho2 if it at least reduces the risk of this 😲 https://www.avweb.com/aviation-news/drone-collision-report-issued/ Imagine if that had hit the windscreen
  10. I'm only ra-aus now, and probably just using it in the one plane. Looks like I left some important details when I emailed casa so I'll just wait for them to respond and give them serial numbers etc then.
  11. Oh, that was easy 😃 Thanks kgwilson for the heads up on Enroute Flight Navigator. This gives me a free way to fiddle, and maybe even just stick with that, although I guess ozplan etc have ersa etc built in.
  12. Ok, so ive charged it up using a genuine phone charger (as opposed to a $2 jobbie from eBay). Now what 😄 The instructions say it will need an ICAO number. I've emailed casa about that but I guess in the meantime, since my plane isn't even airworthy yet, I can still play with it and see other aircraft in an efb?
  13. Heatsink isn't huge, but is designed around this fan, which mounts on posts. That should make it lighter than just a big passive sink I imagine. The kit has things I don't need so I'll leave those out. I just thought it would be easier to get something already designed than try and work out what sort of heat sink I need 🙂
  14. So a good quality 2amp charger is fine, or your PC. So it looks like I CAN pilfer my charger stash after all 😃
  15. Just heard back from uavionix: Good Morning Danny, The specifications given in the user manual are quite detailed but are mainly to prevent the use of inferior quality and often dangerous USB charging equipment. We have found that common brand name USB chargers (mobile phone chargers) are sufficient, also charging via a computer USB hub. The key recommendation is to charge the unit at least once a month using a 240V source rather than relying on in aircraft charging for long periods of time. The battery capacity and voltage can be monitored via WiFi connection to
  16. Just had a look. It's an LM338K. So 5amps. I'm hoping that even if it's a counterfeit, it can do 3 😃
  17. Yes, my kit comes with a nice heat sink AND a small fan 🙂
  18. Thing is, I'm going to have to charge it up at home more often than not. I will double check the linear charger kit I bought to put in the plane. It might actually be 3 amps or so. You guys will know the linear power supply I mean, I think it's in a TO3 package. Thing is, even THOSE can be counterfeit 😃 but I'm hoping in this case the voltage will still be clean, just not capable of as high a current draw as advertised. When I bought it, I wasn't worried because I hadnt even thought about the skyecho2
  19. Well, apparently it has to be well over 2amps, which a lot of chargers aren't. Did you look at the link in my last post? It's a real eye opener and why I'm quite hesitant nowadays ..
  20. I'm taking everything you say on board, but you must differentiate between 'made in china ' and 'fake made in China'. I think I posted this write up somewhere else on this forum but it bears repeating. ALL of these chargers will be made in china: http://www.righto.com/2012/10/a-dozen-usb-chargers-in-lab-apple-is.html?m=1 Therefore I'm not going to buy any old thing off eBay. Just waiting on a reply from uavionix. I think it is remiss of them not to at least have a few recommendations.
  21. Very confusing. So my safest bet is to find a second hand apple iPad charger. Getting a new fake one is a great way to blow something up... Apple chargers are usb-c. I would just buy that but you are saying they won't work? https://www.apple.com/au/shop/product/MHJ93X/A/20w-usb-c-power-adapter?fnode=a8e3ab270aef03663fb59dbf32653013403659cdd66669189250079a6561ea194af73b56b1ecc3e9cff4b36e1560713f4ae048248da85dddfe2b691808e9a02a281dd1b9efe22096986b7fa45905eeb017ebd3d8ae2cb78b3d802e83455b8fcbdbe1600fea923f03462cf3e61092be34 Edit: I just shot uavionix an email to see what they recommend I buy and from where.
  22. These are various from all over. I'm a postie so every time I see free stuff on the footpath I pick it up. One of my other hobbies is retro gaming, and it's handy to have various supplies. I will have a look later. (Edit: none of mine are over 2amps). If not, what do they expect you to use? A lot of the aftermarket things have have very dirty voltages, I wouldn't have thought the manufacturer would want that left up to chance...
  23. I guess I have to supply my own charger? I have a box of USB chargers from other devices I've collected over time, just in case. Looks like my hoarding will pay off 😄
  24. Handy to know. Might install Enroute Flight Navigation on my android phone so I can experiment once I get the skyecho2. There will be a bit of a difference though to a tablet other than size since the tablet will JUST be for the plane, and will have minimal apps on it, while my phone has dozens installed that may or may not want to use wifi. Will order th se2 today and try and apply for that subsidy too.
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