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  1. Nope still looking! This is a genuine request. I don't care what colour their eyes are :)
  2. Hi All, I own a wholesale business which requires me to fly to alot! of remote communities around Australia. Unfortunately my wife can't join me on my next trip so I am looking for someone to join me for a 7 week tour around the country. All expenses paid. We fly around in a C210 and I can honestly say you would see more of Australia in 1 trip than most people will ever see. The trip starts in Queensland and goes up through the Torres Straights, west cape, gulf, N.T. W.A and many places in between working our way back to Queensland. You will see the Rock and many other land marks on the way. Whats the catch? : You need to be available for 7 weeks starting September 16th until the first week of November 2012. GA license preferable but certainly not required. Need to be fit enough to assist in carrying suit cases full of clothing samples and assist me as I serve our customers. Age or Gender not important but accommodation along the way will be shared. That's it really...If you have a passion to fly or would like to get some hours in a 210 towards a commercial license. Or just like adventure, drop me a line. [email protected] ph:0457 707 212
  3. Thanks I will do that. Cheers.
  4. I just paid my licence renewal online but i didn't see anything about the medical and personal details disclosure. Do I still have to post that part or is there away to renew those details online? Cheers.
  5. Graham, jump over to the ORBX forum they will sort you out in no time. They are a very helpfull bunch.;) Buggerup.
  6. G'day m8 i'mfrom Boyne Island nice to meet you.
  7. Thanks for the vid m8 i enjoyed alot. Cheers Buggerup.
  8. This is the real deal First post Hi ultrlights, I just want add my endoresment to this fantastic product. I have just returned home after two weeks in Boonah obtaining my restricted and passenger RAA licence. I managed to go through in minimum hours and I attribute much of this to the time I spent on flightsim. Before going there I had spent a few weeks flying in the area with the AU_Gold package and the freeware airfield package produced by OzyX which includes over 130 airfields that are not included in the default FSX scenery! I have a good weather programe Active sky X which when used in conjunction with ORBX and the freeware provides an excelent method for VFR navigation training. IMHO combined with a good nav text book you will not find a better tool for practicing dead reckoning navigation. I would be willing to bet that for anyone who wishes to get an unristricted licence they will save many more $ than the mear $30 that ORBX charges per package after practicing VFR navigation in FSX. I will be using it and when I go shortly to do my navs I know I will have flown to all the places using all the same VFR points that are on my VNC's and VTC,s as in real life. The great part about all the extra airfields like Boonah, Heck field, Watts bridge, Gatton airpark to name but a fraction of them in SE queensland alone is that you can't find them by punching in a identifier in the GPS. You have to use some navigation to get to them. Also to increase the difficulty if when you find a field you go from there to another one of the freeware fields you will need to use all the required skills to get there. Finally someone has created a trully magificent VFR trainning tool that looks and feels like the real thing. Thanks Johnand your team for a great product which has allready and will in the near future save me a considerable amount of money.:thumb_up: Cheers Buggerup.
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