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Everything posted by skydog

  2. I am considering an engine that was brand new 4 years ago was in a plane that was not flown for a year and then for the following year did only about 13 hours. The plane has since been flown albeit not a lot but regularly like one hour per month. During the year the plane was not flown the owner ran the engine on the ground for about 20 minutes once a month. I hear about corrosion that can occur in idle engines and reduced "life".Can anyone tell me, , about the probable condition of this engine and if the no fly period has caused damage to parts of or corrosion to the engine? What is the real worth of running the engine on the ground, I thought they had to be flown at 170 degrees oil temperature to get acid and water out of the oil and engine. Comments?
  3. Thanks for that brentc. If the hangar is about 50 bucks then a good deal. I spose Tooradin will get lots of calls about that tommorrow!
  4. HI Deskpilot, Well I did ask the question and when I cheekily suggested 95 grand he guffawed and said something like "oh yeah". I think that means no! That plane is so 'loaded' the instruments must cost about 3$30,000 on their own. My guess is more like 120,000. BLOODY NICE AIRCRAFT THOUGH, CANT AFFORD ONE. Thanks for the trip report comment.
  5. Always interested in RV shares. Am actively looking now.
  6. Well Brentc and drizzt thats brighter news and good to see Tooradin going along so well. How many $ per week will it be is the big question. Tooradin suits many people but for me is one hour and 10 minutes further away from where I usually fly to. Heard Bacchus might put up some more hangars soon too. Brentc, is that RV share in Simons plane or another aircraft altogether. If so,is it completed/flying?
  7. On the Melb cup weekeend I flew with a friend to Kingston SE to look at a RV I am interested in buying. Kingston is about 2.40 hrs flight time in a 172 (didnt want to fly the JAB that distance) and we left point cook at 1 pm local time to arrive 25 minutes before planned time due to a very kind tailwind. Our track being Pt Cook, Avalon, Lismore (Vic), Hamilton, Naracoorte and Kingston SE. Kingston has a real nice field with the north south strip sealed plus a big XW grass runway, right near the beach and walking distance to the town amenities. Got to say how friendly the guys are at kingston, thats the local builders and pilots on the field as well as the "lightning aircraft" operation of Dennis Borchardt and his pals.Gee those Lightning aircraft are beautiful, sexy and fast. 130Knots plus at 75% cruise on a Jab 3300 engine its got to be the best plastic fantastic out there by far. Take a look at his website for the full details but they are very impressive. Dennis is a thorough gentleman and even went to the trouble to get some weather info for us by driving home as there is no computer at the field. WE stayed the night after test flying the plane we went to see and the cost to stay at the local Royal Mail pub was only 35 bucks a night including continental breakie! great deal. Renown for it crayfish and seafood you wont be disappointed spending the night in Kingston. The weather turned to rubbish next morning we were due to fly back, total overcast and drizzle with cloud scudding between 500 and at 1000`. Robin who is re skinning a Corby starlet was very generous taking me back into town to have a squiz at the BOM weather site radar to try and pick a gap in the rain and shower activity. What afriendly helpfull buch they are. After about an half hour sitting in the plane discussing the best safe exit strategy the rain dropped to a drizzzle then to a shower then to not much at all as the gap came across the field. We took off for Naracoorte where it was not raining according to the radar. Climbing to 1500` the vis was not bad thru the raindrops on the screen about 9-10 kms on the ground. Further toward Naracoorte the cloud base forced us down to 500` above ground level and although we could see up track a long way were making sure we had a clear path back to Kingston behind us in case of a turn back. Definitely the old sphincter muscles were working a treat. But just as the radar had shown the showers slowly dissapated, the cloud base lifted to 3500` and we were able to track directly to Horsham and the better weather for our return to Pt Cook rather than go south of the ranges. Its a strong feeling to resist taking a chance but you have to trust the weather forcasters and go up and have a look at the real weather situation as long as you dont break the VFR rules. Good that we did otherwise we would have been grounded overnight although that may not have been such a bad sentence to bear.Mmmnn fresh fish and chips. With a nice tail wind on the 172 we maintained a magnificent 135knots GS for about 45 minutes which helped us get back to YMPC in record time. You always learn a lot flying to other airfields meeting nice people and chatting about different aircraft and regions and Kingston SE was no exception with the bonus of seeing the Lighting assembly factory and a lovely RV at the same time. Where to next?
