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Everything posted by Tomo

  1. Thanks. It's a challenge sometimes! But I enjoy towing, it keeps you flying accurate and on the ball. You can tell what stage a glider pilot is up to when towing them... the top pilots you literally hardly feel them on behind, beginners, well... you keep your hand near the eject lever!
  2. Looks like a dramatic case of tail heaviness!
  3. Yay! Know what it's like to have your own aircraft to play with now, so good! Well done
  4. Nearly seems that way doesn't it!
  5. Funnily enough I've never had a drama at Emerald, or anywhere for that matter! Flew a plane up there not long ago and stopped for a refuel. Waltzed into the terminal and did what I had to do - have a look around, stretch the legs etc... and then the chap let me back out the door. He did say next time I need to wear a hi vis vest, which I do from now on. Flew commercial back home a couple days later and went through without an issue. (other than the plane running an hour half late) My dad on the other hand, you can pretty much guarantee that he'll be the one picked for a drug test, or bag check!
  6. Apart from all the standard things like, screws missing, wheel spats falling off, flat spots on tires, loose tail wheel leaf springs, missing inspection covers in fabric wings, or loose ones, stiffs controls, loose cables, weeping fuel drains, cracked spinner, leaking prop (CSU) etc... the most surprising thing I discovered was a broken spark plug on a Rotax 582. Only reason I found it is I have the habit of checking the leads on the plugs and as I wiggled it, it came off in my hand, with half the plug in-side it! And no, I didn't bend it and break it off! Upon inspection it had been cracked for some time...
  7. Is this the one you got Matt to sign under the wing at Bundy airshow? If so I was the one there with Matt at the time. You do a beautiful job of building them amazing.
  8. I know a guy in Fairbanks, he said he'll take me around the place when I go to visit, in his bush plane... can't wait!!
  9. Awesome, great stuff! Thanks for sharing! Here's a bit of formation stuff that I've had the opportunity to experience.
  10. A great place, flew my mates 206 over there a few months ago to have a look around.
  11. Oh man, that kid is my new hero, what a legend!
  12. I'm surprised no one has offered any advice on how to remove your tail sandman, I would love to help but having never done it, it would be like a blind man leading a blind man! Farri, or Maj Millard I'm sure will be able to help out if they come across this question.
  13. Hey Adam! sorry about the delay, have been working like a madman the last couple days, and still more to come it seems! But yeah, I'm pretty skinny so performance is always good! It reminded me a bit of the J3 Cub actually, except this goes faster and more power! And you can actually see out the front a little bit.
  14. Drifter I'm guessing
  15. Yay!! Well done Capt'n, I reckon the most important thing about nav flights, other than weather, etc... is fuel planning! Bit embarrassing running out of fuel, as they say.. But you'll be right of course, keep up the good work.
  16. Yes, sorry it's always between aircraft for separation etc... so licensed operators only. Section 1.3 of that link -
  17. Louis let me take him into Toowoomba in his plane today, flies really well! Love it! I was expecting it a bit hard to land, but it was very easy to make a good landing out of it, even in todays mad wind. Lovely aircraft to fly. Quick happy snap of the two toys this afternoon... more to come in the next couple days hopefully - when we both get time!
  18. It's a known that if you need to chat for separation etc.., use the chat channel! i.e. 123.45... I know I use that a bit around the properties in aircraft that aren't fitted with UHF yet. (edited version)
  19. Don't be discouraged Sally, please.
  20. Well, today I was working in the workshop, and I parked my plane out the front which was a bit of a bad idea as I kept looking out and seeing it and the beautiful day above! But I decided to go for a quick flight in my lunch break, didn't have much time left for eating, but don't want to let such a minor technicality get in the way of flying! Anyway here's a few photos from my phone, should have taken my camera up as it turned out to be a spectacular day! Parked out the front - it is tied down by the way, just can't see the white rope! Neighbours... Taken out the air vent hole Beautiful day Cecil Plains Cotton gin Looking easter over Cecil Plains..
  21. Haha, I was just trying to be nice! Mind you there's some decent drivers out here in the country, It blows my mind when one goes into town though...
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