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Romeo Juliet Whiskey

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Everything posted by Romeo Juliet Whiskey

  1. Yeah, when there is not much wind it makes it much harder to read I find.
  2. How come no one warned me how difficult it is to read a windsock in the circuit from a 1000ft!!! Maybe its just me but this has been the hardest part of learning to fly for me (besides landing of course) I even made a short video of my humorous attempts at trying to interpret the windsock. Surely I'm not the only one???
  3. Well done Chris! It's a great feeling that first solo. I have to agree with Nev though... I would have definately pulled the pin if the engine cut out. Glad it turned out ok. Btw, what did your instructor say?
  4. Glad to hear mate. Plenty more videos coming. Next one is on crosswinds landings.
  5. Id guess that they should be pretty easy to spot. Treat them like another aircraft... And use Mark 1 eyeball
  6. Good to know. I'll give them a call next time I'm down.
  7. Hi guys, finally got around to editing this lesson from a few weeks ago on bad weather flying! I wanted to go up with my instructor to get some experience in rough conditions and push my personal limits a little. Well, the weather didn't disappoint with 20kt winds gusting to 30kts, and moderate to severe turbulence forecast. To make matters worse, it was a westerly wind, which in Wollongong means the wind drops off a 2000ft escarpment just before reaching the airport. It was also my first time in the more powerful J230. I'm glad I had the instructor in the right seat for this one! Just to emphasize that this was my idea and decision to go flying on this day, as long as it was safe, which my instructor ensured me that it was. Obviously, its not the type of weather I'd choose to go flying for fun, but I felt like I got a lot out of this lesson - confidence in the plane and myself to handle conditions like this. What are your personal minimums when it comes to flying in windy conditions?
  8. At might local airport there is a dip in the runway. When im lined up I can't tell if the preceding aircraft has vacated the runway until he has broadcast 'clear of runway'.
  9. I'm just a student pilot keen to learn and thought a visit to the tower would be an interesting thing to do. I vaguely recall another post saying that Canberra tower was happy to take visitors.
  10. Heading down to Canberra this weekend. What are my chances on visiting the control tower?
  11. Welcome mate. What are you flying?
  12. That's pretty much my strategy... High on a close base so that I have flaps, s-turn, side slips up my sleeve. I also come in slightly higher speed on final so that if I'm coming in low (say unexpected headwind, windshear) I can pitch for best glide to make the field.
  13. The further I get into my training the more I understand the wisdom of the 'aviate first' principle. Without any experience it seems like a silly old saying.
  14. Hey guys, flew out with my instructor to the training area to practice simulated engine failures. Wow - there is so much going on during these exercises that its pretty easy to get overwhelmed. You have to run through numerous checklists, give a mayday call, come up with a landing plan, re-assure your passengers that they will be OK (hopefully), and at the same time keep flying the plane! All good fun though - but a pretty important part of training as it may save your life one day. Please let me know if you have any good tips on forced landings!
  15. Good idea Parkway...might have to organise something similar for my area.
  16. Let me know what you think of it...I might have to pick it up myself down the track.
  17. Hey guys, Had my first taste of flying out of a grass strip to practice soft field operations today. Great fun! Got to practice short field takeoffs and landings as well. You really have to be proactive with the throttle when on final at 55kts! These kind of training exercises really improve your flying skills... feeling more at home in the Jabiru with every lesson now :)
  18. Not second hand but clearprop has it for sale for $65 Dyson-Holland Cross Country
  19. I'm getting sound my end...check you haven't accidentally muted the video player.
  20. What helped me was to not think of it as flaring or landing. Try not to land the aeroplane but keep it flying just above the runway. Make a gradual transition to straight and level rather than a 'flare'. This flying lesson I did with my instructor will show you what I mean:
  21. I'd be worried if you did! Area solo is probably next on my list too... looking forward to just flying around and enjoying the experience.... solo!
  22. Holy crap!!!! That is one lucky dude
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