  8. HANGAR SPACE A REAL ISSUE I have been looking lately for ha ngar space within reasonable driving distance of Melbourne, by reasonable I mean one hour otherwise might as well drive to the destination right? There is nothig reasonable! 85 bucks at Riddell,no services, no community. $ 100 at MBN if you can get it. Melton not interste din talking to me or anyone but the strip is rubbish and no flying community there to speak of. Bacchus is full but some hangars can be built I believe but still 80 bucks a week. How on earth can any one afford to store the plane at those prices and fly as well? Yeah you can get folding wings and store a plane in the garage but I want to fly faster than 87 knots. Looks like partnerships is the way to go to reduce costs, anyone intersted in a RV6A/7A partnership?
  9. great fly in Horsham was great fun and Matt heard you call inbound as I was outbound. Stayed Friday and Sat nites, best food deal around put on by the galsSat nite, 20 bucks for 3 course dinner and breakfast. Public numbers probably down but will await official report from John and his team who put a lot of imput into it. About 60 aircraft arived Sat and looked like a lot inbound as we were heading out Sunday about 11:30am.
  10. HELLO Skyhog (great name) I had some prior hours in C150 many many years ago which counted to my RA license. Point I was making it took me 4.5 hrs to solo the Gazelle, it takes the avge Joe 13>15hrs in a Jab from zero hours. Cheaper to learn in the Gazelle then switch to GA.
  11. GDay Pioneer I am talking the original jabs used for training prior to J160`S etc. Small empannage, short fuse, slick, with the 2200 engine. They would be 4 years and older. I believe the J120 with the bigger tail is much better to control on final and land.
  12. Jab vs Gaz vs anything. I started in a GAZELLE at Pt Cook and loved it to learn in, absolutely perfect plane to get your license in low hours and cheaply compared to GA and the Jabirus. Why cheaper than the JABIRUS, because they are so much harder to fly and land. Most students take 15 hours to go solo! thats expensive flying even at RAA aircraft prices dual. It may be good for the student to master a plane like the Jab but good for the instructors and schools to get extra hours it takes and income as well. I always recommend people learn in an easier plane first because of that money factor. I went solo in 4.5 hrs in the GAZELLE then to obtain my GA license all I had to do was 5 hours conversion in a Warrior. CHEAP way to go and fun. I then started flying the JABIRU, took me 4.5 hrs to go solo in that!!! wow I thought I was an OK pilot but trying to master the Jab bought me back down to earth with a thud literally.Twitchy as... and in XW, well you have to work hard. I have about 50 hours in Jabs now and believe if you can fly a jab you can fly most SE aircraft. Jumping back into C172 and Warriors is like flying a truck. Since then I have flown mostly GA but always go back and fly the JAB every month or so because it forces me to fly well. Total GA pilots tend to pooh pooh the Jab until they get in and try and land it. Sure brings them back to earth too in more ways than one. Agree about different horses for different courses though.
  13. Well you are certainly going to meet your requirements with a Jab. I just posted in "news" a kit from the US called a Thatcher named after David Thatcher who designed it. Nice plane . A thatcher is a type of bird too isnt it Thrasher or is that a hatcher? God knows?
  14. fly to wineries two good romantic places I have flown to. 1/: Brown bros Milawa, Ring first for permission to use their own strip but what a great place, fly into the strip and walk 100 metres to the winery for tastings , lunch dinner etc.. Stay at one of the B&B's or hotels all within 5 minutes walk. Pop the question just as you fly into the valley crowned by snow topped mountains or after swooping over the chalet on Mt Buffalo. Flight time about 1.5 from Tooradin 2/: Coonawarra:... About 1.8 hrs away West of Melbourne, north of Mt Gambier lies this lovely wine strip. Land at Coonawarra and get the motel /hotel to come pick you up (they will) and drop you back with the dozen bottles. Great Restaurants and you walk or bike ride the road north or south of the tiny township visiting many wineries. Fly back over the top of Mt Gambier to witnes the blue and green volcanic lakes, then pop the question but its going to be hard going down on bended knee .
  16. Hey thrasher what is that bird on your profile?
  17. Thanks Dingduck, I didnt even think about the VNE 140 what a dummy. Yes not able to go far on 70 litres of juice at what I guess is around 30 litres consumption per hr. The climb out is pretty good from memeory so keeping the engine cool with a lower angle of climb is not really an issue is it. Great information, thanks.
  18. Thats impressive ROM, I guess at about 3100 revs then its getting close to 130kts but chewing the gas up. Anyone know if there is a J230/J200/J400 out there with a 8cyl Jab engine in it and if so what performance?
  19. what do any of you guys have to say about the J230 what do any of you guys have to say about the J230? Someone told me it would cruise at 130knots firewalled is this true? What about its flight characteristics compared to the smaller jabs?
  20. Hi MATT, I lost your ph number, sorry. Would be great to keep in contact and go flying again if possible. After flying in your great plane and experiencing your Bose ANR headsets I bought a set for myself (not Bose though)when at Oshkosh, they are really great. Cheers Mike (Pt Cook)
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