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Everything posted by Tomo

  1. I've never really understood about the APA endorsement, because to me it means nothing on a piece of plastic. Reading through the syllabus for the APA is what all pilots should have learnt anyway? I would have thought, well I did.
  2. Welcome along mate, great to have you!
  3. That's a new one for the books! Things would have been running a bit lean too, if they were loose for a while. To me, this looks like a classic case of not tightening them up correctly more than anything else. Even more worrying really.
  4. It's unfortunate, but I guess all we can do is keep an eye out for such people. Respect isn't a big attribute in people these days it seems
  5. Well, we should do something about this!
  6. My nice girlfriend? All my friends are nice! (otherwise they wouldn't be my friends... )
  7. What's the problem? You telling me it isn't normal to look like that?
  8. Easy aren't they! Once you get the hang of the speeds and where trim needs to be for each the old 172 is such an honest beauty. What model is it? Well done!
  9. Yeah, yeah, but it was the first experience with me in the Drifter... So so sad, looks like you've found all the support you need, I'll just have to go and fly my Spitfire without you then...
  10. Tomo


    Flew my mates to Charleville in the 206 on Sunday for a meeting we had there. Anyway on the way home one of them revisited his lunch - fortunately I had learnt the lesson a couple years ago about not being prepared for the unexpected so I had a bag on hand so that was all good. Anyway, Surat was about 30nm on the nose so I decided to descend and land there for him to get his bearings and stretch the legs. A flick in the ERSA revealed no info on the place so I just over flew and landed with a broadcast on 126.7 Nice little strip too, all bitumen and even lighted - for the flying Doc no doubt.
  11. Okay, She'll probably shoot me later (though she won't get anymore plane rides if she does that )... but I found some of her first Drifter experience... Oh dear, when will you ever learn...
  12. Hmm, time off work equals no money in the bank, equals not a happy bank manager... I'll pass that onto someone though, who could be interested.
  13. I hope you're not just doing that to annoy me Miss aviatrix! Spitefires are better, that's all there is to it... Hey, I was flying before she was!! You can probably blame me for her Drifter disease too...
  14. Pure skill! If you hurry up and get that ticket.. you can take my plane for a fly! Priorities girl! Who cares about Uni anyway....
  15. Depends, but the nearest is roughly about 50mtrs away...
  16. Hey! Great to hear from you! Betcha I know who you are...
  17. Reminds me of a wedding once, it was so moving even the cake was in tiers...
  18. Oh yeah... I guess that is a bit of an exaggeration... 4 minutes probably safer!
  19. I love the difference of different aircraft, go for a burn in a 30kt 95:10 ultralight and then jump in a C206, C210 or something... pure bliss! I know, I'm blessed to have that experience... The faster the aircraft the more prepared you need to be. Have a plan at your 10 mile call as to what you will be needing to do (well, it's good to have a plan even before then, but you get the drift). Because you'll be overhead in 2 minutes! I love the challenge it gives!
  20. Yes, put under pressure and things get missed. I must say that's the worst thing I've seen though, leaving a cover on the tail!!
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