Okay, I'll step in too.. I bought my j230c from the factory with the electronic dash..dynon ems, efis, Avmap EKPIV gps. In Australia the j230c is registered under the local interpretation of the Light Sport Aircraft rules.. 2 people , 600 Kg MTOW. It is registered RA aus, with a calibrated transponder and two radios and the Dynon? pitot tube. It cost me AU$ 112K plus some change. I flew it back early August 2007 from Bundaberg. It has around 75 hours up, including two trips back to Narromine ( 500 nautical miles each way). The aircraft lives in a hangar at Murray Bridge
I am a low hours pilot and about 6 ft 5 ins tall. It is hard to get into, but comfortable enough once there. The real limitation is your need for a pee... The aircraft is like the Curates egg.. good in places.. It flies nicely and quickly.. an easy 120 Knots at 22-23 liters per hour. So far no problems with temperatures.. I have had the oil cooler ducting modfied as per the factory mods, but it was cool before. You do hear stories though..My gripes are with the detail finish..nasty door closures, crap door pockets that pull off, rubber cement all over, missing Zuzz fasteners, spat screws falling off all over town because of no use of locktite at fitting, loose lock nuts on the throttes.. The EKP also lost its data base one fine day, but that is not down to Jabiru.. if it were a BMW for the same money I would be deeply upset with all of this.. But my mate, who has 3000 plus hours in many kinds of aircraft including general aviation types says it is a beautiful, quick aeroplane...and it flies beautifully too, so shut up.....