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Romeo Juliet Whiskey

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Everything posted by Romeo Juliet Whiskey

  1. Quick update....I ended up buying the Zulus for $450. Should get them next week :). Anyone know if you can record audio from the zulu headset to an android phone or voice recorder? There is a lightspeed app that can do it but is only compatible with Apple phones.
  2. Thanks guys. I'm going to have a chat with my instructor early next week and show him all your feedback and see what he recommends for me.
  3. You guys are making it tough :) I am tempted to buy a cheap headset for a year or so before upgrading to a more expensive one. The cheaper one I could you when taking passengers.
  4. Thanks for your feedback guys.....interesting discussion . Surprised by the amount of negative comments regarding this course. Has anyone here actually done it or taught it? With driving a car you, you can do an advanced drivers course to really improve the skills you learn from just driving around, as well as skills you don't learn from just driving around. I was hoping the advanced pilot course would be something similar. So how does one add to the basic skills learn't during the pilot certificate course other than fly around the training area doing more steep turns, touch and go's etc. Aerobatics course? I love learning and want to continue to develop my skills and confidence in flying.
  5. Wow... so many options and choices. Thanks for the feedback guys. The recreational flying headset for $150 looks pretty good. Anyone else have experience with this headset? I guess I'll see where the aviation bug takes me before I spend too much money on headset like a bose a20.
  6. Yeah you can reach through and grab the brake whilst using arm to hold aileron for example. I guess its done because its cheaper than having toe brakes. Makes the turn radius on the ground pretty large when you don't have differential braking.
  7. So why does Ra-aus have this as an endorsement? Surely there must be more to it than just some basic pre-solo stuff as you mention.
  8. Hi guys, birthday coming up so I was thinking getting myself my first headset! Don't want to spend too much money, around $300 although I could be persuaded to buy something more expensve. Currently flying a Jabiru around about 40hrs per year. Ohhh btw, a bose a20 is out of the equation at this stage of my flying career :)
  9. Anyone done the Ra-aus Advanced Pilot Award endorsement? do you recommend it? Reading through the syllabus I feel like I've covered most of the topics in my normal training. Does it just cover each of those topics more in depth? Hope you all had a good xmas, Rich
  10. Next lesson, which means more solo hour building for me. Some pretty low cloud today, so instead of heading out for another area solo I decided to do an hour of circuits. Had the GPS on the phone tracking my ground speed, altitude and track which I've overlayed on top of the video - makes for an interesting debrief tool! You can also see the racecourse track flown with a bunch of pretty tight circuits, although I'm consistently cutting the corner on base. Hope you all had a good Christmas, Rich
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  11. With the yoke of course! I usually brake with the left hand. But sometimes taxing I'll use the right hand to brake while using my arm to hold in aileron if required. It is a little awkward but you get use to it. Flying the Skyfox gaxelle a while ago was weird having to use toe brakes .... I guess it just what you are use too.
  12. Glad you like them and thanks for the tip. I normally do that during taxi but find using the right hand for brake after landing pretty akward... especially with full stick back and aileron into the wind.
  13. Thanks guys :) I have to do a couple more area solos before I finish up my training. I'm really looking forward to these solos and put my knowledge and training to the test. The only thing Im a little bit hesitant about is joining the circuit, especially when we have two different runways in use which seems to be most of the time at Wollongong. It seems to be a trade off between runway with more favourable wind or fitting in with most other aircraft on the longer runway.
  14. I wouldn't worry about it to much - its not a contest. As long as your enjoying it thats the main thing. Just remember that pilots who fly solo at minimum hours usually having been flying with their dad since they were a bub or have clocked up about 1000 hours on a flight simulator prior to training. It also depends on how much effort you put into your lesson before and after each flight - and of course your instructor. Keep at it and don't stop now is my advice. It gets better and better.
  15. Today I got to tick off another flying milestone and fly my first area solo! Wollongong (YWOL) down to shoalhaven heads and back along the coast. Awesome day and great to get out of the circuit without the instructor. So glad I decided to do this pilot thing...
  16. Hi all! Was due to have my first lesson flying in controlled airspace at Coffs harbour yesterday whilst on holiday but it got cancelled due to weather. Had a few questions I was going to ask the instructor so ill have to ask you guys instead:) i) Looking at the coffs harbour ERSA and VTC. How can you tell if the class D/Class C surrounding airspace has radar coverage or not? ii) Also, what sort of departure report would you give operating out of this airport? Would it be different if you were departing into Class C as opposed to class D or class G? At metro class D airports like camden no departure report is required so Im a little confused. Thanks, Rich
  17. Some really helpful advice Skippydiesel...thanks for that:) I understand the performance limitations/penalties/higher groundspeed of downwind landings, but is their execution still the same as a normal into the wind landing?
  18. I'm usually landing close to centreline. Its usually around touchdown I start veering off a little to the left. I think its an issue with parallax in the short-nosed Jab. Whenever i deliberately try add too much right rudder and over straighten the nose I roll straight down the centreline.... lol.
  19. Agreed....this is one of the best exercises I did in my early training. Also good exercise to get familiar with the controls of a new airplane.
  20. Yep...thats exactly what I do. No matter what the wind is doing Im keeping the nose straight with rudder and maintaining (trying) centreline with aileron. When I break it down to those two simple steps its pretty easy.
  21. With a gusty 10-15kt wind blowing perpendicular to the main runway, its a perfect day for a lesson in crosswind landings My instructor thought I did pretty well, but I was a bit annoyed that I continued to land left of that damn centreline!
  22. Welcome mate. Where are you flying?
  23. True that...makes me wonder though... How do you read the windsock if your flying a 1500ft circuit in a high performance plane?
  24. Had another attempt at reading the windsock yesterday. I think I'm getting better at it. Looking for the ring around it can help. To get a conclusive read i feel like I need to see the windsock from at least two directions of more than 90 degrees apart and then confirm on final approach.
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