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Everything posted by Tomo

  1. Where abouts do you crop dust Kiwiwcrusader? I've got three Rec fly headsets for my passengers, plus a flightcom one that came with my plane. As others have said, they are great for those shorter flights with people and for their cost, they are quite good. Ultimately the Bose, or Zulu's will be the bee knees but you pay for it! Personally I use Clarity Aloft earpiece headset. It's my favourite, and people do often comment on the clarity of my coms. Plus I can wear a helmet over it, or my leather flying helmet etc... or my Akubra...
  2. Sweet! yeah I'm north, north west to you, direct west from Brisbane actually about 350klm. I don't want to sound discouraging, but going from a Gazelle or C150 to a thruster is one mighty leap for man! If you're ever up this way I can take you up in an aeroplane or two...
  3. I was going to research this tonight, but ran out of time so may as well just put it out there... though don't shoot me down if it's a bit of an obvious question! Was just wondering if you can fly a 2 stroke aircraft into a Class D aerodrome, i.e controlled airspace. I can even install an encoded transponder for such a thing, but is it possible in the regs? I recall somewhere you need a certified engine for controlled airspace, I'm assuming 2 stroke rotax engines aren't a certified aircraft engine!? I know of people that have flown Drifters into Class C airspace, and landed at aerodromes as such, but never heard how they got about doing it. Thanks!
  4. I probably should have worded it better... Was trying to say, the slower the aircraft the smaller the 'radius' of turn for a given bank angle. Sorry folks!
  5. Woohoo! Looking official now... good to see CASA's jumped in and helping out. Should see you there I hope!
  6. G'day Adam! I'm west of Toowoomba at Cecil Plains, will have to catch up sometime!
  7. Don't forget the slower the aircraft the quicker the turn, try something like that at 65,70kts and you'll use all your height in just the turn. At 35-40kts things are much different!! Trikes are a bit different to 3 axis as well... so don't think it's, 'all okay' 'cause he did it!
  8. Talking to Kiwi and he's gonna get you to bring it out next time if you can?
  9. Aeroplane, aircraft work... airplane is just... not complete somehow. By the way, Nev is on a roll tonight, or would that be a plane?
  10. G'day Jono! Where abouts do you hale from? What sort of aircraft you learning in? Welcome to the forums!
  11. Just tried calling Kiwi but just rang out.... anyway all I need to know is what length the blades are from the hub? That is my problem... the distance from the hub to the tail boom isn't much! The prop on it now is 45.5inches long and there's only about an inch of clearance.
  12. The thing is, there has been a few fatal crashes lately that was the result in turn back, crash, die scenarios... guess what, all from high time experienced pilots. As Motz said when something such as the engine stopping happens, your ability drops significantly! I had an engine failure about two years ago on take off, was only about 10ft off the ground and still had runway in front so just put it down and came to a screeching halt just in time! I couldn't really recall what I had even done during that stoppage period, once on the ground I noticed I'd pulled throttle to idle and landed the aircraft and applied brake. The point I'm trying to make is, when something happens your head turns to glue, so it needs to be totally second nature to do the things you need to do. An engine failure at height you have a minute or two to gather your thoughts, near the ground you have seconds. Turning back will work when you're at 100% as it's just a low flying manoeuvre... chuck a mushed brain into the party and you are pretty much asking for trouble.
  13. Reading in the RA mag "Sport Pilot" in the letters to the editor I came across something that I just wanted to make sure gets out there. Kevin doesn't mince words and what he says I feel needs to be echoed over and over. I hope you don't mind me posting what you said here Kevin! Below is written by CFI Kevin Walters: Good stuff I reckon.
  14. Hmm I think it's 6 inch mirror this one, he's in the planning stages for an 8 inch mirror. Here's a photo of it, made it all himself, no plans. Not bad for a 15yr old!
  15. Thanks Andy, I'll pass on the compliment. We were pretty fortunate to just have to walk out the front door and see it all!
  16. Mate, that song for your wife is brilliant, you sing that with so much heart it's just beautiful. Credit to you, what great words also. When I get a chance I'll go through more of your other songs, but I'm already a fan of you just from that song. I'm involved a bit in the music thing as well, but mainly play Saxophone in a worship band, piano and some singing.
  17. And just incase you missed the it the other day also... Here's s photo from my brothers telescope - photo taken by Brady Scott, telescope designed and made by Jonah Scott
  18. I've only done one wheeler in it, which was my third ever landing in the plane, the one in this video being the second. But it was pretty easy, just wait till the mains touch and check forward a bit and it just sat there nicely. I let the tail down a bit fast though and it started flying again so had to then three point it in another landing! But I know for next time now to let it come down by itself or at least be slower first. I did stall it with power off after a few with a bit of power, until I was happy with the way it recovered, and it still like to drop a wing, more so to the right than anything, but it was easy to recover. Be interesting to see how it stalls with the engine off... Thanks for your support, and everyone else's also, thanks guys.
  19. My name is Tom... surprise surprise! proud descendant of the Scott clan...
  20. We can't control when we will be taken from this earth Dazza.
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