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Everything posted by danny_galaga

  1. But it never closed properly,surely that would be picked when doing compression leak tests, or even trying to tune it?
  2. Ah I see. He did what I was saying I would do in another thread.
  3. Did he get bored of filming?
  4. I suspect I'm more of a gamer than you, borked is a pretty common expression in that world. But let's not get hung up on a word. It was just the first word that came to mind when I watched the video https://www.dictionary.com/browse/bork
  5. I can't speak to the holder of the video recorder, but if I was holding in, a couple of seconds later it would be lying on the ground with maybe footage of my feet as I legged it to help. https://www.avweb.com/aviation-news/first-solo-ends-with-stall-spin-at-45-feet/
  6. A lot of 912s, including mine have a water jacket around the throat. Initially I was still in 'carb heat ' mind set thinking that's a waste of power because it's always on. But there is virtually no difference in power because all it is doing is keeping the throat surface warm, preventing icing. Great idea, after all that's the bit you don't want iced up, not the air/fuel mix. Note, there is also an electrical version.
  7. It's funny you liked that because I was placing you in that group 😄
  8. What sort of rego was it under? I don't suppose we'd see ANY kind of report if this happened in Australia...
  9. If you're referring to the Stuart Highway, that became limited 130 km/h a while ago.
  10. As with intelligence, an above average number of people think they have above average driving ability 😄
  11. "Speeding" on a public road means going over the posted speed limit. The posted speed limit isn't just saying "1 km/h over and you're a reckless maniac". It's making sure everyone is on the same page. If the limit is 60 but you decide you are safe at 80, then everyone else is more likely to make incorrect assumptions about you. Especially at T intersections etc. There are other people on the road. It's not all just about you. I'm saying all this as a whiskey priest of course. I can't remember the last time I got a speeding ticket, but that doesn't mean I don't speed from time to time. But I at least feel bad about it 😄
  12. So don't go over those limits if you wish to not contribute to those revenues 😃
  13. A large part of good driving is not speeding 🙂
  14. What is also false logic is imagining that the fear of speed in the olden days is at all related to preventing/reducing accidents through speed reduction now. Back then, a lot of people were adamant the human body just couldn't handle 'high' speeds. Nothing to do with accidents.
  15. Accidents happen. Indisputable. If your accidents happen at lower speeds, there are less injuries. That's also indisputable.
  16. It also still has the rocket rail switches 😃
  17. One has appeared in my hangar recently. Noticed this cool feature on the door hinges while having a sticky beak. Inside is a handle you can crank in an emergency 🙂
  18. I think we would need to look at some statistics
  19. Yes, that used to happen a lot when there was so much drunk driving...
  20. It's nice to reminisce about personal responsibility, but in the 'good ol days' drink driving was off the scales. Not so much personal responsibility there...
  21. In so much as you can die of boredom 😄
  22. To be clear, my plane is a HE. I nickname him Axel, but he's christened Crazy Taxi 🚖
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