You have an admirable dream in trying to provide a one stop online aviation experience and I can see the appeal for you. However, the problem I can see is that it is reliant on commercial third parties (manufacturers, aviation retailers etc) providing you with content (videos, photos etc), expertise (online help) and then paying for the privilege. In my short exposure to the aviation industry, especially the RA side, manufacturers seem to be flat out spending money on a basic website for themselves, let alone putting together content and providing online experts for a site such as this.
What you have built here is a strong online community with lots of activity. That's why most of us come here. The members here, and their contributions of knowledge, time and content such as photos and videos are the life blood of this site. Members provide this content free of charge. By all means follow the dream. You have to pay the bills somehow. But beware of damaging the community you have taken so long to build up.