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Everything posted by Powerin

  1. Well done FG...another milestone reached in the journey!
  2. If it's any help the article you are probably thinking of is in the RAA mag, March 2010, page 24.
  3. You bet! Yep...I do fresh water deliveries to exhibitors. You going to be on a Honda stand? Flying in?
  4. Thanks for good wishes everyone! Dazza: yes nice plane. I had TIFs in a Jab and the Tecnam, both instructors were great, but in the end the lure of the Teccie was too strong :big_grin: Two years of learning heaps from all the forumites here has been a great help in starting the journey.
  5. Well after being a member here for over two years, I am finally learning to fly! Lesson one today (straight and level) was a pleasant flight over the yellow checkerboard pattern of canola crops as far as the eye can see, out to our farm to inspect our own canola crops (looking good...might help pay for flying) and back again. Peter
  6. From the RAAus constitution.... 36. Inspection of books. The records, books and other documents of the Association shall be open to inspection at a place in the ACT, free of charge, by a Member of the Association on request at any reasonable hour.
  7. If I remember correctly...Jab sort of did that back at the beginning. They built the plane and put an Italian (?) engine in them. Then the company stopped making the engine so Jab were left with a plane without a suitable engine. They decided to start from scratch and manufacture their own.
  8. Many thanks for that comprehensive answer David! Exactly the info I was after and I was thinking of approaching study exactly as you have (sounds like we're both knowledge junkies :big_grin:). I looked through the Ops Manual syllabus and thought to myself that I knew a fair bit of it already, so I wondered if it was possible to do the research myself (with guidance from the FI of course). Just back from my 2nd TIF...now to choose which school Thanks again, Peter (and I hope that helps you too Simon)
  9. Well bring the AT over to Tumut and I'll give you some urea spreading work on the way there Peter (actually, besides ours there is well over 600ha of work to do in our area)
  10. David, do you think you could pass a BAK using these tutorials alone....or do you still need to buy some books? I've read the See How it Flies online book (at the av8n link above) some time ago and was starting JB's tutorials when they got pulled. They look pretty good (I haven't started training yet). Peter (sorry for hijacking your thread Simon :) )
  11. It looks like John Brandon's tutorials are already here And welcome to RecFly Simon! :big_grin: Peter
  12. Suddenly the CI heard the smooth purr of a 3300 (replete with 3 blade prop) in the distance, above the nearby low rumble of prognostications from billious. Alarmingly, the CI's chest started to glow green. Meanwhile, a short distance away, the Rat was testing some new aviation accessories he had aquired at some interesting "shops" on his sojourn north. He was delighted to see that his new computer had already acquired a target and was busy painting it with the laser. Zooming in he saw a familiar shape on his screen....reminiscent of an old fashioned cast iron stove. A wry smile spread over the Rat's face like the dawn of a new day, briefly glinting golden in the setting sun. "Missiles or guns?", he mused, as his thumb deftly flipped up the safety covers........
  13. I reckon fuel cells might be good for aircraft rather than batteries. A lot of development is needed yet, but direct methanol or ethanol (or even hydrogen) fuel cells would mean you just refuel instead of having to recharge batteries. Fuel cell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  14. Hi Friar, Deepest sympathy on the passing of your Mum. May His peace be with you and your family. Off topic....I loved your maiden flight video...I had a smile on my face through the whole thing. One day that'll be me....one day.... Cheers, Peter
  15. And therein lies the rub. On the other hand aviation is the life blood of a politician. The current campaign would grind to a halt without it. Who is going to fly them around if they destroy aviation from the ground up?
  16. There is a perception that aviation is the worst mode of transport for the environment. But this study takes into account the environmental costs of manufacturing, infrastructure, passenger/distance travelled and vehicle lifetime etc for various transport types. Aviation comes out pretty well. Even small aircraft come out better than the average car. Might be worth showing to some green inclined politicians?
  17. Hmmm...being a bushy I need a bush plane, then an aerobatic plane would be nice and of course a comfortable people mover is a must for family and friends. So I believe the Pilatus range would do nicely: Bush/fun: PC-6 Aero/trainer: PC-9 Mover: PC-12
  18. Welcome to Recflying Dreamliner100! Your post sounds like me. Dreaming...shy....looking for advice. This is the place to be....lots of good advice. I've been here for nearly two years absorbing wisdom and knowledge and making friends. And I might even start flying soon Enjoy, Peter
  19. As per my previous post from a govt website it is: "state reserve land, permanently set apart as aircraft landing ground. The Whitsunday Regional Council has control of the land as trustee." Apparently there was an attempt to acquire it by the "Whitsunday Development Corporation" which failed after a public protest and lawsuit. Hope that helps? (just repeating what I googled)
  20. (e) All of the above...in that order....
  21. ...but, just as the agreed transaction was being made in the air, a wayward 50 flew off the fat wad of cash. Around the cockpit it flew (cabin heat was on full) resisting all attempts to catch it, until it finally flew up under the console. "No pass until I get my final $50" exclaimed the FI.:DirtDOG: So there was nothing else for it but to land half way through the test to find it. Pulled the throttle...and there was this funny sound like crumpled money...and then JAMMED! Stuck at 1600rpm. Both of them pulled as hard as they could to no avail until.....
  22. Thanks for the pics John. The flying you do really is the epitome of "recreational" aviation. Something that we can all aspire to! Cheers, Peter
  23. Well said Mick. To have a vibrant and healthy airport and aviation industry in the nation's capital is surely a worthy goal. One wonders where Australia's aviators are going to come from if we all sit back and just let airports close. Let's build some new ones! I wonder what proportion of Australia's politicians fly into Canberra to attend to their parliamentary duties. How are they going to get to Canberra in the future if they allow Australian aviation to stagnate? Peter
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