Bug bit, like a virus.
I was born , as a baby at a very young age about 7 NM from an airforce base.
Now I am showing my age but the constant flow of aircraft over the house such as Vampire jets, Bristol freighters, the odd Sunderland flying boat, etc just absolutely intrigued me and I always dreamed of flying these wonderful cutting edge examples of mans ingenuity. The raw power and the very distinct sound of a Vampire jet still gets me excited all these years later.
Whenever the family drove close by the airforce base I always asked the old man to to a drive by of the base just so I could see what was happening and what what flying which often was not much at all. Then they had an airshow and that blew my tiny little yet to be formed mind, {maybe still yet to be formed properly}.
At the age of 12, I took up competitive club cycling and the weekend race circuit was around this same airbase. Parachutusts landed most weekends, under round canopies in those days and I started dreaming about skydiving landing in the back yard at home and being a legend in my own lunchbox at school which kicked of another "flying" desire only to be satiated 12 years later.
However before that on March 29th in 1974, I had my first flying lesson in a C172 (Charlie Sierra Yankee) and went solo right on 6 hrs. Unfortunately after about 18 hrs I ran out of money and discovered wine women and song which started my downfall to the pitiful wreck I now am having regretted that ever since as I believe inhindsight I would have ended up flying commercially.
Afew years later again money & circumstances led me to Skydiving which took my heart and mind and wallet for about 15 years after that and I have never regreted a bit of that except for the money I spent ( I could have been a millionaire by now I reckon) This kept me right in touch with all sorts of aviation aircraft of course and I had the priviledge of jumping out of DC-3`s, Hughes helicopters, hot air balloons,Tri-pacers, Cessnas, 185, 206, 207, 172, 402, the Spanish CASA, Nomad, and Pilatus.
Whilst organsing skydive operations for a Mangalore airshow I went to SAAA meetings for 3 months prior and met crazy home builders I mean what stupid idiot would build a plane, fly it and not even jump out of it?
Phil Heffernan took me for a fly in the fabulous and amazing Vari-eze and again my desire to fly was re-ignited dreaming of one day owning my very own 'eze' and cruising alongside Fokker friendships etc.!!!! What an amazing guy that Burt Rutan has turned out to be.
It was not until much later , OK at the age of 50 that some weird middle aged crisis thingy happened so not having enough money to buy a red sports car I decided to get my flying license and started flying Ultra-lights at Pt Cook in a Gazelle and Jabs. I was back into it, and Pt Cook was a great place to fly with the mix of Trikes, UL, GA, military , airforce museum aircraft and the great Mustang filling the sky and my swelling heart.
6 years later and quite a few years after going solo in 1974 I am now a proud part owner of a great flying machine pictured to your left. Not quite a vari-eze but just as fast and a bit more comfortable on my older body.
Flying has been a long but most rewarding interest to have and the driver of my working life and day-dreamer mind.
Love it.