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Everything posted by Tomo

  1. ...except Nissan Patrols breaking down continuously...
  2. Bongeen and Community Church hosts a Harvest Auction to raise money for Careflight and Angel flight. It's an annual thing and this year was our third one. Was a great Saturday night and we raised $22,500 - not bad for a small community! Thanks to all who donated items, and the bidders who made it possible!
  3. Tomo


    Can't make it this weekend, sorry guys!! Hope you all have fun and safe flying.
  4. Would have been about 38-40hrs I reckon by the time I got my Pilot Cert/ and X country. Pilot cert only would have been about 25hr I think. I tell people not to even look at their hours when learning as it will either disappoint you, or give you a false sense of confidence.
  5. No worries Dj, was great to catch up with you anyway, and put a face to the name! Yes, I love the flaps in this thing, from 20˚ to 40˚ flap it almost feels like someone has grabbed your tail! Love it!
  6. Tomo


    I'm not real sure if I'll make it or not yet, will know by tomorrow no doubt if I can make the weekend - hope so!
  7. Just a few pic's my brother took the last couple trips in the C206, I'll let them do the talking. Hope you enjoy. C206 on the strip, with my ute and a cotton module builder in the background. Djpacro's Pitts and the 206 in front of some of the Friendliest hangers in town Late final 29 Toowoomba Toowoomba, and the track Feedlot - Beaf City Still a few cotton modules around Row crops Farms... Just a friends property Creepy looking photo of my hand! Wide angle lens distortion, honest.
  8. Question for you all! What is your opinion on cowl flaps on approach? I usually keep them closed during the approach because in my thinking you don't really want to suddenly chill the engine on approach when the power setting is in it's lowest state. I've noticed some people recommend to have them open in the ready for a go-around, which also makes sense in that case. I suppose there is no right or wrong exactly, as it depends on the day - cold, hot etc... but just curious to what the majority thinks. Dankè
  9. Tomo


    Depends on the age of the engine, but I've seen between 20 to 50ml and hour.
  10. Tomo

    RAA mag

    EightyKnots, I'm pretty sure I can't see that many on your head! You'd get tied up pretty quick if you tried to comb your hair that's for sure.
  11. Same with my plane, I can never make up my mind which side to use, so just sit in the middle...
  12. I fly the J3 from the back seat, can't see a thing when you have a passenger, but at least they can do the switches for you...
  13. Tomo

    RAA mag

    I assume you're talking about the great looking bird on page 35?
  14. Awesome! That's pretty cool Brett, nice work.
  15. Well to the Jab's credit with this problem, this wasn't a design fault, but an assembly issue by the assembler... (be that Jab factory or someone else)
  16. Tomo


    Musical flash mobs are so fun! That one is brilliant Andy.
  17. Tomo


    I suppose that would be the most effective, though usually I've had a pretty good success rate with just getting a few phone numbers prior and sending out a text or three upon arrival. If anyone wants to catch up PM your number and I'll add it into my phone. If the stars aline right and I'm a little lucky, I could be coming down with DJ in something a little fun. Just need to figure the ride home then... which shouldn't be an issue if DD is coming down.
  18. Best decal I saw one day was on a sun visor - said "Remove before flight" Really, are pilots that dumb?!
  19. Tomo


    I hope to be there one way or the other, Saturday to Sunday morning most likely.
  20. Just be careful doing this though, sure it doesn't hurt to check, but just be gentle. Some people get a bit 'spanner' happy and do things up way to tight sometimes. How many hours has it been since the last oil change, i.e. inspection? You mentioned it's done about 40hrs since being fixed up, so I'd assume only about 15hrs since it's last service? You shouldn't need to check under the cover everytime you fly, though there isn't anything stopping you of course, but for an aircooled engine (no water pipes to check) they should be reliable enough to last a few hours! I'm not saying don't do it, of course do what you think is best.
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