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Everything posted by Tomo

  1. Nice one Mr Mal!! Yeah I think people forget we're talking about aluminium not cast iron or something!! The extra thickness for strength is a small weight loss to pay really. Not to mention it's easier to weld....
  2. Was just sent this - PDF file attached. UAV - Info Memo to RACQ Careflight 2012.pdf UAV - Info Memo to RACQ Careflight 2012.pdf UAV - Info Memo to RACQ Careflight 2012.pdf
  3. What!?!?! Well Tara isn't much an issue if you know the right people... but Dalby, that's gonna just be a pain in the neck... and a parking fee, good grief!
  4. I would have had room up until a few hours ago!! Just invited my mate in a wheelchair who should be coming up with me as well, so after we put the chair and all his gear in we will be full! Hopefully the weather behaves itself, got a mighty decent looking front coming through Saturday...
  5. Looks like I'll be blasting up in the 206 Saturday morning for the day only... hopefully have a few tag alongs, such as Aviatrix if she get's her aviation priorties right... if not it'll just be me and my good mate Paul!
  6. I'd recommend getting to know your aircraft's approach angle (glide or whatever you do) and use an aiming point from the base turn... using ground reference points is handy for the first little bit of learning circuits, but after that you really need to rely on the aiming point and not old mates house type thing. If that makes sense
  7. I'm telling you, flying is much easier than sitting in front of a computer!!
  8. G'day Arthur, sorry I haven't got back to you on that, today was pretty much the day I gave it a good run. Ended up making some more pitch blocks, 0.3 I think I did.. And it is perfect! I did about three hours flying around today and it's going well so far. Thanks!
  9. G'day Yenn! What I meant by the experience thing wasn't about giving your mate the stick for a bit holding S/L... more in regards to people logging every 30 seconds of 'sitting' in this aircraft or that aircraft to just get hours.
  10. Know what you mean! But to me experience is by far better than some numbers in a book... mind you aviation seems to be all about numbers, but I'm focussing on the experience more so!
  11. Here's a shot of top of the tank, just tidying up the wires now and she'll be looovely! Negative! Thought long and hard about it, but in the end decided the tank wasn't big enough to warrant the extra weight.... .... or trouble of doing so. Just got back from test flying it actually and it goes brilliantly. No issues with sloshing, balance etc... just need to get out and have some fun now I'ma thinking! New prop, new tank... just a bit of paint tlc and she'll be brand spanking new!
  12. Someone should put that shotgun away... grounding the poor Ibis... Jimny crickets!!!
  13. Thanks David! I guess that's what I like to do... design and build things! The acid wash is just HFS04, basically a cleaner and brightener for Aluminium. Makes it nice and clean, and shiny!!
  14. Haha!! Just some stuff we had laying around, and it only added a couple kgs extra to the old tanks weight, so I'm not to concerned at all. Still plenty under MTOW even if I'm dripping wet!!
  15. I like your style already... welcome Diddy!
  16. Mig, 4mm plate. My mate helped weld it, so I can't take all the credit! Weighs about 4.5kgs, 50ltrs capacity
  17. So following on from a previous thread a while back about me making a new fuel tank for my plane... well it's slowly coming together, and I now have it in my plane and getting it all back together again. Can't wait to get it finished as I'm getting itchy feet! Here are a few dodgy photos from my phone... I have it all mounted and plumbed up tonight but was to dark to take photos on my phone so you will have to wait till tomorrow for that. But in the mean time here are a few to start off with. Cutting it out The general shape... Welding it together Acid washing it You can see the drop down on the bottom where the pick up will be sucking from, and also a fuel drain on the bottom of it. It fits!! Trialling it on for size... Getting the top together, with fuel gauge and pick up pipes, breather and filler inlets. Attaching the pick up hose onto the pick up tube welded to the bottom on the inside of the tank. More photos to come tomorrow...
  18. Who needs windows anyway?
  19. I'm a member of a few... trying to be at each one for events/working bee's is the tricky part - and keeping up the annual cost, but it's a bit of a necessary evil if you want access to different aircraft at just about anytime.
  20. Haha, yeah not overly concerned about aircraft availability... more an issue of time for me these days!! Mine will be in the air by then too hopefully, almost finished the fuel tank off. Pretty happy with it so far. And as for the Pawnee, they're only fun if you're at 3ft... or have someone hanging off the back.
  21. Tomo


    I reckon I heard you make a call around the Toowoomba area - well there was a Sportstar something making a call (can't remember what now) while I was flying around Toowoomba in the 206. If you heard a C206 on the radio it was me Sunday afternoon...
  22. I'll be towing in the Pawnee Saturday, but I'm hoping to finish up early enough to be able to head up for Saturday night. Not sure what in yet...
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