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Romeo Juliet Whiskey

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Everything posted by Romeo Juliet Whiskey

  1. Thanks for the info Anjum. Im actually thinking of training with one of their sister schools in Wollongong with a guy called Bruce Robbins. Hopefully meeting up with him tomorrow for a bit of a chat. Its a little more expensive but its my home airport and close by.
  2. Haven't started any lessons yet. Waiting to talk to the new CFI at nswair before making a decision whether to go the GA or RRA route. The benefit of forums is that you can get a more in depth discussion and a range of opinions which I really value as opposed to just one person's opinion. Thanks for all the replies. Been really helpful. Other than deconflicting with other traffic taxing and landing, is there any other purpose of the taxi call at class g aerodromes?
  3. Thanks for the answers guys. Dont quite understand though why is it important to have electrics OFF? Doesn't it just provide power to the starter motor? The engine runs without electrics anyway. I would have thought Ignitions OFF is the most crucial step to avoid the prop and engine inadvertently starting up via the magnetos. Rich
  4. Hi guys, Started learning my BAK theory last week. I have the Aviation Theory Centre and Bob Tait books which i am working through with a friend. Im sure its going to raise a lot of unanswered questions so i thought Id start posting them here for some help/clarification. Anyway, first couple of questions: 1) Can moving the prop with the ignition turned off start the engine? I presume no, unless there is faulty wiring leading to the magnetos sparking. 2) Taxing - approaching head on both aircraft pass each other to the right. What happens if you are both on a narrow taxiway and say the grass to the side is very wet? Any help appreciated, Rich :)
  5. I think I might go and have a chat with Bruce next weekend. Does anyone know much about the Pipistrel alpha trainer? How does it compare with the J160/J170 ?
  6. I have but its about a 2hr return trip from where i live. To YWOL its onlys 20 minutes.
  7. Talked to instructor at NSWAIR and confirm everything you said JEM. They have hired a new CFI but apparently he needs approval from CASA before he can start. I also learnt that all the Cessna 152's will be out of action for training for 3 months due to some maintenance issue (SIDS???) and possibly even for good. I can start training in their warrior but at $330 p/hr its way beyond what i was expecting. Might have to consider the RAA route and make the transition over to GA at a later stage. Do you know anything about the RAA school at YWOL?
  8. Oh will do. Why have they not been flying?
  9. Hi guys, Been checking out these terrific forums for a while now so about time I introduce myself :) My name is Richard. I'm 41 years old from Wollongong. Started my PPL training 17 years ago but that came to end after about 30 hours in the cockpit due to finance, overseas travel, life etc. Always carried in the back of my mind the desire to get my pilots licence which brings me here today with this post. Heading down to YWOL tomorrow to have a chat with the local training company NSWAIR about resuming my training. Hopefully back in the cockpit next week sometime and with some gopro footage to share with anybody that may be interested. In the meantime, been busy reading through the BAK and flight training manual which means I'll be pestering all of you with heaps of questions :)
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