Hi guys, finally got around to editing this lesson from a few weeks ago on bad weather flying!
I wanted to go up with my instructor to get some experience in rough conditions and push my personal limits a little. Well, the weather didn't disappoint with 20kt winds gusting to 30kts, and moderate to severe turbulence forecast. To make matters worse, it was a westerly wind, which in Wollongong means the wind drops off a 2000ft escarpment just before reaching the airport. It was also my first time in the more powerful J230. I'm glad I had the instructor in the right seat for this one!
Just to emphasize that this was my idea and decision to go flying on this day, as long as it was safe, which my instructor ensured me that it was. Obviously, its not the type of weather I'd choose to go flying for fun, but I felt like I got a lot out of this lesson - confidence in the plane and myself to handle conditions like this.
What are your personal minimums when it comes to flying in windy conditions?