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Everything posted by danny_galaga

  1. Now you just need a PC with dos and a working floppy drive 😀
  2. I agree. My own training (sadly over a stupidly long period of time) was Piper Warrior at Darwin International, 3300 metre runway. Jumbos B52s and Concorde land there. Doing orbits while pairs of FA 18s take off. Training area at Delissaville, 1100 metre banana shaped dirt strip with right mostly right hand circuits. Then a huge break from flying. Then an hour or so of gliding at Caboolture, but I didn't like the long time just spent waiting around. Then convert to raaus in a Tecnam Golf at Boonah, grass strip with a hump and sloped. Also an hour or so in a Sling. Then Savage Cub for tailwheel endorsement. Then my instructor died in a crash in January and I've found it hard to get back into it. I know Dave wouldn't have wanted anyone to stop flying, and I wasnt specifically or consciously thinking about the crash when I flew the Savannah a few weeks ago. But there it is.
  3. Yep, he paid the ultimate price for his entitlement. Luckily no one else did as well...
  4. Regards this bone yard. It's always good practice to not destroy everything you have the moment it's surplus, because if you go straight into another conflict, you're on the back foot. Sadly, this is helping the Ruskies at the moment, as they have been pulling out surplus tanks to press into service as the Ukrainians destroy their current stock. Some of them have been in storage since the sixties! Clearly you wouldn't see that happen with aircraft, but waiting say five years before scrapping would be prudent.
  5. You'll never never know...
  6. Australia 😄
  7. I'm from there 🙂
  8. Yeah, I'm having a bitch because it's everything all at once for me. If I'd have kept current and flown in the tecnam golf that I was used to it would be a fairly trivial matter to do a right hand circuit , even a squeezy one like Caboolture. Just finding it a bit overwhelming. Combined with my plane just about ready to be certified it's actually depressing me a bit.
  9. Yeah, I'm flying a savannah. Fuel switch AND flaps can't be reached from right seat. Besides if I was the instructor, I don't think I'd let the student sit on the right just because he finds it difficult. I just hope I improve soon. This is giving me a serious case of 'imposter syndrome '.
  10. No it's a good point. At my regular airfield I know the landmarks of course. This one I don't and I was thinking next time I'll watch the compass but as you say I'm really not going to get good info from it . Also, not sure why but there's a recent noise abatement on that side (Caboolture). My only experience of right hand circuits was at Delissaville, NT. The reason FOR the right hand circuits was for a noise abatement. So the Caboolture situation seems odd to me, unless there is also a noise abatement on the left hand circuit side. Point being that it's a freaking tight circuit.
  11. I mention it because I haven't flown for about seven months. But now the flying school I used to go to has been wound up. So Im trying to get back into it at an unfamiliar airfield with an unfamiliar airplane and instructor, with only right hand circuits. I actually felt more rusty this time around than when I went over ten years without flying.
  12. Learnt something else from all this. Someone mentioned switch UP on the Atari forum I'm also a member of. I asked about it there and someone mentioned that whatever the reason it was UP for ON, it lead to the terms POWER UP and POWER DOWN. Never occurred to me before, but obvious once pointed out.
  13. It's a great fresh take on airshow stunts. How many times do you see the same thing at every airshow - individual stunt routines, airforce formation flying etc. This would have been such a hoot to see without any prior knowledge 😊
  14. That's why I liked DOWN for ON. It's pretty hard to accidentally knock an ignition switch UP by accident. I didn't even worry about guards. Now imma hafta put on those hokey looking missile switch cover things. Actually I'll probably 3D print something less bogan 😄
  15. It's weighed on me a bit, but in the same vein as everyone being on the same page regarding the switches, I think it best if everyone is on the same page regarding speed. I have correct mph placard on the panel, and also have knots placard to replace it down the track. Navigating should be a little more straightforward too I would imagine.
  16. Ok, up it is! I've also decided to replace my mph ASI with knts. Long story...
  17. Now I ask this because I have installed the switches in my plane as down= ON. This works well for me, but may be confusing if someone else flies it 🤔 At worst I can turn them around, just need to relabel where it says ON.
  18. I imagine near the equator they use push buttons 😃
  19. I just boiled the kettle..I can't remember having to flip the switch UP when staying in Holland 😄
  20. In everyday experience you flip switches down for ON. But in aircraft (and vintage cars now I look at it) up is ON? Why? To me it feels backwards and any time I have to flip a switch in an aircraft I have to think twice.
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