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Everything posted by Tomo

  1. G'day Bill! Welcome along, hope you enjoy your stay! The Ryan aircraft are pretty interesting, are you thinking of putting an inline or radial engine in yours?
  2. Went for a quick flight this morning with some friends to show them around the area - in the mighty C172 (180hp version ) It was -2 degrees when I took this photo... it's getting pretty cold out here. Had to rub all the ice off, something my fingers really didn't appreciate! Spectacular! Farmer artwork! Was a very pleasant flight once we got out of the cold!
  3. Yes I've worn them for a few years now, and that include two strokes, 447, 503, 582 etc... And the 912(s) etc... Even open cockpits in my helmet. I find they are good, basically just an earplug actually, so if you fit them correctly it's going to be as good as you get with that type of blockage. I didn't buy them from an Aussie supplier no, if you google quiet technologies there's a website there that you can purchase from. Actually just ordered a handful of new earpieces last night from them. Once you get used to them they are good value.
  4. Howdy Hongie! Yep that was probably me, in the J2 Auster video no doubt. Mine are Quiet Technologies, or Halo. But the Clarity Aloft headsets are pretty much the same thing, just a little more advanced Personally I love mine, very comfortable, great noise reduction, and I haven't had one ounce of trouble with the Mic or speakers. One thing about them though is it may take you about 10 seconds longer to put on then your average headset. I can wear this inside a motor bike helmet, beanie, with an Akubra etc... it's light, and compact - can carry it around in your back pocket if you fancy doing such a thing. In short, I like wearing mine.
  5. I'll bring it over one day and you can take it for a fly Rob!
  6. Hey Pud, would have been cool to catch up, but I have to be home by August as I have a gig I'm working on for then! Thanks for the contacts Maj, will give him a yell and see what he says! Was talking to the lady at the aero club yesterday and sounds like a great spot, and very helpful in everything. And they have a fair range of various aircraft. Even a RAA rego'd CT!
  7. Great little place! Look forward to maybe dropping in when this event is on! What date would it be Graham? Here's a couple shots I took when I was there last in the 206
  8. Ouch! Pretty good example of the torque involved when that power pulls in!
  9. You're certainly flying high to be a comedian Tubz!
  10. Hey there! We're finally heading off for a bit of a holiday as a family at the end of this week, packing up the trailer and camping gear and heading bush! One of the destinations will be Alice Springs, so I thought it'd be interesting to hire a plane and do a bit of flying around the area whilst I'm there. http://www.alicespringsaeroclub.com.au/ This mob seem good, and I will call them tomorrow and find out what they say. But in the mean time I thought I'd just put it out there and see if anyone is from the area, and places to look at etc etc... apart from the usual of course. Thanks
  11. Yes I was taught that also, very relevant for towing gliders, on a stiff crosswind - which is usually the case when at the gliding field!! you're running along on one wheel till you get the correct speed up for a positive gentle break away. The thing to think about there also is, if the glider pilot doesn't correct for the crosswind enough or does something it can jerk you back and if you haven't positive climb out speed on it can drop you back on the ground! A lot happens on those take offs!
  12. Yeah it's good fun Maj! Haha, plenty of room before the line, I kept it in ground effect for a bit to get some speed up and make sure everything is good. Bit of a habit for the first flight of the day if the strip is long enough, especially when you pull the plane apart and put it back together fairly often, etc...
  13. If I worked on 77kg for two people in a two seat aircraft, I can take a 95kg passenger
  14. So That's what they're up too!! Been watching the progress of that for a while now, but didn't know what the plan was... should be great, even closer to my place!
  15. Spent hours once talking to a check in security chap who worked at Brisy airport I think it was - it was almost a comedy show listening to the stories he could tell of the things he sees people trying to take onto aircraft. Most absurd thing I remember was some chap with a pulled apart chainsaw as carry on baggage... I mean... It was hilarious hearing some of the stuff people do. I guess that's why we have what we have... unfortunately it seems some aren't getting any smarter!
  16. Thanks guys, it's pretty fun flying around, and not costing you a fortune! Actually really cheap, only uses around 9, 10ltrs hour when cruising around so far. Glad you like the music, I'll pass it on to Deano
  17. G'day! Have you checked your exhaust system at all? If there is a loose baffle or something floating around inside restricting, opening up the flow it will cause problems. Also is it single or dual CDI, or points ignition? twin or single carb? I've got a single CDI single carb 447 in my plane and it will hand prop start after five swings of the prop, or with the electric starter pretty much straight away! Make sure also, that the little fuel pump that runs off the crankcase is working.
  18. Good one Motz, wondered how long it will be before you said that!
  19. With that title, it could easily be a Political show...
  20. Yeah thought I'd use the grass since that's what Louis does... no flaps on this one. It felt almost exactly like a J3 Cub in the air, bit easier on the ground than the cub due to the fact you can actually see a tiny bit out the front! Actually surprised myself with the landings, must be a particular J2 Auster that is easy to land! Not a lot at mighty Pittsworth, only fun thing would be Louis's plane! (actually a real nice little airfield... but sshh we don't everyone to know that!) Sorry about the video not working on mobile devices, silly Youtube decided the soundtrack I'm using this time didn't allow for it work. You'll just have to use the computer instead.
  21. That looks great Arthur! Tex is bringing out that brolga three bladed prop this weekend off of a Skydart to see if it will fit, but I have my doubts, so will no doubt get you to finish that one off for me. I'll let you know next week sometime. Thanks!
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