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Everything posted by Totenhofer

  1. Gday Adrian. I'm in Mildura. It certianly is a good looking machine, inspired by the hummel as I understand. Feel free to call, I'll PM you my phone number. Cheers, Craig.
  2. G'day all, I've taken delivery of plans to build the BK1.3 from Bruce King over at bkfliers.com I intend to build it in taildragger form. I've attached the spec sheet that's available on the bkfliers website. I'm expecting $20-$30k and 5-6 years to build. I'll attempt to bring the build time down by having some parts pre-cut, like the wing ribs etc. Right now, I'm trawling through the plans and the photo log, the plans look awesome and I'm sure the photo log will help clear things up as I go. I'm also souring material and some tools that I don't have in the shop. Cheers, Craig.
  3. Thanks Ian. Cheers, Craig.
  4. Hello all, I've recently bought a set of plans to build a BKFlier. Is there a one-stop shop for aircraft grade material located in Australia? I'd rather not order from aircraftspruce for support, freight reasons. Cheers, Craig.
  5. Thanks Lads, I like the idea of a "portable Hanger" that I could cart around. I've seen varying degrees like converted boat trailers to fully enclosed custom built ones. I did see a photo of a poor old Kitfox that had been weathered, it looked like it had melted! Steph I'm in Mildura, both my PPL and CPL had me planning through Swan Hill. How's the new runway seal? I haven't been there since. Cheers,
  6. Hi all, I'm a bloke from north western Vic. I currently hold a CPL but i'm flying just for pleasure at this stage. An instructor rating is on the cards in the next few years as I would like to try on some weekend / casual work. That's a thought for another day though. The usual mount I hire is starting to cost far to much, so i'm looking at getting an RAA ticket. I'm hoping that'll allow me to scratch the flying itch as needed for cheaper. One things that's piked my interest to post today is seeing an advertisement on an aircraft sales website. Its' of a small high wing machine that cruises at about 80kts for 22k, this seems relatively affordable to me. I'm aware of ongoing costs and have heard you'd expect to spend the initial purchase price within the following 2 years as a guide, even that sounds bearable. I'm really interested in somthing with folding wings. I'd love to be able to cart it home and stow it in the shed. This should definitely put a dent in cost of ownership. Anyway, once again that's a thought for another day... In the interim, I'm on my way to an RAA ticket! wish me luck. Craig.
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