I flew my school's P92 Eaglet again last weekend for the first time in six months and was back in the P2002 Sierra today, so it was good chance to compare the two. The P92 is very nice, but the Sierra is magic (in my very inexperienced opinion). It's even harder to get the Sierra to stop flying. The Sierra is more responsive and lighter in the controls, especially in pitch. I usually fly and land the Sierra with a thumb and one or two fingers.
However, I can see from Evan's experience I've been spoilt. When I get my cert I might have to go over to the dark side, to the other school, and tame the Jabiru beast. It'll have to be while my school's not looking....don't want to get in the bad books. There's a Tecnam Twin in the hangar that I have to walk past every time I have a lesson. It whispers in my ear every time I pass... "fly me". *Sigh* :big_grin:
(edit: and the R44 helo in the same hangar doesn't bother to whisper...it yells out!)