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Everything posted by Tomo

  1. Sitting here I just had a thought. The aircraft was obviously on fire at some stage, I wonder if it was an inflight fire? With that in mind, whether it being the issue here, do we take enough precautions for fire prevention? I've see people with melted flight suits from trikes when sitting in the back seat.
  2. Cool! I guess the camera is mounted higher than a persons head! I do enjoy flying the J230, or J430 which I've done more in these days. That and the J120 are my two favourite Jabs
  3. For me at least, medical is once every four years, BFR every two years and that's it. RAA is BFR every two years and annual membership. Not complaining at all, and I know we get stuff out of the membership, but it does work out cheaper for me to keep my GA license. Depends on the aircraft hire thing, I can hire various GA aircraft for a reasonable price. It's not what you know, it's who you know in the aviation world. Ownership of a GA plane is more expensive though, mainly 'cause they're so old!! Unless it's an ultralight or something these new 100k RAA planes are no where near as cheap to hire as some think. I can hire a Cherokee 140 for $90 hr dry... or Warrior for $190 wet, G1000 Cessna for $210 wet etc... so really, like I said once you're there, it's not actually that bad compared to hiring a two seat high performance aircraft. Find flying buddies and it costs you even less! Yes there are places out there that are a fortune to hire from, but shop around and get yourself out there! Saying that I flew my plane for about an hour yesterday and only cost me about $15 in fuel! Not keeping current is everywhere I'm afraid, and not just in the form of aviation!
  4. Nice work, lovely landing. Out of interest, was that full flap? attitude out the front looked like 1 stage, 70kts approach?
  5. Yes that's probably true, not overly concerned, stall symptoms are very obvious before it actually 'lets' go so that's good. (stick shakes quite a lot) Can't say I'm that good Nev! But it's not that bad on the ground, grass would be nice, or gravel, but my strip near home is all wet and the gravel one had black soil up the edges which I decided wasn't a good move to use when I'm not used to the aircraft, be a bit sad running off the gravel and hit the soft stuff! Which is why I headed into Dalby. Holding the stick lightly is certainly the way to go for a smooth flight. Haha, I was still figuring if I had control, seems I did 'cause I'm still here!!
  6. All depends on the aircraft! I do glance at the ASI these days to see if it's moving in all aircraft, as one time I took off in the Drifter and was turning crosswind before I even looked down and noticed I had no airspeed indication. Went around the circuit and landed and fixed the problem - which was the pitot tube on the back of the pitot had come off. But seriously, the more advance the aircraft the more careful you need to be. When I'm flying a CSU aircraft it's rpm/manifold pressure, ASI, and a quick glance at fuel flow, doesn't hurt. Anyone should be able to fly without instruments, if you haven't done it yet and you've got a certificate/license, get an instructor in there with you and go do it till you can comfortably.
  7. Patience and dedication! Seriously though, if you have a few dollars to spare and want to learn something new, do it! It will make you a better pilot.
  8. Yes it's pretty cool! Smokey took it for a run yesterday while I went for a blast in his Drifter! It's actually quite easy to land, very pitch sensitive as to be expected with the all flying elevator, but three points just like a drifter. Actually wheelers pretty well too, though gotta be patient to get the tail down otherwise it just flies again! It was quite windy yesterday and had a fair cross wind which is why it probably looks harder, and I came in way to fast!
  9. I hope I'm getting used to it! Though that was my second landing I'd done in it, so it's not that hard if I can do it! Yeah stall was really interesting, I was still a little unsure if I had enough weight up front so was being careful how hard I stall it. I kept a little bit of power on which is probably why it dropped to the right, then I put some left rudder in to stop it and then it flicked to the left, so it's pretty sensitive. Recovery is good though... but it's quick at rolling over! Flicks over and down very fast! Was going to go flying today too, but it's raining here now...
  10. Here's a short video of a flight I did yesterday around Dalby - had to trailer it in there and take off from there as the runway I was using here at home is all mud at the moment from some rain! Flew if for about 45minutes, and so far the only things I want to change are the propeller... the harmonic frequency is terrible, and it's not getting full RPM either, so once we rectify that just imagine how much more performance this thing will get! Want to make the rudder travel a bit further too, rudder pedal adjust issue as there's plenty of room at the rudder itself. Home you enjoy
  11. Oh my goodness! I'm lost for words... I've dealt with David a bit over time, just can't believe it was him.
  12. You're a funny one... it was flying of course!
  13. I heard once of a C206 in Alaska on charter got hit by turbulence and ended up, up-side-down... the girl flying just rolled it back over and continued on... ops normal!
  14. I like optimistic people that appreciate what they've got, onya 68Volksy! As for flight manual, what happens if your RA plane doesn't exist with one!? At least it will save terrorist attacks, 'cause they won't be able to read the manual to know how to get off the ground! From memory all you need in a GA plane is the valid MR (which is your rego sticker effectively) and a POH - it's so when you're bored at 9500ft on flight following with auto pilot set you have something to do, like read how to operate the aircraft.
  15. The expensive part is getting the GA license, once you have it, it's cheaper to maintain than an RA certificate I reckon. Opens up many opportunities, just depends on what you want to do with your flying I guess.
  16. Oops, to do that in a Warrior you'd have to be pretty skilled!!
  17. Well it flys!! Did some work on it this morning before work and decided to do some high speed taxi runs again, with the wings on this time!! And since my rego had all come through this morning I didn't need any excuse to not see how it went. After a couple runs, I lifted it off the deck about a foot for a 100mtrs or so, and put it back down gently. Happy how it felt, backtracked and did it again but this time keeping a good ear on the engine and an eye on the egt temps I lifted it off and climbed away at about 65kts, which was about 800fpm from memory. Did a gentle left turn and kept climbing above the runway in an orbit to about 2000ft above ground. Throttled back and just cruised along for a minute or so, then gently pulled off power and held about 55kts which seemed a comfortable speed for glide at the time. Did a couple more orbits overhead and did a bit of a circuit pattern and come in for a fly down the strip. Levelled off at about 2ft and power back to full. I should add I have a low level endorsement, and owners permission for low flying! Went around the circuit again and pulled up for a landing, which was pretty much a non event, three pointed very smoothly, remarkably easy to land and handle on the ground. Here's a couple photos. Will get a video made up tomorrow or the next day when I get a chance, of the flight. Getting ready... All clear?! In the air Cruising along, once settled down it cruises about 70kts at 5800 or so
  18. This got the wing warp for banking?
  19. Thanks Wayne, I'll double check the tie wire on the springs, and consider the silicone. I know, sorry Rob!! But why do I need to buy one when I can fly yours?! Nah seriously though, I would have if I could have afforded it, next time!
  20. Never owned any games, or devices as such. Only game I have is flight sim! And I rarely use that now-a-days. Can't stand the virtual stuff, gotta get out there and 'be' the game!
  21. Thanks Maj, sounds good! I'm already in the process of replacing the fuel line with 'actual' fuel line. Black rubber fuel line should be okay? Laying in bed last night I actually thought about that switch guard, thanks for that. What would you reccomened instead of the fuel bulbs? Fit an electric pump? if so what is the max pressure output allowed? I'm assuming no more than 2psi? Roger that about the green nuts on the starter, and air filter, I was was planning on doing something about that as soon as I can. Does it need to be a calibrated filter for the 447, or can I just put on a normal K&N pod filter? (of correct size obviously) Muffler is safety wired in place, but I'll double check all that for sure. There is rubber hose on the pulse pump Funny thing is I knew exactly what it is David! I even made one as a kid... well as a younger kid..
  22. Haha, that's just a ground for the RX shield!
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