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Everything posted by Tomo

  1. Not a bad log there, seems a bit of a strange sequence though. I've ran this now over 30min on the ground (not in one go), at various RPM's.
  2. You're starting to sound like me Maj!! Looks like a nice aeroplane indeed, gotta love that higher speed stuff don't you! Gear extension speed, flap speed all makes much better sense once you start going fast... I remember doing my RG endorsement cruising along at 160kts in the Cessna on downwind, it means you have to forward plan a bit more than the average Drifter type stuff!
  3. Done a bit more to it this afternoon! And here is a small, dodgy video of the engine running - sorry about the quality, it was getting a bit dark and the camera didn't like it at all! Ran it for a while, full power tied to the post I get about 6100rpm, which seems about right, will see what it gets in the air. Temps were all looking good after about 4-5min on full power. EGT's were even. Here are some photos... Behind the instrument panel, I pulled the top cover off to inspect and also rotate the toggle switches so down is OFF! Also fitted some headset jacks in the side panel Battery, not a huge fan on where this is located on the tank, so in future might make a sealed case for it or relocate it. Storage compartment under seat Carby side of engine Some close ups Prop Exhaust system Bit closer up Tail assembly Another side view Looking forwards, I still have the top off the instrument panel Front wing pin attachment point There you go... bit more, I think I'm almost ready for an airborne run... this weekend probably.
  4. Thanks for the heads up Paul. I was looking at a Petrel the other day, and was interested to see there is no canopy latch, it just sits down and held there by slip stream obvisouly. At first I thought it a silly idea, but when you think about it, would certainly be very good in a submarine effect. All you have to do was unbuckle and push the lid up.
  5. TSO can also be used as "That's So Old"
  6. Very nice, done a bit in the good O'l 182 myself. Love the 206 more though! I've never flown in a Powered chute, but they do look like a lot of fun, and something I hope to have a go at one day. Have fun in your adventures!
  7. Even on the roughest of days, it's still smoother than driving on our roads out here!
  8. What did you fly in your GA days? Trike'n or Drifter'n is the next best thing since sliced bread, ever get the chance to have a go in one it will change your whole mind on aviation! So much fun.
  9. Thanks Gareth! I've lost count, but something like 28 different types... You're welcome anytime.
  10. Hey Maj, sounds like it! Pretty happy with everything so far, might change the fuel tank down the track, and put a different prop on. And a few other little things here and there, but overall seems like a pretty good little design. Can't wait to see how it fly's though... next week sometime maybe if the weather is okay.
  11. Wow, how amazing is creation!
  12. 40kts I think, wasn't taking a lot of notice as I was watch where I was going! And its just a dirt road airstrip next door to our place, my neighbours actually. Thanks again to everyone else, and the advice, very much appreciated!
  13. Thanks FT, I will most certainly do that. Haven't any insurance but most 2 strokes I've flown don't because it's to much trouble to do so. Here's a small video of me taxiing it this morning. Need to run the sled over the strip to get rid of all the tracks! As you can see in the video the gusts were blowing me around a bit, but rudder response was surprisingly good.
  14. Yeah it's the gliding club, only a 20min drive so flying will take about 5min! It's a 447 SCDI David Yeah, I went and did some tail up taxiing this morning down the strip - without the wings so as not to fly, was very touchy on the rudder but it had good authority and left right brakes are good fun for turning on the spot! I videoed it so I'll see if I can upload a bit of it. About a 15kt crosswind today so makes you work the feet, but I found it pretty well did what you told it to do.
  15. They haven't any choice! Haha... I'll be using it for transport to and fro no doubt in the future. Yeah done that. Single carb - probably why it runs so smooth.
  16. After work tonight, flushed out the fuel line with some fresh fuel and put fresh stuff in tank, put some new plugs in and hit the starter... fired up first go and ran very smoothly! Very happy with it! I like the fact It has cylinder head temp gauge as well as ECG temps. Makes monitoring much easier. Can't wait to see what it's like to taxi, and fly!
  17. Yes indeed! Fortunately the tank has been drained so that helps that issue. I'll flush out the lines though and put a new filter on.
  18. Thanks heaps everyone!! Looking forward to getting it out of the trailer properly sometime and cleaning it all up etc... I'll try and answer all the questions below, hopefully it works! It got quite a few looks put it that way! No one actually said anything though... Haha, I'll just leave you in suspense on that one! At this rate, might not be till next week, I have to wait till I receive the new rego card before I can fly it, so hopefully that is sooner rather than later., but I'll give the engine a run either tomorrow morning or in the coming days. Working the big hours you don't have a lot of time for other things! Sure, I'll do what I can when I can! The fuel is in a tank behind the seat- (It's not part of the seat). It used to have wing tanks but they were just a bad idea apparently and were scrapped pretty quick. Haven't completely rigged it out yet, but only takes a couple of minutes to get it out of the trailer, and the wings just go on with pins etc... (bit like a glider in a way). Need two people for that unless you were a contortionist or something. My friend and I put the left wing and tail on in about 5-10minutes I guess. Yes only single ignition No worries David, time gets away doesn't it! I'm sure we'll catch up somewhere in the near future one way or the other. I've flown a few flying elevators and have never had a problem, including the 95:10 Skyrider, which is just one big flat surface! I think flying tails are a little nicer to fly to be honest! Haha, well it would be nice to have two seats, but can only do what one can afford at the time! I'm sure I'll get up to that in the future... Or just do what I have been doing and borrow/hire the bigger planes!
  19. As the title indicates! I got myself a small aeroplane to play around with... on the road now actually as I write this, heading back home (co-pilot driving this leg). Headed down to Taree Sunday and picked it up. Also had the grand tour of Pylon's (Arthur's) hangar which is pretty impressive!! Lot's of great projects that makes you want to drool! Stayed the night back up at Coffs Harbour at my friends place. Anyway I'll just put up some photos... Haven't had a fly or run of it yet, hope to get to that this week sometime in-amongst all the work! Sun reflection of the aircraft in the trailer. We set it up a bit in the street! Instrument panel Only put one wing on... myself sitting in it. The trailer My friend posing... Enough for now.. I'll keep you all updated over the course of adventure!
  20. Don't we all, but no good going through life not being a little prepared! Bit like building a house without a roof, saying - "I don't want it to rain!" Guess who's gonna wish he had a roof if it ever rained?!
  21. Personal views only... and I've only done a little bit in a Foxbat A22 I would not like to be in a Foxbat crash. Foxbats are a little noisier and hotter inside I reckon. Jabiru 160 is harder to fly, and no where near the same STOL performance. Foxbat is easy to land, light and responsive controls and at slow speeds. The foxy's throttle is a little awkward. They are about the same 'trickiness' in getting in and out of the aircraft. You sit up a lot straighter in the foxy. To me they are two totally different aircraft, both are good in their own way.
  22. It ain't a purfekt world I'm aphraid.
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