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Everything posted by danny_galaga

  1. Hopefully I can get back to the airfield this weekend and I can see how he's going
  2. Hi Richard. Do you think the pilot may have had some sort of problem? Either airframe issue or perhaps maybe a medical drama of some sort? Having watched a number of flights it doesn't seem like something he would deliberately do? Was the engine running smoothly through the whole thing?
  3. And there it is. Some people just can't see someone else's point of view. I think you've just invented the 'triple down' πŸ˜„
  4. I Think a simple apology to him would have been nice, instead people, including you just doubled down. A simple apology and move on. The original thread has been edited but you can see he had a valid point.
  5. Indeed, not too long ago a guy joined up on this forum purely to inform everyone he had not died in a crash like some people were saying..he was not best pleased and I don't blame him for being upset about it.
  6. Important thing is he is alright. That fuselage sure gave him some crash protection 😲
  7. I believe it was a one off. The current owner bought it and finished it.
  8. Nope. (My hangar on the right of the plane) https://www.planesales.com.au/details/Listing/Single-Engine-Propeller/9982/2023-Scamp-2023
  9. Hmmm, according to the report, the pilot is in his fifties, but I'm pretty sure the owner is older. So either a typo or someone else was flying. He was selling the plane.
  10. That makes sense. The hangar to the left with the plane in front of it is where I keep my plane. The paddock straight across the road from that hangar is quite scrubby. I sometimes go over and chat to the horses in it. The scenery in that video looks like it's that paddock now you mention it.
  11. Im pretty sure I know which plane this is and have talked to the pilot a number of times, nice fellow. If him, it's a Rotec powered biplane. Glad he's not seriously injured. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-09-17/light-plane-crash-scenic-rim-boonah-airfield-queensland/104360076
  12. Did you end up mounting them NOT on the engine, or just reused the original mounting bracket?
  13. Picked up the plans for the club racer today. This is the OS 15 I got for my 12th birthday. Looks a little sorry now. But some WD-40 and an old toothbrush should make it look a little more respectable πŸ™‚
  14. I don't have direct experience with them, but these aftermarket 912 ignition modules have been praised by various people https://www.ignitech.cz/en/vyrobky/bikes/rotax/rotax_912_and_914/rotax_912_and_914.htm They also have enough wiring to mount them NOT on the engine, just like they should be in the first place πŸ˜„
  15. So the 'club' racer is a slightly reworked plan of the 1940's KK Phantom . I will pick up a plan from them this Sunday. It will be ages before I build it, but in my spare time I can get a kit of parts ready. I'll make patterns for the main parts as I'm pretty sure I'll build at least 2. The first is the homage to Dad and 12 yo me, and will be quite standard. Once I've done some flying with that one I'll know how to finesse the next one. The one in the photo I think has something like an ED 2.49 or similar diesel. They are quite potent and like full size diesels have a better duration so great for team racer or similar. I'm using my original OS .15 glo which might be roughly the same power but of course will have a higher fuel burn rate. I'm going incorporate the name Cherokee as part of the homage. But not on its own. Any ideas? It can be corny because , well I'm 12 yo again ☺️ For instance Cherokee Dream or Cherokee Spirit
  16. Safer too. If you went to a club they won't even allow you to use the old radios. There is a trend, which I think I might do for a 2 channel model I want to build, where people buy really old radios, particularly metal bodied ones like Futaba etc and then install modern radio internals. Great for Old Timer etc because it just adds to the retro look of it all. A 30 year old radio is in no man's land however - too old to be considered reliable but not old enough to have any vintage appeal.
  17. That's great, but I find some local businesses are a pain to deal with. Despite your experience, my favourite people generally to deal with are American. They seem the most service oriented, and genuine competition within their region makes them pretty keen to please. Not necessarily just aircraft stuff, although that's been a big part of my life for the last five or so years.
  18. Totally agree. Leave it be I say.
  19. It's actually quite hard getting genuine Rotax stuff from overseas suppliers. They seem to be region -locked, like a 1990s computer game πŸ˜„
  20. I haven't looked at it closely but I seem to recall the mounts are stand off, which lets air circulate behind. My firewall is fibreglass, with aluminium covered fibreglass heat shielding, so maybe it's grounded on that but (again from memory) the regulator is potted in a generic heat sink So I don't know if there is even an electrical connection, in other words I have a feeling it's above ground.
  21. No. I'm not even sure why they put that earth symbol there, other than to say if you've wired your aircraft with negative earth (that is, instead of having a negative wire going to devices, the battery negative connects to the metal airframe and your device gets its negative from the airframe, like a car does). In any case it's probably best to use wire for the negative of your regulator, not the airframe.
  22. Yeah, we are saying the same thing in different ways. Electrically, saying "earth" on DC voltage electrics in cars, trucks etc implies a common "ground" connection, nowadays always negative via a metal chassis, body etc. as you know, that's what is happening in your car. Just saying "negative" doesn't automatically tell you how it's created. That's why I was trying to be really clear. Some cars up until the 1950's had positive ground! Pommy of course πŸ˜„ So with my auto electrical background, knowing how problematic earth return/ground/common is on things like trailers and boats, I fully understand and embrace "earth return" wiring in an aircraft. That is, wire carries the current for both positive and negative. No device on my aircraft is powered via current transmitted through the metal of the airframe.
  23. The only "earth" on my plane is the negative battery cable going to a bolt on the starter motor rear housing. Everything else is negative wired. The airframe almost certainly has negative potential because something will ground the engine to it somewhere along the way (for instance the throttle cable. Or maybe the Facet fuel pump) but it's not part of the "deliberate" electrical system.
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