Funnily enough today started the same way it did when I had my first flying lesson. Up at 4.30am, loaded up our truck with sheep and took them the 85kms to the Wagga Saleyards. After unloading the sheep I drove the truck over to the airport and squeezed around the narrow airport roads to the Flying School hangar. (I wonder how many other students drive trucks to their lessons?).
Being in a rural area my instructor teaches quite a few farmers and the first lesson (straight and level) for farmers often consists of a flight out to the student's farm and back. And so it was with me. It's a great fills you with enthusiasm flying over your own property. As I recall I flew the circuit on the return and landed with a bit of help.
Today's lesson, however, ended with me landing the aeroplane with an empty seat beside me.
To be honest it's all a bit of a blur, but it started with the question "Do you want to do one on your own"? Yes was my slightly nervous answer and he turned us around and backtracked to the threshold of 05. For the first time since I've known him my cool, calm and collected instructor showed a bit of anxiety as he briefed me on what to expect. After grabbing his safety vest, he jumped out, reminded me only ONE circuit and closed the door.
As everyone says, things happen a lot faster on climb out with only one person on board. But one thing I didn't expect, and don't remember reading anywhere, was how much faster the aircraft slows down too. Everything went pretty smoothly but I got a bit distracted when a REX flight made a couple of inbound calls when I was on late downwind and final. The landing was OK but I drifted a bit to the left of the centreline when I tried to straighten up from a small crab angle too early due to a bit of crosswind. I was ready to hit the throttle but everything straightened up nicely in the flare and I was down. Phew.
I was just about to call "clear of all runways and still in one piece after my first solo", but I chickened out and did the regular call. :clap2: