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Romeo Juliet Whiskey

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Everything posted by Romeo Juliet Whiskey

  1. Thanks for the tips Nick. The peripheral vision is a good idea for judging flare height - Ill try and remember that one next lesson. Yeah. Im really gripping that yoke ...lol ... interesting you picked up on that. Usually when I finish a lesson I have to straighten my fingers out they are that stiff and cramped.
  2. Wise words Bob, especially regarding the pax endoresment. 30 hrs experience doesn't sound like much to start taking family/friends up flying. I think I'll wait until I'm flying the plane, rather than it flying me which is how it feels for me half the time at the moment :)
  3. Thanks for your feedback and encouragement guys. You are right Brent, enjoy the experience and realise it takes time to develop the required skills, in the mean time be proud of what you have already achieved. Looking forward to the next lesson now :)
  4. The Jab definately seems harder to land than what I remember with the tomahawk. Little more twitchy and you really have to work those rudder pedals! I think the problem with my flare and landing is a parallax error im getting. I have to focus straight ahead during the flare rather than over the spinner so that i don't keep veering of to the left. If you are landing off to the left all the time like myself, you should check out this cool vid:
  5. Hey guys, got my first taste of circuits and real landing practice today. Im feeling a bit down after this lesson. After being bumped around all lesson due turbulence and three crap landings, Im starting to question whether its worth spending $200 every lesson for the experience. I guess every pilot during his training has moments like this and questions his decision to become a pilot. ABOUT ROMEO JULIET WHISKEY: I'm a student pilot learning to fly in my spare time. I originally received 30 hours of flying instruction 17 years ago and now I'm back in the cockpit and learning how to fly all over again. Currently flying out of Wollongong (YWOL), Australia in light sport aircraft such as the Jabiru and Pipestrel alpha with Fly Illawarra: Fly Illawarra: Fly Illawarra Recreation Aviation Australia: Home - RAA Jabiru aircraft: Home - Jabiru Aircraft & Engines Australia Pipistrel alpha: http://www.pipistrel-usa.com/models/a...
  6. Yeah I'm looking forward to flying the alpha. It's going to be interesting to compare it with the Jab 170. Looks like a great little aircraft.
  7. Parkway, you might want to check out MetEye as well: MetEye Rich
  8. Quick follow-up on this post. I've done 6hrs of training with Bruce so far and he has been great. So if you are thinking of learning to fly out of Wollongong give Bruce a call.
  9. Yeah, I get the impression that the best stalls to practice are the ones where you are turning with power almost off and then kick in a bit of rudder - kind of mimicking what can happen with that turn onto final. I was doing that in my last lesson on turn to final, not stalling of course because i had good airspeed and low angle of attack, but due to turbulence i kicked in way more rudder that what was required because i felt the nose wasn't coming around. The instructor pointed out that i was skidding the plane around instead of turning.
  10. Thanks for your feedback mate. I plan to release a new video every week - weather depending of course :)
  11. Hi IBob, I think the important lesson is to know the aircraft your flying. As you point out, different aircraft behave differently. So in the future if Im going to fly a new aircraft for the first time Im definitely going to want to check out its stall characteristics. I guess as aeroplane performance and maneuverability increase, the stall characteristics can become more abrupt. Check out this youtube clip of the Vans (i think) stall characteristics @ 2.40 mark: Bit different hey? - although it was an uncordinated stall turn I doubt the Jab would stall like that. Maybe a more experience Jab flyer can comment here?
  12. In this 3rd lesson I fly out to the training area to learn about stalls and spiral dives. I learn to observe the symptoms and practice the recovery techniques of a wide variety of stalls: power off/on stalls, clean/dirty stalls, and stalls during a turn. Good Fun! If you have any feedback or questions then please leave a comment. I hope you find this useful, Rich :) About me (Romeo Juliet Whiskey) I'm a student pilot learning to fly in my spare time. I originally received 30 hours of flying instruction 17 years ago and now I'm back in the cockpit and learning how to fly all over again. Currently flying out of Wollongong (YWOL), Australia in light sport aircraft such as the Jabiru and Pipestrel alpha with Fly Illawarra: Fly Illawarra: Fly Illawarra Recreation Aviation Australia: Home - RAA Jabiru aircraft: Home - Jabiru Aircraft & Engines Australia Pipistrel alpha: http://www.pipistrel-usa.com/models/alpha-trainer.htm
  13. What is the advantage?
  14. Slightly soiled :) The video doesn't really portray the sudden nose dive down towards the ground very well... it was scarier than what it looks. Big lesson for me though was climbing out after that landing with a too high nose attitude, my mind still dwelling on the scary landing, and airspeed slowly decaying towards a stall - as my instructor said "focus on whats happening 'now' rather than what just happen!"
  15. $190 per hour dual in wollongong for a Jabiru, that includes on average an hour of briefing as well
  16. In this 2nd lesson I take the Jabiru 160 out to the training area for simulated circuit practice and try my hand at a couple of landings. It was after the first landing I learn't one of the most important lessons in aviation. If you have any feedback or questions then please leave a comment. I hope you find this useful, Rich :) About me (Romeo Juliet Whiskey) I'm a student pilot learning to fly in my spare time. I originally received 30 hours of flying instruction 17 years ago and now I'm back in the cockpit and learning how to fly all over again. Currently flying out of Wollongong (YWOL), Australia in light sport aircraft such as the Jabiru and Pipestrel alpha with Fly Illawarra: Fly Illawarra: Fly Illawarra Recreation Aviation Australia: Home - RAA Jabiru aircraft: Home - Jabiru Aircraft & Engines Australia Pipistrel alpha: http://www.pipistrel-usa.com/models/alpha-trainer.htm
  17. Just a heads up about the new (at least to me) NAIPS briefing app for android. The mapping feature is pretty handy. From the google playstore: This app provides a quick and easy way to access basic NAIPS functionality in an app, rather than having to log on via a web browser. Your username and password are remembered and used automatically, rather than having to log on every hour or so. Current features include location and area briefings and graphic charts (grid point winds, synoptic charts etc.) Briefings are retained on the device (but marked as outdated after a period of time) so you can easily refer to a previous briefing, or share it via email or other applications. A quick refresh button will get an updated version of any previous briefing - in full, not just changes. Location search uses an on-device database with all Australian airfields, ALAs, navaids and both VFR and IFR waypoints included. Coordinates and distance and direction from your current location are displayed, along with first/last light times. This app is under active development and more features (e.g. flight planning and mapping) will be progressively released. All current functionality is free but some future features may be paid-for options.
  18. I also enjoy your posts mate. I also like to get different opinions from other people, such as those here from this forum... not just from my instructor. Best way to learn IMO.
  19. I was about 14 when Top Gun came out so it was an easy choice.... "I want to be maverick"
  20. Great video mate! Thanks for sharing :)
  21. Hi everybody, I'm learning to gain my recreational pilots licence and have started uploading videos of my lessons to share my experiences and learnings with other student pilots. In the first lesson I get introduced to the Jabiru 170D and re-familiarise myself with the basics of flying an aeroplane: climbing, trimmed level flight, co-ordinated turns, and effect of controls. The video is unedited so you can experience the whole training lesson from pre-start to engine shutdown: If you have any feedback or questions then please leave a comment. I hope you find this useful. About me (Romeo Juliet Whiskey) I'm a student pilot learning to fly in my spare time. I originally received 30 hours of flying instruction 17 years ago and now I'm back in the cockpit and learning how to fly all over again. Currently flying out of Wollongong (YWOL), Australia in light sport aircraft such as the Jabiru and Pipestrel alpha with Fly Illawarra: Fly Illawarra: Fly Illawarra Recreation Aviation Australia: Home - RAA Jabiru aircraft: Home - Jabiru Aircraft & Engines Australia Pipistrel alpha: http://www.pipistrel-usa.com/models/alpha-trainer.htm
  22. All good points..thanks. I can take this to my instructor and see what he has to say :)
  23. But if it's what camden controlled airspace is doing it, wouldn't this be a good example to follow in class g?
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