You know hairdressers make the best wives! It's a shame your wife is not too keen to fly. When Randy bought his plane I too was a little hesitant, and the comments from my friends did little to calm my nerves as most of them said that they would not go up in a small plane! Tell her not to listen to them. The first thing Randy did to calm me was to buy a cirrus. That parachute has given me an enormous sense of comfort, and I have done the partner in command course in case he becomes incapacitated, so I can pull the chute! But also consider that she may want to remain blissfully unaware, and that's Ok too. The other rationale I considered is that the training for his pilots license was rigorous, they don't give them out like candy. Watching him go through all those check lists and doing all that planning before flight means that safety is utmost. Then there is the kind to her take her up on calm clear days before you introduce her to those dreadded cross wind landings! I also take a little of the control in the planning as far as where we go. As you will see by my blog, I choose long runways. A long runway gives me comfort! I also pick destinations that I really want to visit. Lastly remind her that the world becomes such a wonderful place when you fly. We have been to places that I could never have dreamed of because we had a plane. Why on earth would I want to miss out on those opportunities! Oh, and never tell her there is no room for her blow drier or hairspray! Happy flying.