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Everything posted by Tomo

  1. No, which has worked in well as now I'm going to go and pick up my plane on Sunday!
  2. It's what I call, "finding the ground" We all went through it, and still do from time to time! Every time I fly a different aircraft you have to fiddle and finesse around on that first landing and wait, wait... You can be shown all the techniques and what you need to do, but then it's up to you to find that sweet spot, and once you 'get' it, things start to progress pretty well. Probably a bit like the first time riding a bike without training wheels, it's really hard until one day it just 'clicks' and you then know what to look for. Sounds like you're going pretty well, but yes if you feel you just can't get it after a dozen circuits or so, sit back for a couple and let the instructor do it. It's good to see how it's done once in a while when learning. Anyway, just my 2 cents.
  3. Man alive, that's something to put in the log book eh?! But certainly something you wouldn't see me doing!
  4. Works good here Ian..
  5. I wonder the same Mark, I think half of the price is the engine though...
  6. You as PIC are responsible for your passengers, so you do what you have to do to ensure a safe flight. Whether that be putting them on the ban passenger list or finding a solution to the problem. Or weighing up the options on whether it's worth taking a passenger, it's your choice. Now you know about the phone thing, just alert them that if they want to take photos with their phone, it must be tethered in some way. In this day and age 90% of people will be using a phone for photos.
  7. Sounds great Pete, never been to one to be honest!
  8. That's just your excuse for low flying... I find wheelers need more speed otherwise you end up doing a tail low wheeler, which some people rather, but some pedantic pilots say it isn't a proper wheeler if you do that!
  9. It's true... I'm in there occasionally, but we really should set a date/time for everyone! I'm out for the next couple weeks, but I'm sure you others could all have a chat room night!
  10. It's still there Maj! Top right of the menu when you're on the forums tab. Or linke here http://www.recreationalflying.com/123flashchat.php
  11. Yellow is pretty tricky to see for some funny reason.
  12. Bit like the bloke that thought he was wrong, only to find out it was a mistake.
  13. It was pretty devastating. The only consolation you can get from it was it's good it didn't do it on the take off/landing roll
  14. Wow, that's amazing Alan!! Welcome along! Louis, you know that photo of the Auster and Tara, it would look brilliant in a painting I reckon hanging on the wall!
  15. If you have the qualification, and it's a designated low flying area, or you have owners permission, and are abiding by the clearance between people/buildings/main roads... nothing wrong with it at all. BUT! It's not good uploading a potential video as such and having no indication of the above...
  16. Yes I guess that's true about the misinterpreting thing...
  17. Having met the pilot concerned, he was a very, "she'll be right" type person. I refused to fly with him after an offer from him one time, I didn't know any of his past history at that time, but from what I saw I didn't feel right about it. I told him what he was doing wasn't right and he shouldn't. It was shrugged off. The maintanence side of things were a little concerning too but the initial behaviour was primarily the instigator to the accident in my opinion. Trishok and I have spoken at the time of the accident and she knows my thoughts.
  18. Why can't someone that has 'talked' to a board member post what they were told?! This secrecy biz is starting to make me wonder!
  19. Worth going to guys if you can make it, great fun! Here's a vid from last years - I won't be there this year unfortunately as my cousin decided to get married tomorrow and I'm going to the wedding!
  20. Or, weight even... Sorry, couldn't help myself Louis, anyone think you work in a Motel...
  21. You just might be lucky and they'll discover an aeroplane under all the dust!
  22. What aircraft would you be flying initially for your endorsement? I'm no CFI, but from my experience there is really no set way to do it, it's really up to how the aircraft likes to land, which basically means, it depends what aircraft it is. Generally speaking a three pointer is (in my opinion) the most bounce proof if done properly. Larger aircraft wheel on easier, from my little experience. A good wheeler takes a bit of mastering, I can only wheel certain aircraft without causing an unplanned show. But then again, that could be just me!
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