I would also prefer to see some longer, meatier articles, and yes, the Jab article is an example of one that could have been longer. But these days many of the younger generation (not the ones on this site of course ) have a shorter attention span, and as PaulT says, perhaps this should be a target market for the mag. A few epics for those of us who enjoy a good read would be good now and then though.
I also appreciate the large amount of time and creativity it takes even to put together a small article and I marvel at those, like Kreisha, who can come up with several articles a month. It sometimes takes me a couple hours of research and writing (and a couple of glasses of red) just to write a few paragraphs in a forum post
So Paul your first article was great and I look forward to your next, and Kreisha I have enjoyed your articles in Sport Pilot so far and also in Australian Pilot (the really great ones though, are when you write about your own experiences!). One day I'll submit an article, when I actually gain enough aviation experience for it to be worth reading.