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Romeo Juliet Whiskey

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Everything posted by Romeo Juliet Whiskey

  1. You discovered another good reason to fly out of Wollongong. HARS museum and all the historical aircraft! Connie has just left for the Avalon airshow. I leave tomorrow so I'll see her down there
  2. Hey Tony, congrats on the new plane purchase mate! Yeah, its been pretty stormy the last few days. I reckon you got out just in time! Beautiful place hey for flying... except for the wind off the escapement and surrounding hills. Next time your down let me know and we can catch up for a chat.
  3. Just keep at it Jayke and it will all come together. Its important to realise that every pilot goes through the same process and your not the only one. Im glad the video helped too!
  4. Thanks for sharing Scott. That sure looked like a tough one! That bloody fly!!! worse possible time too!
  5. Talked to three different instructors yesterday at three different flight schools and got three different answers. Looking for some official information because it seems no one really knows, and probably the reason this question has been done to death
  6. Hi guys,could someone point the way to more information regarding these two endorsements please. Navigating the CASA website is next to impossible and I cant find any detailed information. Also, if one obtains these endorsements, can you fly an ra-aus aircraft through controlled airspace? I have NOWRA military airspace active just south of me with a GA lane, but currently need clearance to fly through it. Was hoping to get one of these endorsements so i can fly through it in a Jabiru.
  7. Thanks Camel. I have checked out those resources. The VFG just talks about class C, G, and D but as the other poster pointed out though, metro class D and regional class D seem to be operational different, and the VFG and other resources don't explain this difference.
  8. If the procedures are different between metro and regional class D, then where do I go to find information on 'regional' class D operations like Coffs and Albury? All the books, guides, official publications, web resources all refer to metro class D ops, or class C ops.
  9. Have the instructor back in the right seat with me today. This was a really fun lesson where I got to pull a couple of G's with some steep turns and emergency evasive maneuvers. Also, got to explore a little more of the flight envelop with some unusual attitude recoveries. This lesson has really got me interested in doing aerobatics! I'd imagine it would make you a better pilot and much more comfortable with flying in general. Any of you guys fly aerobatics? Recommend it for a student pilot?
  10. Thanks for your feedback Rotatingturbine. I'm sure those procedures you have listed are correct for YBSU, but there does seem to be some significant differences to class D operations at Bankstown/Camden from what have read over the last couple of days. It seems that every class D airport makes up there own procedures - the lack of standardization if puzzling and confusing to a student pilot. For example: "CALLSIGN is overhead (VFR reporting point), (altitude), (atis receipt), (any additional information, over water, over land etc.), requesting inbound clearance." At other class D airports AFAIK, there is no need to explicitly ask for 'clearance' (i.e. just say 'inbound')... it is implied and granted if your tower responds with your call sign. "ALLSIGN, make (circuit leg) for RWxx. Report (circuit leg). Ok so we are cleared to operate into the Class D at our assigned altitude, and we are able to descend to circuit height if able. Once you report on that leg, they will generally issue landing clearance. Remember, you are cleared to descend to circuit height as soon as you are in the zone." At other class D airports AFAIK, when told to report at a certain leg you, you must descend and be at circuit height before entering the zone, unless told otherwise. "CALLSIGN, roger. Cleared to enter Class D at altitude specified in inbound call. Must stay in current track until cleared otherwise. " At other class D airports AFAIK, if the call-sign is just acknowledge, then you are cleared to commence descent and must enter the zone at circuit height on the appropriate leg. Pretty confused about this whole process!!!
  11. Glad you like the video mate! For audio, I use a Pilot PA80 headset adapter and connect that to a pocket voice recorder. As for displaying data, I capture the GPS using my phone and then use a program call dashware (DashWare - Telemetry Data Overlay on Your Videos) to create the overlay.
  12. I was flying the Tomahawk out of Wollongong 17 years ago
  13. Hi guys, currently doing the CASA class D airspace e-learning module (eLearning catalogue | Civil Aviation Safety Authority) and I'm a little confused :) Hoping some of you more enlighten folk can clarify some things as I work my way through this module. First up entry procedures. "acknowledgement from ATC represents the authority for the aircraft to enter Class D Airspace following the stated track and level including descent to the runway threshold if a landing is intended. Unless altitude instructions are given, acknowledgement permits descent if a landing is intended. Pilots must not deviate from the track, level and intentions stated during the establishment of 2-way communications or the instructions issued by ATC (if these instructions modify the stated track, level and intentions), unless authorised by ATC. This is important and must be strictly followed." These two statements seem to contradict each other. So my questions is: 1) If the ATC just acknowledges my callsign after I give an inbound call (which I have heard them do at archerfield), can I descend or do I have to maintain altitude until advised? My basic understanding is that you cant descend for landing until "cleared visual approach"? 2) At Bankstown I heard on liveATC, after giving an inbound call, you can be told to "join final 11L". No 'cleared visual approach' given by ATC. In this case are you allowed to descend?
  14. You can watch online for free here: http://www.cultureunplugged.com/documentary/watch-online/play/9940 I thought it was pretty. good. As much about her spiritual journey as her flying journey around Australia, nevertheless, worth a watch.
  15. Never heard about that one... Looks interesting. Anyone else seen it?
  16. Hey guys, I have a 15000mAh power bank charger that I was planning to charge tablets and go pros on long flights. Just wondering if these are allowed in the aircraft? Rich
  17. Ahh yes...I do recall reading something about that. Thanks. Not sure why these symbols aren't in the legend though.
  18. Thanks guys. Another question, what does the FN 21 refer to below the red star?
  19. Hi everyone, was hoping someone could tell me what the symbols circled in red mean. Surprisingly, they don't appear in the legend of an old chart I have. Thanks, Richard
  20. More solo hour building today! Three solo flights in a row now which is good for the confidence. This time I take the Jabiru up the beautiful north coast of Wollongong towards the sea cliff bridge. Great day for flying!
  21. That's what I was told... You just have to submit some paperwork.
  22. Forgot about Dave's flying school. I have flown with Dave and he is excellent. Not going to get better value for money anywhere else.
  23. I've heard Curtis aviation out at Camden is pretty good. I think they also have LSA aircraft there which would make training cheaper. Im pretty sure converting from a RPC to RPL would then just be paperwork.
  24. Hi guys, going to be around this region on holidays end of February. Can anyone recommend a good place to go for a glider flight. Never done any gliding before but would love to experience it. Rich
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