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Niri Tawa

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Everything posted by Niri Tawa

  1. Thanks. I know that I am going to enjoy it, as I will be able to have my sweetie pie in the plane with me, able to see over the panel, something not possible in my 1940 Taylorcraft. I was curious what the numbers were. I'm glad that it has a BETTER aspect ratio, (Can't help it, I'm also a high performance Glider pilot, that's me on the left in the photo, next to the ASK-21 that I had just climbed out of).
  2. For reasons of fuel economy, I cruise at 95 indicated, turning 2050 RPM. If I'm in a hurry, I will fly at 107 indicated. The Austers are cool aircraft. Your plane looks really nice.
  3. Thanks, guys, and yes, I forgive facthunter.
  4. Mine is a 1940 BC65 with an A-65, that has had the FAA approved A-75 mods done to it.
  5. Sure do, I'll load up a few.
  6. Hi folks, I bought an X-air F model yesterday from a good friend of mine in snow covered Indiana, but I'll wait till it thaws out up there before I leave our nice 80 degree sky ranch, down here 80 miles east of El Paso, Texas, to go fetch it. I hear that the aspect ratio on the F model is different from the standard, is that true that it has less wingspan, and is a couple of knots faster?
  7. Hi folks, My name is Sabrina, I'm 66, retired army pilot, and have been flying since I was 14, (1964). I currently own and fly a 1940 Taylorcraft BC65, a 1946 Cessna 140, an Avenger ultralight, a Weedhopper ultralight, and am restoring an HM 293 Flying Flea. I just bought an X-Air model F from a friend of mine yesterday, and will go pick it up once the snow melts in Indiana, where he lives. The X-Air is powered by a blue top 582, and any info or pilots reports that you have I would appreciate. Brie
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