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Everything posted by Powerin

  1. TAA won't know what's hit them with all us rabble invading.
  2. Oh No...CFI!! ;)
  3. Don, I was like Dex (hi Dex!) and didn't email you either...nice to hear of the support you've received. I've been a longtime member here too (probably the first avaiation site I joined), but thought I better emerge from the woodwork too as I heard there were a few interesting characters making their presence felt over here ;)
  4. Powerin

    Theme Song?

    Nice Dex. It's funny how you have nostalgia for old ads that you probably hated at the time!
  5. Hi DBI....good to see you have another outlet for your....um...words of wisdom:) (need more smileys here)
  6. Dazza, there is one in the Teccie Sierra I fly and there is a clip in the centre console that it fits into so I assume they are standard equipment.
  7. Just came across the new Spirit aircraft from the World Aircraft Company. Designed by Max Tedesco, the original designer of the CH701/Savannah. Looks like a very nice innovative design with good cruise but still semi-stol. Now has an Australian Agent too. JG3 has a good write up about Max in this thread.
  8. The recent ferris wheel incident was a good example of this (that's a serious observation....not meant to be humorous).
  9. That was the one I got locally.
  10. From experiences today....the ease of availability of a machine replacement part is inversely proportional to its actual suitability for the job. Says me, who just returned from a 200km round trip to source a belt because the belt I sourced locally, although stamped with the correct size, was not. Grrr.
  11. Farmer...fourth generation on this property, but farming goes back at least 6 generations in my family. Crop, sheep/wool, cattle. But I also regard myself as a "lifelong learner" (read geek) so I enjoy things like science/technology, music, computers, electronics, astronomy (built my own telescope) etc etc. Flying fits into the learning addiction very well. Always wanted to fly but finally started last year at age 46.
  12. Hi Bell47, I don't own any headsets yet so I can't answer your question, but it really seems to be a matter of opinion from what I've seen in my research. I've heard/read great and also terrible reviews of the HME 95s. I have a soft spot for Sennheiser because their hi-fi phones are great. The RecFly headsets at the pilot shop on this site are supposed to be very good for the price, but again, I have no experience with them. If you do get some HME95s I'd love to hear what you think. Good luck!
  13. Yep!
  14. What? Tubz gets the credit?? What about my post #336 way before Tubz thought of it???? But seriously, glad you got it sorted Pud!
  15. As can lightning. Actually, we've been having the odd storm throughout the winter which is unusual for here, but not unheard of.
  16. I would also prefer to see some longer, meatier articles, and yes, the Jab article is an example of one that could have been longer. But these days many of the younger generation (not the ones on this site of course ) have a shorter attention span, and as PaulT says, perhaps this should be a target market for the mag. A few epics for those of us who enjoy a good read would be good now and then though. I also appreciate the large amount of time and creativity it takes even to put together a small article and I marvel at those, like Kreisha, who can come up with several articles a month. It sometimes takes me a couple hours of research and writing (and a couple of glasses of red) just to write a few paragraphs in a forum post So Paul your first article was great and I look forward to your next, and Kreisha I have enjoyed your articles in Sport Pilot so far and also in Australian Pilot (the really great ones though, are when you write about your own experiences!). One day I'll submit an article, when I actually gain enough aviation experience for it to be worth reading.
  17. I know nothing about tailwheels Pud, but I'll bet a crook bearing would have a bearing () on the shimmy. Either by causing a bit of play or drag in the tailwheel.
  18. Shimmy stops when you ride in the trolley Geoff?
  19. Got mine today too. Aussie Post must have mistakenly sent a consignment out to NSW Country. The alchoholic content in this thread reminded me of a quote from the "Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy" series of books:
  20. Congrats Phil! Hopefully I'll be following in your footsteps (or is that wake turbulence) soon.
  21. Pud, and of course GayGirl: Peter
  22. Paint job looks like one of these.... http://www.recreationalflying.com/attachments/008-jpg.13077/
  23. If I recall, in the US at least, spin training was discontinued because a fair proportion of the fatalities due to spin accidents were happening during the actual spin training. Spin fatalities dropped significantly when spin training stopped and was replaced by incipient spin training.
  24. I have to say that me exploring out of control driving (as you do as a farm boy in a wet paddock) has absolutely saved my life at least once. Just an observation
  25. FYI David - from the RAAus syllabus of Recreational flight training (High performance) :
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