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Everything posted by skydog

  1. I do not see any "advertising or promotion" of this site anywhere else where I connect to aviation whether it be on FB and the very many aviation sites on it, or any publications, online of offline aircraft for sale, sport commercial or recreational. Most of this costs nothing just time to put a post up on FB or an cheap ad in a publication. People do not know about the site or confuse it with RAAUS. (that could work both ways potentially) It would be interesting to know what the drop out rate is soon after joining Rec Flying as I agree with other posters that a few frequent posters seem to make very strong opinions on a wide variety of posts that are dogmatic, and insensitive which pisses posters of and just makes one say why bother. Just my opinion
  2. Been lots of near misses at my airport lately. Just saying, we all know the rules :inbound, joining where to look but some calls are not exact with position headings etc so lights do help for sure. Added safety and more sexy.
  3. Precisely which is why I positioned the "landing" lights to aim more straight out rather than just down.
  4. I purchased h3 100 watt halogen landing light replacement system from an australian company FlyLED.com. I do not fly at night but want to be visible inbound and in the circuit plus maybe more visible on the ground. FlyLED are about half price of similar systems from the USA. Also save the high freight cost. I have twin LED lights for each wing total 4800 lumens drawing only 5 watts. I bought a 3 way switch which gives me lights full on or wig wag function. They make retrofit systems for Vans aircraft and kuts you can make yourself to suit your build.
  5. Back to less adverts for light aircraft I noticed a year ago how online sales of light aircraft especially less by the old traditional providers such as Aircraft trader and thru the flying orgs such as RaAus, SAAA etc was declining. Online has gained a large piece of the action being easier cheaper faster and direct. ACFT Trader had to go online when they recognised this trend years ago. Facebook alone as 3 large sites. Aviation Buy Sell Swap Australia is the largest. "Aircraft for sale" has 5000 members as an example. The various aircraft type groups such as RV`S in Oz , Vans aircraft Australia, are also a method of advertising your particular plane type directly to a target market. Australia GA aircraft Helicopters and parts is another. search aviation sales in FB and lots of sites pop up.
  6. Jean Battens Percival Gull hangs in the Auckland Airport . Quite a Woman!!!!!
  7. Seems that the opening up of the skies to light aircraft flying has resulted in a few incidents last few days. At my airport a few near misses and a engine out flip on landing this morning (Huntly c172 pilot OK). Was thinking could this be rusty pilots or rusty engines/ rusty fuel issues.?
  8. I believe stowing of ipad is a requirement from an article by CASA I read years ago.
  9. I use a mini in my RV and Pulsar3 with suction mounted as in the jab picture a few posts back. No problems. I covered the surface with an antiglare film. The vent blows close to it so no overheating. Portrait works best I reckon. Old ipad models work just as well. LTE versions of course. Screen fade option on Avplan works well and saves heaps of battery. Just tap screen to wake. CASA accepts ipad mini screen size.
  10. I will not download it. I dont trust Morrison or any politician. Yes he is blackmailing the public, downoad or restrictions will not be lifted. Yes google has tracking but you can turn it off! Amazon is getting all the data, another reason not to download it. I read the app is not effective unless 40% of the population download it. Thats a lot of people and the way its going I suspect it will fall well short. The yanks have more guts than us apathetic rollovers, when it comes to personal rights, it would not and is not happening there. Shame they started distancing too late tho . Thats stupid Trumps fault
  11. Bendigo flying club and 2 other training organisations have stopped instructing but planes are available for hire.! Some pvte flying out of pvte hangars. Social distancing seems to be applied in those cases. Seems crazy that we can't fly if we can still get a haircut from a barber who touch's people and is within 1.5 metres during a whole day. Far as I know buses and trains still going !! albeit lower numbers so flying is a lot safer 1 or 2 up in our little planes.
  12. 1/ Ian perhaps consider going wider to the whole aviation community via a crowd funding organisation. Us members can help make that fund request "go viral" posting it to all the existing aviation media be it online FB, Instagram print media orgs etc and to flying organisations such as AOPA, SAAA, RAAus etc. That's a lot of people I am sure don't know about the site. 2/ With some of the funds place ads in aviation media to gain new members, site awareness benefits etc. 3/ Charge members an annual fee equal to a magazine subscription or part thereof. ($20?) Offer a 3 month trial fee of $5. 4/ See if you can become a spot/ click fee agent for sales on all/any aviation shops, products (EFB memberships) /organisation and list links on your site. Don't know how hard this is to set up. I am happy to contribute a membership fee or donation. Keep your chin up and keep networking out to that big ocean of abundance, it usually bring rewards and support as you can see from this thread. . Regards
  13. Maybe with the current virus crisis and recession that will occur, loss of jobs etc we will see an increase of aircraft for sale at cheap prices?
  14. Good place to learn to fly with respected instructors. Very beautiful scenic area as well. Enjoy.
  15. Guy ur trip is looking good. Just check with Peterborough b4 u fly in. Last time I did not land as it had heaps of very large clumpy grasses past the sealed section. You can walk to the fab beach fm there and the town. I am in Bendigo and there are 2 savannahs there. Sat morning we meet so say Hi and enjoy our Gold town .
  16. I have the kti as well and will replace batteries when due. I carry it on me when flying in case of accident as well as my phone in a case on my belt.
  17. I did over 1000 jumps was on Victorian parachute council for 3 years. Have friends on the APF and council.
  18. I have a friend in the APF I will ask him.
  19. No of course it doesn't matter what I am thinking.
  20. Just read "missing man' story about Len Waters" Really good, lots of injustice towards our aboriginal brothers. Also very much enjoyed "At the edge of space" and by Milton Thompson. Fascinating read about the X_15 flight program and how it was the prerequisite to space flight as we know it. X_15 the fastest aircraft ever at one km per second!
  21. The proposed 760kg category detail about medical requirements have not been made clear. Perhaps casa will require a commercial drivers licence medical. The category allows some higher performance a/c in such as Vans RV 3,4,6, etc. that can land at low speed. Your thoughts?
  22. I think one of the A/C was flying IFR, one might think that CENTAR could have been involved with an imminent collision warning call or TCAS or ADSB visible to the IFR pilots however since one aircraft had only just taken off I suspect that it was only just appearing on radar. Not blaming, just timing issue. The facts will come out, cloud etc
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